‘Kill all white people’: Suspect in killings of five white men made threat in 2014

So there are 7 times more whites in the USA than blacks.

So for police killings of white people to be on the same scale as they are for black people. That figure of 269 should be 269*7 = 1883.

But if you factor in the rate of interactions with police that result in arrest, cops are slightly more likely to kill an unarmed white man.

Eleven days after a Ferguson, Missouri police officer set off a media frenzy and days of rioting and looting when he shot and killed a black man named Mike Brown, a white man named Terence Groessel was shot by Dallas, TX police officers, setting off...well, nothing.

In response to the Missouri shooting, thousands of protestors gathered from all over the country for night after night of molotov cocktails, tear gas, armored personnel carriers, businesses burnt to the ground, and, of course, the media circus. The response to the Texas shooting was decidedly more muted. When asked for a comment, a guest in the hotel behind which Mr. Groessel died told a reporter that he never liked to hear of someone losing his life, but he hoped justice was served.

“No justice. No peace”, chanted the peaceful protesters in Missouri. Then the sun went down and the peaceful protesters transformed into a violent mob. We are against looting and stuff, the New York Times editorialized, but here is the real problem. In the St. Louis area, whites tend to live in white neighborhoods and blacks tend to live in black neighborhoods. So right there you've got segregation. And the people in the white neighborhoods are generally richer and pretty much run things. So there's inequality. “It is clear”, explained the Times, noting the higher rate of traffic stops of blacks than whites in Ferguson, “that local governments have not dispensed justice equally”.

You see? No justice. And it is the local whites who are, clearly, the problem.

Thankfully, the New York Times has discovered a solution. The federal government “may be able to answer the many questions surrounding the death of Michael Brown”.

There are certainly questions surrounding the death of Mr. Groessel eleven days later in Dallas. Mr. Groessel was sitting in his pick-up truck in the parking lot of the hotel where he was a registered guest. The engine was idling, drawing the attention of two cops in a patrolling cruiser and leading them to wonder, inexplicably, whether the truck was stolen. With lights flashing, the cruiser pulled up behind the pick-up truck and the cops got out. As they approached the truck, say the cops, Mr. Groessel displayed a gun, whereupon the cops unloaded their weapons into the truck, striking Mr. Groessel twice in the abdomen. Still in his pick-up truck, Mr Groessel then fired his own gun into his own head, according to Dallas police, killing himself.

I can come up with a half dozen questions about that scenario just off the top of my head, yet even as I feel unmoved to go loot Dallas, the New York Times feels no need to encourage the feds to take over in the Groessel matter.

And the chief of police in Dallas is black.

(If you are reading this aloud to a friend, pause at this point and look up blankly at your friend as if waiting for a response. When your friend finally shrugs and says something like “so? what's that supposed to mean” you say “exactly” then look back down and continue reading).

Mr. Groessel wasn't even the first white man shot by Dallas police in the days following the shooting of Mike Brown in Ferguson, MO. Only one day after the Missouri shooting, an unarmed 26-year-old white man named Andrew Scott Gaynier was shot and killed by Dallas police officer Antonio Hudson when Gaynier lunged at the officer. Despite the obvious parallels between the Gaynier and Brown shootings, those crickets you hear chirping is the New York Times demanding justice for Mr. Gaynier.

The New York Times' call for “justice” for Mr. Brown lays the blame for the “fury” in the streets of St Louis on the “the white power structure that dominates City Councils and police departments like the ones in Ferguson”. It cites as proof of white oppression the whiteness of the mayor, the whiteness of the chief of police, and the whiteness of the city council of Ferguson. But, “the disparity is most evident in the Ferguson Police Department,” writes the New York Times, “of which only three of 53 officers are black.”

But hold on just a second there, New York Times editorial board. Only one of your 18 members is black. That makes the oppressive white power structure at the Ferguson police department slightly more black than the editorial board of the New York Times, which has no power at all.

To make its case against local whites the Times cites Missouri Department of Motor Vehicle data:

Blacks suffer traffic stops out of proportion to their numbers in the general population.
Most traffic cops are white.
Therefore, racism.
But a reasonably intelligent twelve-year-old could see the giant hole in that syllogism. Um, what if blacks break more traffic rules than whites? Assuming the intelligent adults writing op eds for the New York Times are at least as savvy as a twelve-year-old, you have to wonder why the editorial board would stake out its position in boob territory.

