Key Democrat: GOP to shut down government to probe Obamas eligibility


May 29, 2010
I knew this would happen and there has been talk about this in the Palin camp for weeks. She did say his past needed to be looked into this last week. I think this will shake the Administration apart. Just on the 23rd of September a new document has been revealed showing that the Hawaii Democratic Party never certified him to be Constitutionally eligible to hold the office but they did certify him to be on the ballots. Somehow Nancy Pelosi signed a different document for Hawaii and that document has been surfaced. That document was different left constutional wording from the other documents that were sent to the other 49 states certifying him


Key Dem: GOP to shut down government to probe eligibility

A key Democrat in Congress is trying to drum up support for his party by warning voters that if the GOP moves into the majority in November, Republicans will issue subpoenaes over every possible issue they can assemble, including Barack Obama's eligibility for office.

The claim comes from House Majority Whip James Clyburn, D-S.C., who told the Grio website in an interview that there would be gridlock in Congress should Democrats fail to maintain their majority.

"You've got people like [GOP Rep. Darrell] Issa from California who is a ranking member on the government oversight committee," Clyburn said in the interview. "He has already said publicly that if he gets the gavel he will be issuing subpoenas everywhere.

"That will define the next two years of the president's administration," he warned. "The White House will be full-time responding to subpoenas about where the president may or may not have been born, whether his mother and father were ever married, and whether his wife's family is from Georgetown or Sampit."
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Yea but Democrats always lie. So don't believe this story. If they're saying this is going to happen then you just know it isn't going to happen. Don't believe this hype.
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Yea but Democrats always lie. So don't believe this story. If they're saying this is going to happen then you just know it isn't going to happen. Don't believe this hype.
I think it will. There are to many unanswered questions and since the Democrats have held the House and Senate that is why the Republicans haven't come forward. Obama hung himself on the economy and now the Republicans like Palin said can go after him to see if he is eligible.

Have a look at these documents and the constitutional wording that was left out for Obama. The Hawaii never certified him constitutionally to be president although they certified him to be on the ballot.

Look at the difference between Obamas from Kerrys and Gores:

2000/2004/2008 Democratic Party of Hawaii Certifications of Nomination for Presidential Candidates -
Yea but Democrats always lie. So don't believe this story. If they're saying this is going to happen then you just know it isn't going to happen. Don't believe this hype.
I think it will. There are to many unanswered questions and since the Democrats have held the House and Senate that is why the Republicans haven't come forward. Obama hung himself on the economy and now the Republicans like Palin said can go after him to see if he is eligible.

Have a look at these documents and the constitutional wording that was left out for Obama. The Hawaii never certified him constitutionally to be president although they certified him to be on the ballot.

Look at the difference between Obamas from Kerrys and Gores:

2000/2004/2008 Democratic Party of Hawaii Certifications of Nomination for Presidential Candidates -

I think you are not real :)

Link us to a source other than WND.

A major source.

Fox. Even Drudge.
So we vote the repubs in because we want change and government that works and they backstab everybody by shutting the government down? If that happens the repubs will be out again in 2 more years. The people are fed up with all this partisan bickering want solutions, that why they are looking outside of the box.
Yea but Democrats always lie. So don't believe this story. If they're saying this is going to happen then you just know it isn't going to happen. Don't believe this hype.
I think it will. There are to many unanswered questions and since the Democrats have held the House and Senate that is why the Republicans haven't come forward. Obama hung himself on the economy and now the Republicans like Palin said can go after him to see if he is eligible.

Have a look at these documents and the constitutional wording that was left out for Obama. The Hawaii never certified him constitutionally to be president although they certified him to be on the ballot.

Look at the difference between Obamas from Kerrys and Gores:

2000/2004/2008 Democratic Party of Hawaii Certifications of Nomination for Presidential Candidates -
wow, you mean the Democratic party of HI changed stationary every 4 years??????

call out the national guard
So we vote the repubs in because we want change and government that works and they backstab everybody by shutting the government down? If that happens the repubs will be out again in 2 more years. The people are fed up with all this partisan bickering want solutions, that why they are looking outside of the box.
if they actually waste time i this, they will lose my support
and they will be out on their asses in 2 years
What else will Republicans do? Look at their "Plague on America". Nothing about alternate energy, the environment or a real jobs plan. No, it's all about cutting taxes for corporations (that they already pass on to their consumers), and giving tax cuts to rich people.

We call it, "Lemon Pledge".
Sorry bout that,

1. But was reading this site, and looks like Obama may catch some flack if the Dems get wiped out this November.
2. Could be we get to the bottom of this before he leaves office, not afterwards.
3. Could be best thing for America!
4. Read em and weep:Dem Whip: GOP majority will issue birther subpoenas - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

"House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.) warned Republicans will investigate President Obama's birthplace if they take over Congress.

Clyburn, the third-ranking Democrat in the House, said Republicans will grind the government to a halt by issuing subpoenas against the Obama administration over a number of issues if they take power. He predicted that "gridlock" in Congress would "define" Obama's first term if Republicans win the House, but expressed confidence his party would prevail.

