Kerry Flip-flops on Missing WMDs


Aug 28, 2003
New York
While the Washington press corps seems to have missed it, WABC Radio's Steve Malzberg has been playing a clip of Sen. John Kerry in his biggest flip-flop yet - showing the presumptive Democratic nominee suddenly admitting that Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction may soon turn up.

It's quite a turnaround for Kerry, who just a few weeks ago was complaining: "George Bush sold us on going to war with Iraq based on the threat of weapons of mass destruction. But we still haven't found them. ... We were misled about weapons of mass destruction."

Key Kerry backer Howard Dean has been even more adamant, insisting to CNN earlier this month: "There were no weapons of mass destruction. ... This is Bushgate, which is far more serious than Watergate."

But Tuesday night on MSNBC's "Hardball," Kerry retreated.

"It appears, as they peel away the weapons of mass destruction issue - and we may yet find them," he told host Chris Matthews. "Look, I want to make it clear. Who knows if a month from now, three months from now, you find some weapons? You may."

Coincidentally or not, Kerry's reversal came a day after the Jordanian government announced that WMDs from Syria were part of an al-Qaida plot to kill 80,000 people in Amman with poison gas. At least one of the plotters has admitted he was trained in Iraq.

The top Democrat's flip-flop also followed news that a suspected weapons of mass destruction production facility in Baghdad - disguised as a perfume factory - unexpectedly blew up, killing two GIs who were searching the plant.
Wouldn't that be a flip-flop-flip then? since he initially asserted that Sadaam had weapons when clinton was president. then said he didnt and that Bush lied. Now he says he does again.

No accountability for these people. they throw shit out there and when proven completely wrong, they arent held accountable. So the damage is done and people still think bush is a liar because they recite the party rhetoric blindly.
The Democrats were taking the wrong angle on this WMD issue the entire time. If they were smart they wouldnt be attacking President Bush for "lying" about WMDs. they would be attacking him for not having found them yet and allowing them more of a chance to reach terrorist hands.

I know some of you might think dont give them ideas. dont worry they wont take it.
There are too many stories out there now, Jordan being the most viable, that make the WMD more than a likely possibility. I've posted some in the Terrorism threads.

I'm sorry to say that even Kerry isn't so stupid as to jump on the 'Bush lied' bandwagon.
Originally posted by insein
Im sure 80,000 Jordanians almost found out where those WMD's went first hand. That doesnt make major news though does it.

No it doesn't. Though for the past months I felt the same about the Oil For Food scandal and now the mainstream media has picked it up.

One must wonder though, where would we be without blogs?
Hello all.

I have heard all the stories about Kerry flip-flopping, but I have seen ample examples of Bush flip-flopping as well. It seems to me that changing your mind, or even changing your mind where it is politically advantageous, is part of the job of being a politician. As an undecided voter, I can say that the attack on Kerry for being a flip-flopper is pretty weak. In my search for the "truth", I just think that this issue against him is not going to cause swing voters to choose Bush.

The biggest problem I have seen thus far for Kerry is that I don't know much about him. The only things I have seen are Bush trying to tell me what he is and so far.

As I said, I saw a list of some Bush flip flops and when you compare them to Kerry's, it seems like a wash. Here is a snippet from a list I found on the 'Net. This is just some of them by the way. I really don't think has a right to criticize Kerry on this.

1. Department of Homeland Security

BUSH OPPOSES THE DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY..."So, creating a Cabinet office doesn't solve the problem. You still will have agencies within the federal government that have to be coordinated. So the answer is that creating a Cabinet post doesn't solve anything." [White House spokesman Ari Fleischer, 3/19/02]

...BUSH SUPPORTS THE DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY "So tonight, I ask the Congress to join me in creating a single, permanent department with an overriding and urgent mission: securing the homeland of America and protecting the American people." [President Bush, Address to the Nation, 6/6/02]

2. Weapons of Mass Destruction

BUSH SAYS WE FOUND THE WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION..."We found the weapons of mass destruction. We found biological laboratories…for those who say we haven't found the banned manufacturing devices or banned weapons, they're wrong, we found them." [President Bush, Interview in Poland, 5/29/03]