A look at the data from the Missouri DMV relied upon by the Times' editorial writers doesn't reassure. The very data the Times cites in support of its theory that injustices committed by whites are at the root of the fury in Missouri actually undermine the theory. That is, if you look at all the data.

While it is true that, proportionally, blacks are stopped for traffic violations more than whites in Ferguson, the same chart shows whites are stopped proportionally more than Latinos, Asians, Native Americans, and others. Did the editorial board miss that? If disproportionate ticketing by race is evidence of racial injustice, then the racist white cops of Ferguson are racist against whites in four out of five non-white racial groups.

The New York Times' argument that whites are responsible for blacks rioting and looting in Missouri collapses under its own absurdity, but the fact that the editorial writers took only the data that support their claim and discarded the data that flatten their house of cards suggests outright journalistic malfeasance.

So what gives with the Times?

Perhaps the answer can be found on the New York Times editorial page itself. Alongside the call for justice for Mike Brown appeared a piece “Why Jews Are Worried” in which we learn anti-Jewish attacks are on the rise in Europe, and, even though Muslims are the attackers, they are Europeans now and, anyway, white Christians are to blame for Muslim hatred of Jews since European missionaries “imported” anti-Semitism into the Middle East in the first place.

Yes, you read that right. According to an opinion piece appearing in the New York Times, white European Christians are to blame for Muslims not liking Jews.

If you notice a pattern, don't—that would make you a conspiracy nut—but if you were a newspaper hellbent on race war, you would faithfully republish everything having to do with race appearing on the opinion pages of the New York Times. If you are not a newspaper hellbent on race war, just keep repeating, "It is racist to notice the war on whites. It is racist to notice the war on whites. It is racist to notice the war on whites. "
The Zebra killers thought they were the good guys. The Hutus thought they were the good guys. The Bolsheviks thought they were the good guys. The Rotary Club thinks they are the good guys. Minnesotans think they are the good guys. So?
Everyone knows whites are not the only people who have done evil in history.

So to bring it up comes off as a weak “Everyone does it” excuse that eight-year-olds use.

But if whites are not the only evil people in history, then why write so much about them ?

For reasons of simple self-interest and self-understanding, the past, present and future of Black people concern me most. And in that history whites are the main evil.

I have to laugh at this whole privilege thing. It's a trope for the weak-minded without the character to look at life the way it really is. I've lived in all-black neighborhoods and all-white neighborhoods. I've seen the difference between how most black kids grow up and how most white kids grow up.

If you let your kids run around on the street until late at night, and don't make them do their homework or go to school even when they don't want to, and have a steady parade of dudes stopping through for some nookie, and throw your trash out on your back porch instead of walking 20 feet to the trash can, your kids are more likely to end up on the bottom of the social heap. Then to look over at the kids of the family that made their kids study and go to school and use trash cans and kept their legs closed to strangers and snivel about "privilege" is beyond pathetic
I don't believe you when say you have lived in all-black neighborhoods.

But just let's say you are not lying (Which I don't believe) then those who rationalize their racism on the basis of their personal experience are being highly selective when it comes to the experiences from which they think they should draw conclusions.

After all, if your negative experiences with blacks prove that blacks are bad people, then by definition, anyone who had had good experiences with black people would be able to say that all blacks are good people: an argument every bit as silly, but just as logical, given the original line of reasoning.

To draw conclusions about large groups (in the case of black folks, some 36 million people in the U.S.), based on one’s experiences with a handful of people from those groups is the very definition of statistical illiteracy. Even if you had encountered dozens of folks from a particular group who, for whatever reason, had rubbed you the wrong way, this would be such a small and obviously unrepresentative sample.

Plus how many bad experiences with other whites are u forgetting, which didn’t lead u to generalize about white folks as a group?

You have never been attacked by a black person, never been evicted by a black person, never had ur security deposit ripped off by a black landlord, never had a black person deny u a bank loan, never had a black person deny u a job, and uv never heard a black person say, "We're going to eliminate 500 jobs here — have a nice day!"

