Key Jobs Participation Rate Drop- 25 to 54 Years Old


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
So, we hear the liberal Obama supporters blame the piss poor economy and terrible participation rate on the baby boomers.....

Well look here libbie failures.....



. this is what the Atlanta Fed has to say about the most dramatic aberration to the US labor force in history: "Generally speaking, people in the 25–54 age group are the most likely to participate in the labor market. These so-called prime-age individuals are less likely to be making retirement decisions than older individuals and less likely to be enrolled in schooling or training than younger individuals."

This is actually spot on; it is also the only thing the Atlanta Fed does get right in its entire taxpayer-funded "analysis."

However, as the chart below shows, when it comes to participation rates within the age cohort, while the 25-54 group should be stable and/or rising to indicate economic strength while the 55-69 participation rate dropping due to so-called accelerated retirement of baby booners, we see precisely the opposite. The Fed, to its credit, admits this: "participation among the prime-age group declined considerably between 2008 and 2013."



"They Just Don't Want A Job" - The Fed's Grotesque "Explanation" Why 94.6 Million Are Out Of The Labor Force | Zero Hedge
It will all be over soon guys, it won't matter if you believe in god or global warming... If you're a liberal or conservative, rep or dem... You both fucked this country with shitty policies and never ending amounts of welfare and debt. Bush didn't cut welfare and instead grew it and Obama didn't cut military and instead grew it. 16 years of defective brain cells ruling a peeon class of hacks.

Shit jobs
Stock market built on .02% interest rates
18+ trillion in debt
50% of a nation not paying taxes and willing to riot before they would

And we finally have a candidate outright embracing socialism... And he has quite an ignorant following.

It's safe to say there is no salvaging the country from the inevitable.
So, we hear the liberal Obama supporters blame the piss poor economy and terrible participation rate on the baby boomers.....

Well look here libbie failures.....



. this is what the Atlanta Fed has to say about the most dramatic aberration to the US labor force in history: "Generally speaking, people in the 25–54 age group are the most likely to participate in the labor market. These so-called prime-age individuals are less likely to be making retirement decisions than older individuals and less likely to be enrolled in schooling or training than younger individuals."

This is actually spot on; it is also the only thing the Atlanta Fed does get right in its entire taxpayer-funded "analysis."

However, as the chart below shows, when it comes to participation rates within the age cohort, while the 25-54 group should be stable and/or rising to indicate economic strength while the 55-69 participation rate dropping due to so-called accelerated retirement of baby booners, we see precisely the opposite. The Fed, to its credit, admits this: "participation among the prime-age group declined considerably between 2008 and 2013."



"They Just Don't Want A Job" - The Fed's Grotesque "Explanation" Why 94.6 Million Are Out Of The Labor Force | Zero Hedge

Just what do you wish these graphs to be used to imply? Because there are all kinds of different explanations possible. Boomers lingering in the work force could be displacing younger and less experienced workers. Or, the younger generation could be reverting back to a higher tendency to for stay-at-home parenting.
So, we hear the liberal Obama supporters blame the piss poor economy and terrible participation rate on the baby boomers.....

Well look here libbie failures.....



. this is what the Atlanta Fed has to say about the most dramatic aberration to the US labor force in history: "Generally speaking, people in the 25–54 age group are the most likely to participate in the labor market. These so-called prime-age individuals are less likely to be making retirement decisions than older individuals and less likely to be enrolled in schooling or training than younger individuals."

This is actually spot on; it is also the only thing the Atlanta Fed does get right in its entire taxpayer-funded "analysis."

However, as the chart below shows, when it comes to participation rates within the age cohort, while the 25-54 group should be stable and/or rising to indicate economic strength while the 55-69 participation rate dropping due to so-called accelerated retirement of baby booners, we see precisely the opposite. The Fed, to its credit, admits this: "participation among the prime-age group declined considerably between 2008 and 2013."



"They Just Don't Want A Job" - The Fed's Grotesque "Explanation" Why 94.6 Million Are Out Of The Labor Force | Zero Hedge

Just what do you wish these graphs to be used to imply? Because there are all kinds of different explanations possible. Boomers lingering in the work force could be displacing younger and less experienced workers. Or, the younger generation could be reverting back to a higher tendency to for stay-at-home parenting.

Um, OK :booze:

And this is not good either

How come the prime age workforce participation rate is decreasing?

And all we get are more on food stamps


left-wing nutjobs will never admit people are just dropping out of the Labor Force because they no longer have to work.
left-wing nutjobs will never admit people are just dropping out of the Labor Force because they no longer have to work.

Because they can vote for a leftist like Obama and get free stuff

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