...BUSH SAYS WE HAVEN'T FOUND WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION "David Kay has found the capacity to produce weapons. And when David Kay goes in and says we haven't found stockpiles yet, and there's theories as to where the weapons went. They could have been destroyed during the war. Saddam and his henchmen could have destroyed them as we entered into Iraq. They could be hidden. They could have been transported to another country, and we'll find out." [President Bush, Meet the Press, 2/7/04]

3. Free Trade

BUSH SUPPORTS FREE TRADE... "I believe strongly that if we promote trade, and when we promote trade, it will help workers on both sides of this issue." [President Bush in Peru, 3/23/02]

...BUSH SUPPORTS RESTRICTIONS ON TRADE "In a decision largely driven by his political advisers, President Bush set aside his free-trade principles last year and imposed heavy tariffs on imported steel to help out struggling mills in Pennsylvania and West Virginia, two states crucial for his reelection." [Washington Post, 9/19/03]

4. Osama Bin Laden

BUSH WANTS OSAMA DEAD OR ALIVE... "I want justice. And there's an old poster out West, I recall, that says, 'Wanted: Dead or Alive.'" [President Bush, on Osama Bin Laden, 09/17/01]

...BUSH DOESN'T CARE ABOUT OSAMA "I don't know where he is. I have no idea and I really don't care. It's not that important." [President Bush, Press Conference, 3/13/02]

5. The Environment

BUSH SUPPORTS MANDATORY CAPS ON CARBON DIOXIDE... "[If elected], Governor Bush will work to…establish mandatory reduction targets for emissions of four main pollutants: sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, mercury and carbon dioxide." [Bush Environmental Plan, 9/29/00]

...BUSH OPPOSES MANDATORY CAPS ON CARBON DIOXIDE "I do not believe, however, that the government should impose on power plants mandatory emissions reductions for carbon dioxide, which is not a 'pollutant' under the Clean Air Act." [President Bush, Letter to Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-NE), 3/13/03]

6. WMD Commission

BUSH RESISTS AN OUTSIDE INVESTIGATION ON WMD INTELLIGENCE FAILURE... "The White House immediately turned aside the calls from Kay and many Democrats for an immediate outside investigation, seeking to head off any new wide-ranging election-year inquiry that might go beyond reports already being assembled by congressional committees and the Central Intelligence Agency." [NY Times, 1/29/04]

...BUSH SUPPORTS AN OUTSIDE INVESTIGATION ON WMD INTELLIGENCE FAILURE "Today, by executive order, I am creating an independent commission, chaired by Governor and former Senator Chuck Robb, Judge Laurence Silberman, to look at American intelligence capabilities, especially our intelligence about weapons of mass destruction." [President Bush, 2/6/04]

7. Creation of the 9/11 Commission

BUSH OPPOSES CREATION OF INDEPENDENT 9/11 COMMISSION... "President Bush took a few minutes during his trip to Europe Thursday to voice his opposition to establishing a special commission to probe how the government dealt with terror warnings before Sept. 11." [CBS News, 5/23/02]

...BUSH SUPPORTS CREATION OF INDEPENDENT 9/11 COMMISSION "President Bush said today he now supports establishing an independent commission to investigate the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks." [ABC News, 09/20/02]

8. Time Extension for 9/11 Commission

BUSH OPPOSES TIME EXTENSION FOR 9/11 COMMISSION... "President Bush and House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) have decided to oppose granting more time to an independent commission investigating the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks." [Washington Post, 1/19/04]

...BUSH SUPPORTS TIME EXTENSION FOR 9/11 COMMISSION "The White House announced Wednesday its support for a request from the commission investigating the September 11, 2001 attacks for more time to complete its work." [CNN, 2/4/04]

9. One Hour Limit for 9/11 Commission Testimony

BUSH LIMITS TESTIMONY IN FRONT OF 9/11 COMMISSION TO ONE HOUR... "President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney have placed strict limits on the private interviews they will grant to the federal commission investigating the Sept. 11 attacks, saying that they will meet only with the panel's top two officials and that Mr. Bush will submit to only a single hour of questioning, commission members said Wednesday." [NY Times, 2/26/04]

...BUSH SETS NO TIMELIMIT FOR TESTIMONY "The president's going to answer all of the questions they want to raise. Nobody's watching the clock." [White House spokesman Scott McClellan, 3/10/04]

10. Gay Marriage

BUSH SAYS GAY MARRIAGE IS A STATE ISSUE... "The state can do what they want to do. Don't try to trap me in this state's issue like you're trying to get me into." [Gov. George W. Bush on Gay Marriage, Larry King Live, 2/15/00]

