Kieth Olbermaann's amazing comments at RNC


Senior Member
Sep 4, 2008
Well here we are the ESPN sportscaster, who is so unbiased that he hires Ms. Maddow from Air America another very unbiased site, then belittle's other networks for being biased because they don't share there left wing radical view of the world and unbiased 24/7 support for Obama. Need an example, Take a look at how giddy Chris Mattews get's when Obama speaks.

Chirs Matthews during the Obama DNC acceptence speech " I have to tell you, you know, it's part of reporting this case, this election, the feeling most
people get when they hear Barack Obama's speech. My, I felt this thrill
going up my leg. I mean, I don't have that too often. (MSNBC DNC 08)

Then Mr. Olbermann now thinks that to display the tragic events of 9/11 is not suitable because it does not suit his PC agenda is simply an amazing display of how far the media has come in this country.

Olbermann Watch - MSNBC's Countdown with Keith Olbermann: Keith Olbermann Denounces RNC Tribute to 9/11 Victims

So you don't think there is a media bias? and You don't think the media might be a little vestedd in getting Obama elected? All the networks have a vested interest in Obama with the exception of Fox which admittedly they have a Right bent. So is it any wonder why the rest of the world would portray Fox as this demeon. ?

Want another example?

How about the Boston Globe lending press credentials to "Code Pink" to let them into the RNC, so they can create a news story? Goes to what I have been saying package Obama up nice and neat, spoon feed him to the masses, and do what you can to tear the other guy down.
Olbermann is the left's equivalent of O'reilly and as painful to watch.

Some of his regular commentators are worthwhile though, like the law guy from washington and a few others. I like Richard Wolfe too.

But Olbermann, not so much.
Funny, I was much more offended that the RNC chose to parade themselves around my city in 2004 (a place they HATE with thte intensity of 1,000 suns) ... just so they could photo op my old office.

And yes, it IS offensive for them to keep trotting out the towers... particulary given that Baby Bush was on duty at the time and thought PDB's were for entertainment value.

As for Rachel Maddow, she's admittedly to the left (as is Olbermann) and doesn't pretend to be "fair and balanced" like the right wing shills at Fox. She's also a graduate of Stanford and a former Rhodes Scholar (the first openly lesbian Rhodes Scholar, actually) and is pretty brilliant to listen to, whether you agree with her or not. Hell, even Pat Buchanan likes her.

Oh... and Navydude... you might want to can the ESPN thing.. .you know, given Sarah Palin's former gig...
Funny, I was much more offended that the RNC chose to parade themselves around my city in 2004 (a place they HATE with thte intensity of 1,000 suns) ... just so they could photo op my old office.

And yes, it IS offensive for them to keep trotting out the towers... particulary given that Baby Bush was on duty at the time and thought PDB's were for entertainment value.

As for Rachel Maddow, she's admittedly to the left (as is Olbermann) and doesn't pretend to be "fair and balanced" like the right wing shills at Fox. She's also a graduate of Stanford and a former Rhodes Scholar (the first openly lesbian Rhodes Scholar, actually) and is pretty brilliant to listen to, whether you agree with her or not. Hell, even Pat Buchanan likes her.

:iagree: I can't wait for her new show either.
Cali, I like Brian Williams sometimes, and a few other's there, but it just seems amazing to me on any network MSNBC , FOX whatever, that when someone makes a stupid remark like that , some news person doesn't pipe up and say "don't you think that's just a little over the top?" I appears that these news outlets are becomming cheerleading outlets for the various parties and less able to report the news.
Cali, I like Brian Williams sometimes, and a few other's there, but it just seems amazing to me on any network MSNBC , FOX whatever, that when someone makes a stupid remark like that , some news person doesn't pipe up and say "don't you think that's just a little over the top?" I appears that these news outlets are becomming cheerleading outlets for the various parties and less able to report the news.

This has been going on for a long time now. News outlets just stopped caring after the 2000 election.

It's also why I tend to watch Comedy Central's Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert for my news. They not only comment on the news going on today but their "fellow" media members who make fools of themselves daily.
I don't have a problem with Ms. Maddow know why? because she is unabashed in her support and will tell anyone who asks who and what she is. However, just like you mentioned about Fox, Olbermann has been asked over and over on air and off, and he claims the "fair and balanced" approach as well. A little bit much don't you think to be name calling everynight on the air when you pretty much do the same thing everyone else does.

