Killing Bin Laden


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Will Kathryn Bigelow's address and itinerary be given out to public domain?

If Kathryn Bigelow’s Movie About the Killing of Bin Laden Inflames Muslims Will the Brownshirts Be Sent to Her Home? | The Lonely Conservative

If Kathryn Bigelow’s Movie About the Killing of Bin Laden Inflames Muslims Will the Brownshirts Be Sent to Her Home?

John Nolte thinks the White House should insist that the movie “Zero Dark Thirty” be shelved because it could inflame the Muslim world.

Now that the White House and State Department have made clear that they believe movies compel terrorists to terrorize, it’s time for them to get ahead of this problem. And one thing the White House can do immediately is to pressure Sony to stop the release of director Kathryn Bigelow’s “Zero Dark Thirty,” which celebrates the killing of Osama bin Laden.

I’m only saying this because, you know, the White House and the media told me movies inflame and cause terrorism. …

Moreover, an excuse Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will not be able to use in the case of “Zero Dark Thirty” (as she did with “Innocence of Muslims”) is the cowardly and self-righteous claim that the federal government and the Obama White House had nothing to do with “Zero Dark Thirty.”

Because the federal government and the Obama White House had everything to do with “Zero Dark Thirty.”

As we now know, in an effort to get this glitzy in-kind contribution (tens of millions of dollars) up on the screen in time to affect the election, it was the Obama Administration that gave the filmmakers tons of encouragement and a troubling amount of access to all kinds of classified material. (Read More)

We all know that nobody will ask Bigelow not to release her movie, as it was made with the intention of making President Obama look good. He needs all the propaganda he can get. I just wonder if this movie does insult Muslims and sends them out rampaging in the streets if the authorities will send brownshirts to Bigelow’s home in the middle of the night like they did to the guy who made that obscure film they’re blaming everything on now. They probably won’t, you know, because in the Obama world some people are more equal and deserving of rights than others...
The white house better not try to stop the release of that film. obama's not that much of a dictator quite yet. If opportunistic terrorists want to use this film as an excuse for continued violence, then we deal with it.
Republicans will do anything to prevent the public from being reminded that President Obama killed bin Laden
There were no riots when Osama bib Laden was killed.

And there will be no riots when this movie is released.

Because the vast majority of muslims are in opposition to Osama bin Laden's actions. :cool:

Well said

But it won't stop Republican fear mongering
Annie, I thought you were smarter than this.

These posts make it seem as if Republicans are upset that bin laden is dead.
The Muslims are upset because the movie insults their beloved prophet. Bin Laden wasn't a prophet, he wasn't much of anything to them, in fact, most didn't want to be associated with him. The movie will be released with minimal fallout I predict.
Republicans will do anything to prevent the public from being reminded that President Obama killed bin Laden

So Nixon put a man on the moon?
The operation that killed OBL was on going for over 9 years before OBL was killed.
Same with the moon landing as JFK started it.
Republicans will do anything to prevent the public from being reminded that President Obama killed bin Laden

It was SEAL team 6 that killed bin Laden. And I remember that every day - and I thank them for it. Brave men who do what others take credit for... exceptional Americans.

However, the topic of this thread is the movie... and on that point, I would like to raise just one small, yet significant point. Muslims are offended by what they see as insults to their prophet, OBL was not their prophet so the OP's link is nothing more than hyperbole.
Republicans will do anything to prevent the public from being reminded that President Obama killed bin Laden

It was SEAL team 6 that killed bin Laden. And I remember that every day - and I thank them for it. Brave men who do what others take credit for... exceptional Americans.

However, the topic of this thread is the movie... and on that point, I would like to raise just one small, yet significant point. Muslims are offended by what they see as insults to their prophet, OBL was not their prophet so the OP's link is nothing more than hyperbole.