...BUSH SUPPORTS CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT BANNING GAY MARRIAGE "Today I call upon the Congress to promptly pass, and to send to the states for ratification, an amendment to our Constitution defining and protecting marriage as a union of man and woman as husband and wife." [President Bush, 2/24/04]

11. Nation Building

BUSH OPPOSES NATION BUILDING... "If we don't stop extending our troops all around the world in nation-building missions, then we're going to have a serious problem coming down the road." [Gov. George W. Bush, 10/3/00]

...BUSH SUPPORTS NATION BUILDING "We will be changing the regime of Iraq, for the good of the Iraqi people." [President Bush, 3/6/03]

12. Saddam/al Qaeda Link

BUSH SAYS IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO DISTINGUISH BETWEEEN AL QAEDA AND SADDAM... "You can't distinguish between al Qaeda and Saddam when you talk about the war on terror." [President Bush, 9/25/02]

...BUSH SAYS SADDAM HAD NO ROLE IN AL QAEDA PLOT "We've had no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved in Sept. 11." [President Bush, 9/17/03]

13. U.N. Resolution

BUSH VOWS TO HAVE A UN VOTE NO MATTER WHAT... "No matter what the whip count is, we're calling for the vote. We want to see people stand up and say what their opinion is about Saddam Hussein and the utility of the United Nations Security Council. And so, you bet. It's time for people to show their cards, to let the world know where they stand when it comes to Saddam." [President Bush 3/6/03]

...BUSH WITHDRAWS REQUEST FOR VOTE "At a National Security Council meeting convened at the White House at 8:55 a.m., Bush finalized the decision to withdraw the resolution from consideration and prepared to deliver an address to the nation that had already been written." [Washington Post, 3/18/03]

14. Involvement in the Palestinian Conflict

BUSH OPPOSES SUMMITS... "Well, we've tried summits in the past, as you may remember. It wasn't all that long ago where a summit was called and nothing happened, and as a result we had significant intifada in the area." [President Bush, 04/05/02]

...BUSH SUPPORTS SUMMITS "If a meeting advances progress toward two states living side by side in peace, I will strongly consider such a meeting. I'm committed to working toward peace in the Middle East." [President Bush, 5/23/03]

15. Campaign Finance

BUSH OPPOSES MCCAIN-FEINGOLD... "George W. Bush opposes an infringement on free expression." [Washington Post, 3/28/2000]

...BUSH SIGNS MCCAIN-FEINGOLD INTO LAW "[T]his bill improves the current system of financing for Federal campaigns, and therefore I have signed it into law." [President Bush, at the McCain-Feingold singing ceremony, 03/27/02]

Michelle, a link to where you got this information would be nice, not to mention 'mandatory'. I'd like to further rip this garbage to shreds once you provide the link. You may want to familiarize yourself with the rules at the top of the board.
This was e-mailed to me so I don't have a link. I am sorry for that.

I guess you can delete it if I broke the rules. I promise I didn't make it up though.

Originally posted by Michelle
This was e-mailed to me so I don't have a link. I am sorry for that.

I guess you can delete it if I broke the rules. I promise I didn't make it up though.


I didn't mean to imply that you made it up, but a link is necessary when possible to give the original author credit. Here's a link to a page that carries this clip:
Thanks for finding that for me. That site looks to have alot of info about politics. I bookmarked it. Thanks again!

Michelle, rather than deal with distorted propaganda, how about we deal with FACTS for a moment? Sure, this is who I want to lead our country!


On Key Votes, Kerry Voted 100% Of The Time With Senator Kennedy In 2001, 1999, 1998, 1993, 1992, 1989, 1988, 1987, 1986, and 1985. Over the course of his Senate career, Kerry has sided with Senator Kennedy 94% of the time for key votes.

As Michael Dukakis’ Lt. Governor From 1983-1985, Kerry Supported Granting Prison Furloughs To Hundreds Of Massachusetts Inmates. Later as a U.S. Senator in 1988, he defended the program: “The furlough program in Massachusetts is tougher than the federal program.” (John King, “Bush Surrogate Gets Ambushed In Dukakis Territory,” The Associated Press, July 6, 1988)


Kerry Has Voted Against A Balanced Budget Amendment At Least Five Times. Other fiscally irresponsible votes include at least three key votes against lowering overall spending.