As for 9-11, I think it's important we be reminded daily that it it happened and not consign it to PC based retro view of history that some on the left would like it to be. Fact, it happened, you want to honor the people who died on 9-11 then you don't forget , if that takes showing a video to remind you then so be it. As for the twin cities, funny, last time I checked your gov. was a Republican so for a party that hates you so much all I can say is two things, one, the party that hates your city picked it because they hated it , and spent millions there based on that? don't think so. second, if Republicans hated it so much there, then perhaps you need to elect a different gov then?
I don't have a problem with Ms. Maddow know why? because she is unabashed in her support and will tell anyone who asks who and what she is. However, just like you mentioned about Fox, Olbermann has been asked over and over on air and off, and he claims the "fair and balanced" approach as well. A little bit much don't you think to be name calling everynight on the air when you pretty much do the same thing everyone else does.

As for 9-11, I think it's important we be reminded daily that it it happened and not consign it to PC based retro view of history that some on the left would like it to be. Fact, it happened, you want to honor the people who died on 9-11 then you don't forget , if that takes showing a video to remind you then so be it. As for the twin cities, funny, last time I checked your gov. was a Republican so for a party that hates you so much all I can say is two things, one, the party that hates your city picked it because they hated it , and spent millions there based on that? don't think so. second, if Republicans hated it so much there, then perhaps you need to elect a different gov then?

I know a lot of people in politics. And I can tell you without reservation that Trent Lott, when he was head honcho said "If Bush is re-elected, you guys are getting nothing. I hate New York". Just so you know what the mindset of the repubs in Washington is. I know most NY'ers were very angry the Republican convention was here. NYC doesn't vote Repub on a national level. We have one person in Congress who's a republican (Fosella) and he's out and will probably be replaced with a Democrat. The Repubs weren't here to reward their loyal supporters or to maybe ignite some play in a swing state. They came here to cash in on a tragedy.. with their orange alerts.. and red alerts every time Kerry went up in the polls.

Also, just so you know, I've only voted repub on a local (mayoral) level (including Rudy Giuliani), so it's not that I hate republicans. It's that I hate the kind who think they speak for G-d.

As for the WTC, I've had the 9-11 discussion with people before. I truly understand your position on remembering. But I think there is a difference between "remembering" and using something for political gain. It's insulting to the victims to use it as a centerpiece of their convention... again, at least in part because of Bush's failure to suss out the information provided int he PDB and his treatment of NY financially afterwards, as well as how the Jersey Girls were treated by the right and the pathetic use of what happened to justify a pointless war in Iraq.

Also, frankly, the second plane hit about .. ohhhh.. 10 storiesover my old office and I ride past the hole in the ground at least a few times a week... IT's pretty difficult NOT to remember. I think New Yorkers are pretty united in not needing that tragedy used for some jingoist BS.

That's just my opinion (note the word opinion... ) I don't claim it as any better than yours. It's just how I feel on the subject.

As for Olbermann, no... he's not "balanced" but I think we all know that. The only time he pissed me off bigtime was when he went Hillary hunting. :)
:iagree: I can't wait for her new show either.

I watched Rachel Maddow do Countdown last night on MSNBC and she had me LMAO! She's hysterically funny and quite brilliant IMO.

I can see why the right would hate her though since she so aptly points out their lies and hypocrisy.

A Con watching MSNBC makes as much sense as a Lib watching Fox, except MSNBC doesn't make racial jokes or talk about killing John McCain and they don't have a host who constantly tells his guests to shut up....
I watched Rachel Maddow do Countdown last night on MSNBC and she had me LMAO! She's hysterically funny and quite brilliant IMO.

I can see why the right would hate her though since she so aptly points out their lies and hypocrisy.

A Con watching MSNBC makes as much sense as a Lib watching Fox, except MSNBC doesn't make racial jokes or talk about killing John McCain and they don't have a host who constantly tells his guests to shut up....

Don't you know Silence? Those things don't happen either since Liberals either edit the videos or it doesn't matter to the network. :rolleyes:

Can't imagine what Fox News would say if someone joked about killing their golden girl Sarah Palin or John McCain at this point.

Billo :D: [ame=]YouTube - "SHUT UP!" -- Bill O'Reilly's favorite words[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Outfoxed: Fox News technique: cut their mic![/ame] (Love the part with George Carlin)

[ame=]YouTube - Outfoxed: Fox News technique: "some people say"[/ame] (Some people say, Fox News is BS. :))

[ame=]YouTube - Outfoxed: Fox News: Everything in Iraq is great![/ame] (Love the part about Cali. So Iraq is more safe then Cali? :eek:)

There's also so much more. A great documentary I recommend.

I think the people of NY and , D.C and for that matter the U.S and most of the world , that still have the images of 9-11 in their mind and hearts and are still effected by the great tragic events of 9-11 and are united in their heart felt sorrow for everyone that lost a friend, a loved one, or even a distant relative on that day. I personally think it's extremely important not to foget them, I don't think for a moment we honor them or their memories by forgetting them or keeping the event in hiding as if it should be spoken of in hushed tones. Anyone that would use the event for gain of course is a complete scumbag, however, just because, someone would put images of 9-11 on a screen does not automatically imply some hidden agenda, maybe just maybe it was a sincere effort to honor them?

