Kerry is a potty mouth


Senior Member
Sep 28, 2003
Rocky Mountains


Dem presidential candidate John Kerry called his secret service agent a "son of a bitch" after the agent inadvertently moved into his path during a ski mishap in Idaho, sending Kerry falling into the snow.

When asked a moment later about the incident by a reporter on the ski run, Kerry said sharply, "I don't fall down," the "son of a b*itch knocked me over."

The Secret Service agent in question has complained about Kerry's treatment, top sources tell the DRUDGE REPORT.

Last month, Kerry began receiving Secret Service protection.

"Obviously, the complications and burden of being monitored 24-hours a day is not just an a simple inconvenience," a government source explained Friday. "But Senator Kerry should understand agents are working for his safety and well-being."

On Friday, Kerry, his snowboard strapped to his back, hiked past 9,000 feet on Durrance Peak, then snowboarded down the mountain, taking repeated tumbles. Reporters counted six falls, although Kerry was out of sight for part of the descent.


And to think those Secret Service guys would take a bullet for Kerry and that's how they are treated. Amazing.
And this isn't the first time either. I just read an article the other day displaying all the times he has 'misspoken' and how many times vulgarity appears on his own blog website.
Another article:

Even on Vacation, Kerry's Foul Mouth Gets No Rest

Well, it turns out Hillary Clinton isn't the only one to use abusive language against Secret Service agents. Foulmouthed John "F." Kerry, noted for his obscenity-laced Web site and naughty interview with Rolling Stone, is at it again.

Trying to relax at the mansion in Idaho to avoid further meltdown, the Massachusetts Democrat saw his photo opportunity on the ski slopes go awry.

The New York Times reported today that Kerry rammed into one of his protectors, fell down and had himself a snow sandwich.

Owwww. The most painful flip-flop of all.

"When asked about the mishap a moment later, he said sharply, 'I don't fall down,' then used an expletive to describe the agent who 'knocked me over.'"

Hmm. If the FCC starts fining Kerry the way it's going after Howard Stern, Mrs. K will have to manage her investments better.
Well Kerry, there is a first time for everything and you are going to fall this november.:teeth:
Originally posted by Avatar4321
Well Kerry, there is a first time for everything and you are going to fall this november.:teeth:

Instead of a Secret Service guy its going to Bush knocking him down.
Well lets hope that if Kerry wins he doesnt choose Hillary as a running mate. Cause i dont think the secret service are going to want to take a bullet for him. And knowing how bad Hillary wants the Presidency back, there will be one coming.
just another example of the hate and contempt the liberals have for americas bravest i.e. the military,secret service,cops,intelligence officers etc.military are butchers,secret service are just a bunch of people who get in the way,cops seek to abuse minorities at every turn,and intelligence agents are inhuman assasins who need to be put out of business.i only base this on prior comments and actions of liberals in the past and all liberals may not feel this way but its just an observation.
choose Hillary as a running mate

This is a little off topic, and I apologize, but I dont want to start a new thread with a stupid question.

While getting ready for work the other morning (yesterday?), I saw John McCain on the Today show and I believe it was Katie Couric asking him questions to the extent of "would you accept the VP ticket should John Kerry ask you to run with him".

Am I missing something here? Anyone heard anythign about this?
That was actually speculated and the media almost had a group orgasim over it.
I very much doubt it will ever happen. McCain has been campaigning for Bush.
Thanks for clearing that up MB. I only saw a portion of the interview (basically that question) and thought for a second I had entered the Twilight Zone.

Now... back on topic. :D
Originally posted by MtnBiker
That was actually speculated and the media almost had a group orgasim over it.
I very much doubt it will ever happen. McCain has been campaigning for Bush.

I actually Think McCain is considering it. He said yesterday that Kerry wasnt weak on defense. I dont think he'd say that if it wasnt a possibility.

Why John Kerry would choose him i dont know. I mean he has lost to Bush once already. So somehow McCain is going to beat Bush? And with McCains constant attack on the first ammendment does he really want this guy bringing that baggage on the campaign?
Originally posted by MtnBiker
Isn't McCain prolife, that just would not square with democrats.

Yeah but some Democrats have already said they dont care. Senator Biden for one.
Yeah, I just not sure if it would work, abortion is one of their main platform issues.

Also I believe McCain is (like alot of senators) egotistical, I can't see him doing something politically risking in the twilight of his career. He would rather be remembered for the Senator he has been than the republican senator the join a lossing democrat presidential ticket.
Just to toss in my two cents while being hopefull at the same time.....

Ed Rendell is listed as a possible running mate for Kerry. While I think that's unlikely, I sure as hell hope he chooses Rendell to get him the hell outta Pennsylvania.
Why id love to see that fat loser of a governor leave, he wouldnt be leaving unless Kerry won the white house. He would still be governor unfortunately. It was sad that he won to begin with.
For some God awful reason, I compare Ed Rendell to Ted Kennedy.

I think should he be listed as the Veep running mate, and lose, his term in Pennsylvania afterwards would be short lived. I cant ever recall Pennsylvania having a Governor who I despise as much as I do Rendell.

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