Clyburn noted that Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), the ranking Republican on the House Oversight panel, has said will will issue "subpoenas everywhere" if Republicans win the majority.

"The White House will be full-time responding to subpoenas about where the president may or may not have been born, whether his mother and father were ever married, and whether his wife's family is from Georgetown or Sampit," Clyburn said in an interview published Monday on, an African-American news website. "That will define the next two years of the president's administration.

Issa has promised to ramp up his probes into the Obama administration

5. If he can prove he was really born in America, then fine, if not, run the bum outa office!:clap2:

What else will Republicans do? Look at their "Plague on America". Nothing about alternate energy, the environment or a real jobs plan. No, it's all about cutting taxes for corporations (that they already pass on to their consumers), and giving tax cuts to rich people.

We call it, "Lemon Pledge".
It’s good when a Lib like Clyburn reminds the voters that Zero’s eligibility still has not be determined.
Yea but Democrats always lie. So don't believe this story. If they're saying this is going to happen then you just know it isn't going to happen. Don't believe this hype.
I think it will. There are to many unanswered questions and since the Democrats have held the House and Senate that is why the Republicans haven't come forward. Obama hung himself on the economy and now the Republicans like Palin said can go after him to see if he is eligible.

Have a look at these documents and the constitutional wording that was left out for Obama. The Hawaii never certified him constitutionally to be president although they certified him to be on the ballot.

Look at the difference between Obamas from Kerrys and Gores:

2000/2004/2008 Democratic Party of Hawaii Certifications of Nomination for Presidential Candidates -

Dude your fooling yourself.This isnt a government of the people like the constitution says it is suppose to be and as everybody knows,politicians get away with crimes everyday that we as citizens would never get away with.Just like so many government corruption cases,this one will be swept under the rug as well till the people take back their country and fight for it which the american sheepie are too afraid to do anymore in this day and age.
Yea but Democrats always lie. So don't believe this story. If they're saying this is going to happen then you just know it isn't going to happen. Don't believe this hype.
I think it will. There are to many unanswered questions and since the Democrats have held the House and Senate that is why the Republicans haven't come forward. Obama hung himself on the economy and now the Republicans like Palin said can go after him to see if he is eligible.

Have a look at these documents and the constitutional wording that was left out for Obama. The Hawaii never certified him constitutionally to be president although they certified him to be on the ballot.

Look at the difference between Obamas from Kerrys and Gores:

2000/2004/2008 Democratic Party of Hawaii Certifications of Nomination for Presidential Candidates -

Dude your fooling yourself.This isnt a government of the people like the constitution says it is suppose to be and as everybody knows,politicians get away with crimes everyday that we as citizens would never get away with.Just like so many government corruption cases,this one will be swept under the rug as well till the people take back their country and fight for it which the american sheepie are too afraid to do anymore in this day and age.

Just so everyone knows your true sentiments, I am posting this quote from you;
"Hell anybody who espresses their support against the GOVERNMENT of the united states I support.anybody who declares themselves to be an emeny of the USA is smart "-911insidejob, USMB 3/6/2010
I knew this would happen and there has been talk about this in the Palin camp for weeks. She did say his past needed to be looked into this last week. I think this will shake the Administration apart. Just on the 23rd of September a new document has been revealed showing that the Hawaii Democratic Party never certified him to be Constitutionally eligible to hold the office but they did certify him to be on the ballots. Somehow Nancy Pelosi signed a different document for Hawaii and that document has been surfaced. That document was different left constutional wording from the other documents that were sent to the other 49 states certifying him


Key Dem: GOP to shut down government to probe eligibility

A key Democrat in Congress is trying to drum up support for his party by warning voters that if the GOP moves into the majority in November, Republicans will issue subpoenaes over every possible issue they can assemble, including Barack Obama's eligibility for office.

The claim comes from House Majority Whip James Clyburn, D-S.C., who told the Grio website in an interview that there would be gridlock in Congress should Democrats fail to maintain their majority.

"You've got people like [GOP Rep. Darrell] Issa from California who is a ranking member on the government oversight committee," Clyburn said in the interview. "He has already said publicly that if he gets the gavel he will be issuing subpoenas everywhere.

"That will define the next two years of the president's administration," he warned. "The White House will be full-time responding to subpoenas about where the president may or may not have been born, whether his mother and father were ever married, and whether his wife's family is from Georgetown or Sampit."

and the good news is that while they are doing that, they won't be able to pass anymore stupid laws that hurt our country, like Amnesty, or the Dream Act, etc.
What else will Republicans do? Look at their "Plague on America". Nothing about alternate energy, the environment or a real jobs plan. No, it's all about cutting taxes for corporations (that they already pass on to their consumers), and giving tax cuts to rich people.

We call it, "Lemon Pledge".
What else will Democrats do? Look at their "Plague on America". Nothing about alternate energy, the environment or a real jobs plan. No, it's all about cutting taxes for corporations (that they already pass on to their consumers), and giving tax cuts to rich people.

We call it, "Lemon Pledge".

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