You know something jillian I was in the Navy for a long time, lost a few friends here and there, and the one thing I can tell you for certian is that to this day I did not know , don't care, what the hell party they belonged too because I love and honor them still the same. The people that died that day have no party affiliation to me, and I would rather think that anyone who would honor them in a respectful way is doing a good thing, be they democrat or republican.

I think the people of NY and , D.C and for that matter the U.S and most of the world , that still have the images of 9-11 in their mind and hearts and are still effected by the great tragic events of 9-11 and are united in their heart felt sorrow for everyone that lost a friend, a loved one, or even a distant relative on that day. I personally think it's extremely important not to foget them, I don't think for a moment we honor them or their memories by forgetting them or keeping the event in hiding as if it should be spoken of in hushed tones. Anyone that would use the event for gain of course is a complete scumbag, however, just because, someone would put images of 9-11 on a screen does not automatically imply some hidden agenda, maybe just maybe it was a sincere effort to honor them?

You know something jillian I was in the Navy for a long time, lost a few friends here and there, and the one thing I can tell you for certian is that to this day I did not know , don't care, what the hell party they belonged too because I love and honor them still the same. The people that died that day have no party affiliation to me, and I would rather think that anyone who would honor them in a respectful way is doing a good thing, be they democrat or republican.

And I haven't an ounce of doubt about your sincerity in honoring all of your fallen friends. I have no such trust in the sincerity of politicians who use the tragedy to pander to some people's baser instincts.
I watched Rachel Maddow do Countdown last night on MSNBC and she had me LMAO! She's hysterically funny and quite brilliant IMO.

I can see why the right would hate her though since she so aptly points out their lies and hypocrisy.

A Con watching MSNBC makes as much sense as a Lib watching Fox, except MSNBC doesn't make racial jokes or talk about killing John McCain and they don't have a host who constantly tells his guests to shut up....

This is soooo true! However, olberman never has anyone on his show from the other side, to disagree with or to tell shut up to...he only has agreeing guests, which is fine and dandy....cuz he doesn't pretend to be "fair and balanced"....
Robert ;

I'm sure we can go back and forth on the youtube postings between Bill O and Olbermann , as both of them are one in the same. They are both just pundandts for one side of the other failing to admit that they are. As for Rachael Maddow I have a lot of respect for her, because she does not hide the fact she is a liberal. While I may yell and scream at her opinions, *laughs* as least she pulls no punches. It is all these media people that , pretend to be one thing, be they left of right and portray themselves as balanced when in fact the are blantent in their support for one side or the other. Chirs Matthews would be a great example of that.
Robert ;

I'm sure we can go back and forth on the youtube postings between Bill O and Olbermann , as both of them are one in the same. They are both just pundandts for one side of the other failing to admit that they are. As for Rachael Maddow I have a lot of respect for her, because she does not hide the fact she is a liberal. While I may yell and scream at her opinions, *laughs* as least she pulls no punches. It is all these media people that , pretend to be one thing, be they left of right and portray themselves as balanced when in fact the are blantent in their support for one side or the other. Chirs Matthews would be a great example of that.

Oh I quite agree. I just found quite a funny related clip. Hope you all enjoy.

[ame=]YouTube - Borat on Hannity and colmes[/ame]
That was hilarious, loved it thanks. I got one of Olbermann here on open mic at the DNC with Joe Scarborough for you.

YouTube - Olberman: Jesus, Joe, Why Don't You Get a Shovel?

I saw that live, I remember laughing for a good few minutes.

This is some of the best 4:11 of media I've seen in a long time. Campbell Brown was my hero for this. :lol:

[ame=]YouTube - Tucker Bounds on Palin's National Security Experience[/ame]

Later on: John McCain cancelled a interview with CNN's Larry King because he felt that Campbell Brown "crossed a line". Since you know, asking about the issues is crossing the line now.

Brown: Tucker Bounds interview becomes lightning rod -

If John McCain thinks Campbell Brown is tough, how is he going to deal with the dictators and other "evil" leaders of the world. :lol:

I saw that when it happened too, thats the interview that the McCain campaign cancelled over I think? I have to tell you, I don't really see anything wrong with her questioning though, I think the spokesman was just unprepared is all.

I did find a little Video on youtube with Chris Wallace, another reporter I tend to like. on fox, and so you know, Fox is not the network the far left would like it to be. The only problem they have with the network is it happens to have right wing pundants on it in a sea of left wing one's. I thought you might enjoy this one thought you Obama supporters out there, Chris Wallace is taking the morning crew to task.

[ame=]YouTube - On Air Fight Over Barack Obama on Fox News 3/21 !!![/ame]

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