Key Corruption Finds of 2018--The TRUTH About the FISA Warrants Used to Spy on the Trump Team

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
If not for Judicial Watch and Tom Fitton NONE of the DemonRAT corruption would have come to light.....It is a certainty THAT THE PHONY DOSSIER was the basis for the Mulehead investigation.....why this has not been taken to court is beyond me!!!!!


Tom Fitton's Judicial Watch, is simply a right wing hack site, created to harass the Clintons...

that doesn't give a flying hoot about being a true watch dog...

not a peep from him on any of the major corruption going on in the Trump administration...

zinke, price, pruitt, (also Ivanka's emails that she did not turn in), all corrupted and crooked people in this administration.... not a word from Judicial Watch, not a single freedom of information act filed....

This is why you should not bother paying attention to him and his crud pushed.... he's only there as a right wing political operative..... not a watch dog.

that video is ridiculous, he is making a whole lot of things up.... that he can not possibly know, with 80% of the report REDACTED.

Carter Page had left the Trump administration a month before they got the FISA warrant, Page had been in their sight for years prior to him joing the admin, as a coffee boy according to Trump.... or was that Papadopoulis? How exactly did this have to do with spying on the Trump campaign when Page was no longer with the Trump Campaign.....

The entire Dossier, 36 pages of it, of which only a couple of pages of the dossier on Page, with the Fisa warrants being 400 pages of info on why the warrant should be approved by the Judge on page....mostly redacted that we can not see, could not possibly be only evidence from the 2 pages on Carter Page in the Dossier.... dummy!

Also, Fitton lied that the Judges were not told that the dossier came from the opposition candidate hiring him through Fusion GPS for opposition research.... the Judges WERE TOLD SUCH....
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No, since the Ds were founded on the big lies of genocide Jackson no sign of truthfulness has reemerged.

Tom Fitton's Judicial Watch, is simply a right wing hack site, created to harass the Clintons...

that doesn't give a flying hoot about being a true watch dog...

not a peep from him on any of the major corruption going on in the Trump administration...

zinke, price, pruitt, (also Ivanka's emails that she did not turn in), all corrupted and crooked people in this administration.... not a word from Judicial Watch, not a single freedom of information act filed....

This is why you should not bother paying attention to him and his crud pushed.... he's only there as a right wing political operative..... not a watch dog.

that video is ridiculous, he is making a whole lot of things up.... that he can not possibly know, with 80% of the report REDACTED.

Carter Page had left the Trump administration a month before they got the FISA warrant, Page had been in their sight for years prior to him joing the admin, as a coffee boy according to Trump.... or was that Papadopoulis? How exactly did this have to do with spying on the Trump campaign when Page was no longer with the Trump Campaign.....

The entire Dossier, 36 pages of it, of which only a couple of pages of the dossier on Page, with the Fisa warrants being 400 pages of info on why the warrant should be approved by the Judge on page....mostly redacted that we can not see, could not possibly be only evidence from the 2 pages on Carter Page in the Dossier.... dummy!

Also, Fitton lied that the Judges were not told that the dossier came from the opposition candidate hiring him through Fusion GPS for opposition research.... the Judges WERE TOLD SUCH....
Would you be kind enough to list objective news sites?

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