Kick in a Nickle & save Americas old folks


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Aug 27, 2010
According to the 2010 Social Security Trustees’ report, the 75-year gap is estimated to be $5.4 trillion -- still a big number. But there’s another way to express it: it equals just 0.7 percent of our projected economic output over that same period. That’s less than one penny on the dollar.

So if we, as members of a nominal democracy, want to live in a society where older people aren’t mired in poverty -- it’s estimated that four in 10 would be without Social Security benefits -- then all we have to do to close the gap is increase overall taxes by less than a single percentage point. Problem solved! And we didn’t even require an august commission.

We're Being Conned on Social Security -- How We Could Easily Raise Benefits or Allow People to Retire Earlier | Economy | AlterNet
bump in the name of my favorite Worship rock, Roscoe.

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