Adolph Hitler never killed any Jews
Osama bin Laden did not kill anyone on 9-11
Kennedy did not go to the moon
Teddy Roosevelt did not dig the Panama Canal

Yet they all received credit for it.
Try to learn what leadership is and what giving an order to do something entails
Republicans will do anything to prevent the public from being reminded that President Obama killed bin Laden

It was SEAL team 6 that killed bin Laden. And I remember that every day - and I thank them for it. Brave men who do what others take credit for... exceptional Americans.

However, the topic of this thread is the movie... and on that point, I would like to raise just one small, yet significant point. Muslims are offended by what they see as insults to their prophet, OBL was not their prophet so the OP's link is nothing more than hyperbole.

Adolph Hitler never killed any Jews
Osama bin Laden did not kill anyone on 9-11
Kennedy did not go to the moon
Teddy Roosevelt did not dig the Panama Canal

Yet they all received credit for it.
Try to learn what leadership is and what giving an order to do something entails

Something that OBL and BHO have in common... they both take credit for the sacrifice of others. I did not see that coming until you pointed it out. My bad. I don't remember anyone ever claiming that Kennedy went to the moon - particularly Kennedy himself... something that he and Obama do not have in common. Who'd have guessed that your president has more in common with a terrorist than a President of the United States. I find that funny.
It was SEAL team 6 that killed bin Laden. And I remember that every day - and I thank them for it. Brave men who do what others take credit for... exceptional Americans.

However, the topic of this thread is the movie... and on that point, I would like to raise just one small, yet significant point. Muslims are offended by what they see as insults to their prophet, OBL was not their prophet so the OP's link is nothing more than hyperbole.

Adolph Hitler never killed any Jews
Osama bin Laden did not kill anyone on 9-11
Kennedy did not go to the moon
Teddy Roosevelt did not dig the Panama Canal

Yet they all received credit for it.
Try to learn what leadership is and what giving an order to do something entails

Something that OBL and BHO have in common... they both take credit for the sacrifice of others. I did not see that coming until you pointed it out. My bad. I don't remember anyone ever claiming that Kennedy went to the moon - particularly Kennedy himself... something that he and Obama do not have in common. Who'd have guessed that your president has more in common with a terrorist than a President of the United States. I find that funny.
Please, please, please get Mitt Romney to claim that Obama and bin laden are alike.

Adolph Hitler never killed any Jews
Osama bin Laden did not kill anyone on 9-11
Kennedy did not go to the moon
Teddy Roosevelt did not dig the Panama Canal

Yet they all received credit for it.
Try to learn what leadership is and what giving an order to do something entails

Something that OBL and BHO have in common... they both take credit for the sacrifice of others. I did not see that coming until you pointed it out. My bad. I don't remember anyone ever claiming that Kennedy went to the moon - particularly Kennedy himself... something that he and Obama do not have in common. Who'd have guessed that your president has more in common with a terrorist than a President of the United States. I find that funny.
Please, please, please get Mitt Romney to claim that Obama and bin laden are alike.


Where the hell's Larry O'Donnell when you need him? He's a master at connecting dots that don't exist, a la Barry and Tiger Woods.
It was SEAL team 6 that killed bin Laden. And I remember that every day - and I thank them for it. Brave men who do what others take credit for... exceptional Americans.

However, the topic of this thread is the movie... and on that point, I would like to raise just one small, yet significant point. Muslims are offended by what they see as insults to their prophet, OBL was not their prophet so the OP's link is nothing more than hyperbole.

Adolph Hitler never killed any Jews
Osama bin Laden did not kill anyone on 9-11
Kennedy did not go to the moon
Teddy Roosevelt did not dig the Panama Canal

Yet they all received credit for it.
Try to learn what leadership is and what giving an order to do something entails

Something that OBL and BHO have in common... they both take credit for the sacrifice of others. I did not see that coming until you pointed it out. My bad. I don't remember anyone ever claiming that Kennedy went to the moon - particularly Kennedy himself... something that he and Obama do not have in common. Who'd have guessed that your president has more in common with a terrorist than a President of the United States. I find that funny.

Someone unable to differentiate the difference between what is ordered by leadership and those who execute the orders

An Oxford education will do that

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