Kerry Voted Against President Bush’s Tax Cuts, At Least The Tenth Key Anti-Tax Relief Vote Of His Senate Career.

Kerry Voted For The Biggest Tax Increase In American History Under President Clinton.

Kerry Has A Lifetime Rating Of 26% From Citizens Against Government Waste And Is A Long-Time Supporter Of Federal Funding For Boston’s “Big Dig.” Former Senate Government Affairs Chairman John McCain called the project “the biggest, most costly public works project in U.S. history.” The “Big Dig” was estimated to cost $2.6 billion when it was approved in 1985. The cost to date has totaled more than $13.6 billion. (“Congressional Ratings,” Citizens Against Government Waste Website,, Accessed January 7, 2003; Natalie M. Henry, “Senate Commerce Investigates Overspending On Boston’s ‘Big Dig,’” Environment And Energy Daily, May 3, 2000)


Kerry Voted At Least Three Times Against Banning Partial-Birth Abortions.

Kerry Voted To Allow Federal Funding Of Abortions And To Provide Abortion Counseling In Federally-Funded Clinics.



On Key Votes, Kerry Voted 100% Of The Time With Senator Kennedy In 2001, 1999, 1998, 1993, 1992, 1989, 1988, 1987, 1986, and 1985. Over the course of his Senate career, Kerry has sided with Senator Kennedy 94% of the time for key votes. (Roll Call Key Votes,, December 2001)

Kerry’s Lifetime Vote Rating From Americans For Democratic Action Is Five Points Higher Than That Of Fellow Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy. While Kennedy only rates an 88 lifetime average, Kerry has a lifetime average of 93. (Americans For Democratic Action Website,, Accessed December 9, 2002)

Kerry And Kennedy Had Exactly The Same Low Rating From The American Conservative Union In Both 2001 (4%) And 2000 (12%). Kerry’s lifetime rating from the ACU is 5%. (American Conservation Union Website,, Accessed December 9, 2002)

Kerry Is Against The Death Penalty. “I’m opposed to the death penalty in the criminal justice system because I think it’s applied unfairly . . . .” (NBC’s “Meet The Press,” December 1, 2002)

Kerry Is An Extreme Environmentalist Who Voted With The Activist Group, The League Of Conservation Voters, An Average Of 95% Of The Time In The Last Three Congresses. (League Of Conservation Voters Website,, Accessed December 9, 2002)

Kerry Has Voted For At Least Seven Major Reductions In Defense And Military Spending Necessary For Our National Security. (S. 1438, Roll Call Vote #286: Motion agreed to 53-47: R 21-28; D 31-19, September 25, 2001; S. 1087, Roll Call Vote #397: Passed 62-35: R 48-4; D 14-31, September 5, 1995; S. 1298, Roll Call Vote #251: Adopted 50-48: R 6-36; D 44-12, September 9, 1993; S. 3114, Roll Call Vote #182: Motion Rejected 43-49: R 34-5; D 9-44, August 7, 1992; S. 2399, Roll Call Vote #56: Motion rejected 50-48: R 3-40; D 47-8, March 26, 1992; H.R. 2707, Roll Call Vote #182: Motion Rejected 28-69 R 3-39; D 25-30, September 10, 1991; S. 1352, Roll Call Vote #148: Motion agreed to 50-47: R 37-6; D 13-41, June 27, 1989)

As Michael Dukakis’ Lt. Governor From 1983-1985, Kerry Supported Granting Prison Furloughs To Hundreds Of Massachusetts Inmates. Later as a U.S. Senator in 1988, he defended the program: “The furlough program in Massachusetts is tougher than the federal program.” (John King, “Bush Surrogate Gets Ambushed In Dukakis Territory,” The Associated Press, July 6, 1988)


Kerry Called For “Fiscal Responsibility,” Just Like When He Voted For The 1993 Tax Hike, The Largest In History. “All the Democrats have generally resisted the GOP proposal to make the tax cuts permanent. . . . Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry called for ‘a return to the fiscal responsibility we gave this country in 1993 when we passed the Deficit Reduction Act.’” (Will Lester, “Top Democrats Complain About Bush Economic Plans, But Some Steer Away From Tax Debate,” The Associated Press, October 15, 2002)