Blacks aren't leading the effort against white "racism". Jews are using blacks against whites. Blacklivesmatter was an invention of the New York Times and funded by George Soros. Hollywood stokes anti-white hatred and here you are obediently chirping out the talking points about "privilege" and so on. You are a dupe.
You mentioned BLM. Not me, So stop using BLM as straw man. Nowhere in any of my posts have mentioned BLM.

You are so full of hatred this is probably pointless, but what "system of racism" are you talking about?
Racism is both an ideology and a system.

As a system, racism is an institutional arrangement, maintained by policies, practices and procedures (both formal and informal) in which some persons typically have more or less opportunity than others, and in which such persons receive better or worse treatment than others, because of their respective racial identities.

Additionally, institutional racism involves denying persons opportunities, rewards, or various benefits on the basis of race, to which those individuals are otherwise entitled. In short, racism is a system of inequality, based on race

When will you condemn black racism?
Name one thing that black people (as a group) have stopped white people (as a group) from doing that they had a right to do ?

For example, denying them the right to work, own a home, live in a certain area, get a just trial, an education, or use any public facility.

I’m not talking about people harming people.

A black person can come up to a white person and bash their skull with a rock because he doesn’t like white people but that is not racism, that is an one individual acting as one individual and there is no system in place that will support his right to harm you.

However, white policeman murder black people on a often and get away with it because there is a system in place that allows them to do it. (the courts, the police, the judge, the prison).

And as can be seen from this clip, cops know it too

A black person in an authority position can discriminate against a white person but this kind rarely happens because

A) Black people are still statistically rare relative to whites in authority
B) In most cases, there are authorities above those black people who are white, and who would not stand for such actions
E) Even in cases where a black person sits atop a power structure (as with President Obama), he was not truly free to do anything to oppress or marginalize white people (even were he so inclined), given his own need to attract white support in order to win election or pass any of his policy agenda.

There are no institutional structures in the U.S. in which black people exercise final and controlling authority: not in the school systems, labor market, justice system, housing markets, financial markets, or media.

As such, the ability of black folks to oppress white people does not exist.

White people are the only people on the planet who have devised a system to mistreat people based on skin color alone. This system embraces every aspect of human existence (education, economic, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex, and war)

Black can't be racist. We do not have a system that allows us to mistreat people based on color.

When people talk about black people being racist what they are talking about is name calling. As Tariq Nasheed says

This reminds me of something a white man said about a few years ago.

He said “thanks to black racism,” whites wouldn’t feel safe, standing on a street corner in the inner-city".

Even though that's not true (Because blk people are well aware of the harsher penalties they get for harming a white person) seeing as how there aren’t a bunch of white people fighting for the right to stand on the street corner in the inner city hardly indicates a disadvantage suffered by whites.

That this was the worst, most horrific example of black racism this white man could muster up proves that systematic black racism does not exist.
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As such, the ability of black folks to oppress white people does not exist.

White people are the only people on the planet who have devised a system to mistreat people based on skin color alone. This system embraces every aspect of human existence (education, economic, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex, and war)

Black can't be racist. We do not have a system that allows us to mistreat people based on color.
Robert Mugabe says that the killers of Zimbabwe's white farmers will not be prosecuted
the even worse Saint James Church massacre in South Africa, where Black South African anti-Apartheid terrorists opened fire on Whites?
If a man comes into your home and breaks down your door and stomps all over your family and puts you under his heel for years.

Do you feel you have the right to kill that man ?
the even worse Saint James Church massacre in South Africa, where Black South African anti-Apartheid terrorists opened fire on Whites?
If a man comes into your home and breaks down your door and stomps all over your family and puts you under his heel for years.

Do you feel you have the right to kill that man ?

So, those Whites going to church in South Africa, had it coming to them, huh?

I'm so glad, you're not a violent savage. LOLOLOL
So, those Whites going to church in South Africa, had it coming to them, huh?

I'm so glad, you're not a violent savage. LOLOLOL
No white person is African

If you come into someones home and try and shit on them. They can't complain at the tactics that you use to get them out of your home.

And see this is thing and cowardly nature of white people, when you treat them, the way they treat you, all of sudden all bets are off, all of sudden "Hey, wait a minute, your a savage"
You might be too filled with BLM hatred to bother with, but I'll give it one shot.
There is no equivalence between black anger and white racism.

