Kevin MacDonald on The CPAC Face-Off

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
Young "conservative" whites see no problem with eradication of their own kind -- psychology professor comments:

Jamie Kelso at CPAC: Rights versus Interests | The Occidental Observer - White Identity, Interests, and Culture

The vast majority of the responses to Kelso are a knee-jerk expression of human rights as the ultimate value that trumps all else—a pledge of allegiance to the proposition nation. Using the infinitely plastic concept of rights, White people have no more right to America than Blacks or Latinos or any other race. (Good looking young White guy with an air that he is uttering unassailable wisdom: “We’re talking about freedom here.”) Nor do they have any particular right to Ireland or Sweden. After all, at some point everyone was an immigrant, even people whose ancestors settled Europe for thousands of years ago.

But whatever argument one wants to make in terms of rights, it clearly is not in the interests of Whites to allow themselves to be displaced and dispossessed, no matter how this dispossession is rationalized in terms of intellectual abstractions. (Kelso: “My fundamental point is that White people have interests.”) Why can’t Whites ask themselves the analogous question to the one that has forever guided Jewish behavior? Is it good for Whites? Devotion to abstractions like rights rather than interests is a sure recipe for evolutionary extinction.
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It's weird, so many whites believe their the reason other cultures have such low standards of living.

Those are the real "white supremists"
While Kevin MacDonald's text is off the wall ignorant and largely illogical, I found the YouTube interesting. While most of the comments from the CPAC conservatives were reasonable, whenever they got into their ideological view of society, they demonstrated the same lack of sense or history Kelso so willingly demonstrated and continued to argue till they started to remove his badges or pins that offended them. One CPAC member couldn't even say the word progressive? Talk about brain washed. Fascinating stuff, even in this modern time in which we are presumably the intelligent creatures.
Young "conservative" whites see no problem with eradication of their own kind -- psychology professor comments:

Jamie Kelso at CPAC: Rights versus Interests | The Occidental Observer - White Identity, Interests, and Culture

The vast majority of the responses to Kelso are a knee-jerk expression of human rights as the ultimate value that trumps all else—a pledge of allegiance to the proposition nation. Using the infinitely plastic concept of rights, White people have no more right to America than Blacks or Latinos or any other race. (Good looking young White guy with an air that he is uttering unassailable wisdom: “We’re talking about freedom here.”) Nor do they have any particular right to Ireland or Sweden. After all, at some point everyone was an immigrant, even people whose ancestors settled Europe for thousands of years ago.

But whatever argument one wants to make in terms of rights, it clearly is not in the interests of Whites to allow themselves to be displaced and dispossessed, no matter how this dispossession is rationalized in terms of intellectual abstractions. (Kelso: “My fundamental point is that White people have interests.”) Why can’t Whites ask themselves the analogous question to the one that has forever guided Jewish behavior? Is it good for Whites? Devotion to abstractions like rights rather than interests is a sure recipe for evolutionary extinction.

Does anyone on the side of racism understand that, if the white race actually dies off, the black race will go also? That means you guys get your deepest desire, and eradicate the enemy. If you were not such idiots you would support those young people.
While Kevin MacDonald's text is off the wall ignorant and largely illogical, I found the YouTube interesting. While most of the comments from the CPAC conservatives were reasonable, whenever they got into their ideological view of society, they demonstrated the same lack of sense or history Kelso so willingly demonstrated and continued to argue till they started to remove his badges or pins that offended them. One CPAC member couldn't even say the word progressive? Talk about brain washed. Fascinating stuff, even in this modern time in which we are presumably the intelligent creatures.

Coming from a racist idiot, that almost makes sense.

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