In His Senate Career, Kerry Has Voted Against A Balanced Budget Amendment At Least Five Times. Other fiscally irresponsible votes include at least three key votes against lowering overall spending. (S.J. Res. 1, Roll Call Vote #24: Rejected 66-34: R 55-0; D 11-34, March 4, 1997; H.J. Res. 1, Roll Call Vote #158: Rejected 64-35: R 52-1; D 12-34, June 6, 1996; H.J. Res. 1, Roll Call Vote #98: Rejected 65-35: R 51-2; D 14-33, March 2, 1995; S.J. Res. 41, Roll Call Vote #48: Rejected 63-37: R 41-3; D 22-34, March 1, 1994; S.J. Res. 225, Roll Call Vote #45: Rejected 66-34: R 43-10; D 23-24, March 25, 1986)

Kerry Has A Lifetime Rating Of 26% From Citizens Against Government Waste And Is A Long-Time Supporter Of Federal Funding For Boston’s “Big Dig.” Former Senate Government Affairs Chairman John McCain called the project “the biggest, most costly public works project in U.S. history.” The “Big Dig” was estimated to cost $2.6 billion when it was approved in 1985. The cost to date has totaled more than $13.6 billion. (“Congressional Ratings,” Citizens Against Government Waste Website,, Accessed January 7, 2003; Natalie M. Henry, “Senate Commerce Investigates Overspending On Boston's ‘Big Dig’,” Environment and Energy Daily, May 3, 2000)

Kerry Voted Against President Bush’s Tax Cuts, At Least The Tenth Major Anti-Tax Relief Vote Of His Senate Career. (H.R. 1836, Roll Call Vote #165: Adopted 62-38: R 50-0; D 12-38, May 23, 2001; H. Con. Res. 83, Roll Call Vote #69: Adopted 53-47: R 4-46; D 49-1, April 4, 2001; S. 1429, Roll Call Vote #247: Passed 57-43: R 52-2; D 4-41; I 1-0, July 30, 1999; H.R. 2646, Roll Call Vote #169: Adopted 59-36: R 51-2; D 8-34, June 24, 1998; H.R. 2646, Roll Call Vote #288: Rejected 56-41: R 54-1; D 2-40, October 30, 1997; H. Con. Res. 84, Roll Call Vote #92: Adopted 78-22: R 41-14; D 37-8, May 23, 1997; S. 1028, Roll Call Vote #72: Adopted 52-46: R 5-46; D 47-0, April 18, 1996; H.R. 2264, Roll Call Vote #190: Passed 50-49: R 0-43; D 49-6, June 25, 1993; H. Con. Res. 64, Roll Call Vote #83: Adopted 54-45: R 0-43; D 54-2, March 25, 1993; H.R. 3628, Roll Call Vote #298: Rejected 51-47 (needed 2/3 majority): R 45-0; D 6-47, November 15, 1989)

In September 2001, Kerry Said We Should Not Raise Taxes In An Economic Downturn. “The first priority is the economy of our nation. And when you have a downturn in the economy, the last thing you do is raise taxes or cut spending. We shouldn’t do either. We need to maintain a course that hopefully will stimulate the economy. . . . No, we should not raise taxes, but we have to put everything on the table to take a look at why we have this structural problem today. . . . you don’t want to raise taxes.” (NBC’s “Meet The Press,” September 2, 2001)


In April 2002, Kerry Said He Wanted A Larger Tax Cut And Was “Not In Favor Of” A Repeal. CNN’s Tucker Carlson: “Senator Kerry, . . . [many Democrats] [g]et a lot of political mileage out of criticizing [President Bush’s tax cut], but nobody has the courage to say repeal it. Are you for repealing it?” Kerry: “It’s not a question of courage. . . . And it’s not an issue right now. We passed appropriately a tax cut as a stimulus, some $40 billion. Many of us thought it should have even maybe been a little bit larger this last year . . . . [T]he next tax cut doesn’t take effect until 2004. If we can grow the economy enough between now and then, if we have sensible policies in place and make good choices, who knows what our choices will be. So it’s simply not a ripe issue right now. And I’m not in favor of turning around today and repealing it.” (CNN’s “Crossfire,” April 16, 2002)