For the same reason, you cannot understand the violence of slave revolts without the context of the evil plantation system.

White people love to re-frame the argument in terms of hate so you can claim that black people hate too. The onus then falls on black people not to hate whites. If only you didn’t hate white people they wouldn’t be racist. Say that out loud and digest how ludicrous it is.

Read my words. Instead of trying to read my mind.

You do realize, don't you, that more unarmed whites are killed by cops than unarmed blacks, right?

The USA is 72% white (Approx). Black people 10% (Approx) of the USA population.

So there are 7 times more whites in the USA than blacks.

So for police killings of white people to be on the same scale as they are for black people. That figure of 269 should be 269*7 = 1883.

If you can show me a black man who could do this and still be alive I’d love to see it.

If white people object to white people being killed then white people should protest about police brutality against whites on the same scale that Blacks do

If all people are really suffering from police brutality equally, then wouldn’t you think that Whites should be complaining about the police, rather than complaining about black people complaining about the police ?

But white people will support harsher government policies if they’ll hurt blacks. even if they could potentially be used against whites too.

It’s an example of cutting off your nose to spite your face.

You do realize, don't you, that black cops are as likely to kill unarmed civilians as white cops, don't you?
Black cops are capable of internalizing and then acting upon the same anti-black prejudices and stereotypes as white cops.

The culture of law enforcement encourages a siege mentality among its members, and this mentality often plays out in a racist fashion, no matter the colour of the person wearing the uniform.

You do realize, I hope, that interracial violence is overwhelmingly a matter of black violence against whites?

Dylan Roof was publicly excoriated across the board. His act triggered the end of the Confederate flag which has led to all these monuments being torn down. He will be put to death.
What the Judge said to Dylan Roof.

“We have victims, 9 of them, but we also have victims on the other side…victims on this young man’s side of the family.”

Even in his killings Roof got sympathy.

Roof deserves to live the next 100 years in a prison where all the inmates, staff – everyone – is Black.

Let him exist as the sole white person in an ocean of Blackness.

And maybe he will be put to death but that's only because he admitted to it. What else could they do ? He could have easily played the "mentally stable" card" and escaped the death sentence.

But white boys like Roof think they are the ones getting mistreated.

They value victim status because they’re a cult. A cult can never be the oppressor. It always has to be oppressed. That’s what keeps the members insular. They have to stay in the cult because they’re being attacked by forces from outside.

Every bunch of bad guys has to think they’re the good guys.

The KKK thought they were the good guys.
The Nazis's thought they were the good guys.

Despite the world of outrageous privilege whites generally live in. White supremacists think they’re getting the short end of everything. It’s mind-boggling that they could think that but it’s how they see the world.
most of the police shootings are undeniably justified as self defense
blacks murder at over SEVEN times the rate of whites !! not 2, not 3, not 5, not 6, but SEVEN times the rate of whites
'''According to the US Department of Justice, African Americans accounted for 52.5% of all homicide offenders from 1980 to 2008, with whites 45.3% and "Other" 2.2%. The offending rate for African Americans was almost 8 times higher than whites, and the victim rate 6 times higher.'''
black population 12.7%...murders 52% !!!!
Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia
in is UNDENIABLE that blacks murder much, much, much more per capita than whites ..over SEVEN times !!

blacks commit hate crimes at over TWICE the rate of whites
let me say again --blacks commit hate crimes at over TWICE the rate of whites

don't try to label whites anywhere near blacks with regards to murder
you will not win...it is impossible
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I can't accept the idea you gather at temple to discuss world domination via establishment of a collectivist global government.

Not at temple, but at the International Jewish Conspiracy Bowling League, every other Tuesday night --- bring a dish to pass.

While Jews have lot of power, and often Liberal opinions.

I'd say Brits are even more powerful, and even more anti-Racist, even if they're Individualist Conservative more than the Jews.

The U.S.A politicians are what? Perhaps 70% British Isle in origins? In presidents it obviously approaches 99% British Isle in origins, including Barrack Obama, who's related to British royalty.

There's no way Jews could do what they do, without the British elites serving Jewish interest.
Jews run pretty much all of Britain....

