kerry vs. hill/bill 2008???

Feb 15, 2004
Anyone else heard of this? Kerry plans to try it again in 08. I heard it on some radio station where his brother Cameron (never knew he had a brother - just a rich wife) said they were considering 2008 and a better camp. (I suggest close the door on the Hollywood curse crowd)....

If this is true - what about the team of Hill / Bill ?

I was thinking that perhaps since it is now known that Bill was as usefull as a Bush promoter in camp. for Kerry (for obvious reasons) that perhaps this is Kerrys way of saying f/you to the Clintons and going for it again.....

Anyone one else hear on this one?

Perhaps it will be another Kerry vs Bush then (Jeb Bush that is).
I have no doubt Kerry is going to give it another try. I just dont think he has an ice cubes chance in hell of getting the nomination. He realized he had to concede last week. If he hadnt most of Americans would have seen him in poor light. He knew if he was going to have a shot at 08 he had to concede now. However, in conceding he has angered his base. They were more than willing to attempt to steal the election from President Bush again. Because Kerry conceded he is a coward to them and too weak to lead them in what needs to be done.

No Kerry will never come close to the Presidency again. He may think he may, but his chance is over. I think he has been handling this so well because he thinks he does still have a shot, I think its also why Edwards was so upset because he knows he has no shot in 08 and Kerry was his only ticket to the Presidency.
HillBilly Clinton in 2008? Could there be a possible Candidate that would be able to get the Conservative Base out in large droves better than HillBilly Clinton?
winston churchi said:
Anyone else heard of this? Kerry plans to try it again in 08. I heard it on some radio station where his brother Cameron (never knew he had a brother - just a rich wife) said they were considering 2008 and a better camp. (I suggest close the door on the Hollywood curse crowd)....

If this is true - what about the team of Hill / Bill ?

I was thinking that perhaps since it is now known that Bill was as usefull as a Bush promoter in camp. for Kerry (for obvious reasons) that perhaps this is Kerrys way of saying f/you to the Clintons and going for it again.....

Anyone one else hear on this one?

Perhaps it will be another Kerry vs Bush then (Jeb Bush that is).

I don't think the dems would ever nominate Kerry again. He was simply too weak for their party. Of course it will all depend on who's looking like a forerunner in for the GOP nomination....It should be very interesting!
Forget about Kerry. Democrats will tolerate almost anyone in their party - thieves, liars, perjurers, men who cheat on their wives in homosexual trysts, ex-Klan members, traitors - you name it. But a loser - never!
musicman said:
Forget about Kerry. Democrats will tolerate almost anyone in their party - thieves, liars, perjurers, men who cheat on their wives in homosexual trysts, ex-Klan members, traitors - you name it. But a loser - never!

What about Gore, Carter, Mondale..etc
Avatar4321 said:
What about Gore, Carter, Mondale..etc

Well, in Carter's case, enough time has passed that the revisionist historians, on a well-deserved break from trying to vilify Ronald Reagan, have been able, lately, to portray that peanut-farming buffon as some kind of wise elder statesman. But that took years. In the interim, they dropped him like a worn-out maxi-pad. Mondale's brief resurrection struck me as a matter of temporary convenience; very much in line with Democrat worship of political expediency. But, in the main, he's been a despised nobody since '84. And, Gore - they don't even TRY to hide their contempt of him. No - we won't see Kerry again. Liberals have very few absolutes, but one of them is, "Thou shalt not lose."
I think GWBFan has it right. The Democrat nominee will depend to a great extent upon who is leading the GOP race at the time. In 2004 it was: "We've got to select someone with military experience to bushwhack Bush." They thought Kerry's Vietnam experiece would be enough to easily topple "No Show" Bush, and they could depend on CBS, CNN, ABC, NBC, the NYT, Washington Post, etc., to make the case for them.

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