This (yet another) white-hating black walked up behind white men and shot and killed five of them in the head.

‘Kill all white people’: Suspect in killings of five white men made threat in 2014

Where is this hatred coming from? How about the steady stream of anti-white hatred coming from resentful Jews in Hollywood, from Mississippi Burning to 12 Years a Slave to Django Unchained to Detroit. Or how about the resentful Jews who own the media responsible for printing anti-white hatred like this exterminationist corker in the New York Times last week In Movies and on TV, Racism Made Plain in which we are informed

You need a kind of racial chemotherapy.
Or as the Jewess, Susan Sontag put it 50 years ago:

If America is the culmination of Western white civilization, as everyone from the Left to the Right declares, then there must be something terribly wrong with Western white civilization. This is a painful truth; few of us want to go that far.… The truth is that Mozart, Pascal, Boolean algebra, Shakespeare, parliamentary government, baroque churches, Newton, the emancipation of women, Kant, Marx, Balanchine ballets, et al., don’t redeem what this particular civilization has wrought upon the world. The white race is the cancer of human history; it is the white race and it alone—its ideologies and inventions—which eradicates autonomous civilizations wherever it spreads, which has upset the ecological balance of the planet, which now threatens the very existence of life itself.

According to the New York Times, whites are threatening the very existence of life itself. It's a wonder there aren't more murderous, 80 IQ , dupes out there slaughtering whites. But as long as this anti-white hatred is allowed to be spewed about us in our own country, more and more innocent whites will die violently at the hands of stupid blacks.

Jews are threatening the very existence of whites themselves. Whites need to wake up and put a stop to it. Jews have proven they can't be trusted with power. They need to be disempowered.
Does this guy have a twitter account ? Because I'm gonna follow him
No white person is African
What if they were born there and lived their whole life there?

You know non-blacks have lived in Africa a very long time.

Blacks only took over southern Africa after they ethnically cleansed the lighter-skinned Khoisan people.

Jordan: The Bantu Expansion

Not true.

Do the research. The Bantu were not the only blacks in Africa.

Besides, that tale of blacks only being in or settling the southern part of Africa is a white boy legend. There were Africans living in Europe in the middle ages, the dark ages and earlier.
No white person is African
What if they were born there and lived their whole life there?

You know non-blacks have lived in Africa a very long time.

Blacks only took over southern Africa after they ethnically cleansed the lighter-skinned Khoisan people.

Jordan: The Bantu Expansion

Not true.

Do the research.
Can you link to any evidence?

Besides, that tale of blacks only being in or settling the southern part of Africa is a white boy legend.

I provided evidence that the lighter skinned Khoisan people lived in southern Africa before they were ethnically cleansed by the Bantu people. Why do you disagree?

Evolution Of Skin Colors Of The World

And check this out: A million Europeans enslaved
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No white person is African
What if they were born there and lived their whole life there?

You know non-blacks have lived in Africa a very long time.

Blacks only took over southern Africa after they ethnically cleansed the lighter-skinned Khoisan people.

Jordan: The Bantu Expansion

Not true.

Do the research.
Can you link to any evidence?

Besides, that tale of blacks only being in or settling the southern part of Africa is a white boy legend.

I provided evidence that the lighter skinned Khoisan people lived in southern Africa before they were ethnically cleansed by the Bantu people. Why do you disagree?

Evolution Of Skin Colors Of The World

And check this out: A million Europeans enslaved
No white person is African
What if they were born there and lived their whole life there?

You know non-blacks have lived in Africa a very long time.

Blacks only took over southern Africa after they ethnically cleansed the lighter-skinned Khoisan people.

Jordan: The Bantu Expansion

Not true.

Do the research.
Can you link to any evidence?

Besides, that tale of blacks only being in or settling the southern part of Africa is a white boy legend.

I provided evidence that the lighter skinned Khoisan people lived in southern Africa before they were ethnically cleansed by the Bantu people. Why do you disagree?

Evolution Of Skin Colors Of The World

And check this out: A million Europeans enslaved

I'm not even going to argue with you about this. I said what I did and you go do the research. This has nothing to do with the thread topic, none of what you stated or presented has anything to do with the history of racism by whites in America. This type of deflection gets really old by you white people.

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