In December 2002, Kerry Flip-Flopped. NBC’s Tim Russert: “Senator . . . should we freeze or roll back the Bush tax cut?” Kerry: “Well, I wouldn’t take away from people who’ve already been given their tax cut . . . . What I would not do is give any new Bush tax cuts. . . .” Russert: “So the tax cut that’s scheduled to be implemented in the coming years . . . .” Kerry: “No new tax cut under the Bush plan. . . . It doesn’t make economic sense.” Russert: “Now, this is a change, because let me show you what you said in September of 2001 when I asked you the very same question.” (NBC’s “Meet The Press,” December 1, 2002)

Kerry Voted At Least Five Times To Raid The Social Security Trust Fund. (H.R. 2014, Roll Call Vote #211: Conference Report Agreed To 92-8: R 55-0; D 37-8, July 31, 1997; H.R. 2264, Roll Call Vote #247: Conference Report Agreed To 50-50, With Vice President Gore Voting Yea: R 0-44; D 50-6, August 6, 1993; H.Con.Res. 268, Roll Call Vote #167: Conference Report Agreed To 58-29: R 21-20; D 37-9, June 6, 1988; H.R. 3545, Roll Call Vote #419: Conference Report Agreed To 61-28: R 18-23; D 43-5, December 21, 1987; H.R. 3128, Roll Call Vote #379: Conference Report Agreed To 78-1: R 40-1; D 38-0, December 19, 1985)


Kerry Voted At Least Three Times Against Banning Partial-Birth Abortions. (H.R. 1833, Roll Call Vote #596: Adopted 54-44: R 45-8; D 9-36, December 7, 1995; H.R. 1833, Roll Call Vote #301: Veto Override Rejected 57-41: R 45-6; D 12-35, September 26, 1996; H.R. 1122, Roll Call Vote #277: Veto Override Rejected 64-36: R 51-4; D 13-32, September 18, 1998)
Kerry Voted To Allow Federal Funding Of Abortions And To Provide Abortion Counseling In Federally-Funded Clinics. (H.R. 2518, Roll Call Vote #290: Rejected 40-59: R 6-38; D 34-21, September 28, 1993; S. 323, Roll Call Vote #254: Passed 73-26: R 20-23; D 53-3, October 1, 1992)

Kerry Has Voted Against Requiring Parental Notification For Minors’ Abortions. (H.R. 5257, Roll Call Vote #266: Motion Rejected 48-48: R 8-34; D 40-14, October 12, 1990)

While Kerry Earns A 0% Rating From The National Right To Life Committee, His National Abortion And Reproductive Rights League Rating Is Consistently 100%. (Vote Smart Interest Group Ratings,, Accessed December 6, 2002)


On Abortion

Kerry Disagrees With Gephardt On Federal Funding Of Abortions. Kerry voted against a provision to prohibit the use of federal funds for abortions except in cases of rape, incest or threat to the mother’s life, but Gephardt voted in favor of the provision. (H.R. 2518, Senate Roll Call Vote #290: Rejected 40-59: R 6-38; D 34-21, September 28, 1993; Amdt. to H.R. 2518, House Roll Call Vote #309: Adopted 256-171: R 157-16; D 99-154, June 30, 1993)

Kerry Disagrees With Gephardt On Banning Partial-Birth Abortions. Kerry has voted three times against banning partial-birth abortion procedures, while Gephardt supports the ban. (H.R. 1833, Roll Call Vote #596: Adopted 54-44: R 45-8; D 9-36, December 7, 1995; H.R. 1833, Roll Call Vote #301: Veto Override Rejected 57-41: R 45-6; D 12-35, September 26, 1996; H.R. 1122, Roll Call Vote #277: Veto Override Rejected 64-36: R 51-4; D 13-32, September 18, 1998; David Kranz, “Abortion Foes Ask Daschle For Vote,” [Sioux Falls, SD]Argus Leader, August 28, 2002; Jo Mannies, “Gephardt’s Challenger Offers A Clear, And Stark, Choice,” St. Louis Post-Dispatch, October 25, 1998)

On Gay Marriage

Kerry Disagrees With Lieberman And Gephardt On Recognition Of Civil Unions. Kerry voted against the “Defense of Marriage Act,” while Lieberman and Gephardt voted in favor of it. (H.R. 3396, House Roll Call Vote #316: Passed 342-67: R 224-1; D 118-65, July 12, 1996; H.R. 3396, Senate Roll Call Vote #280: Passed 85-14: R 53-0; D 32-14, September 10, 1996)

On The 1991 Gulf War

Kerry Disagreed With Lieberman On The 1991 Persian Gulf War. Unlike his Senate colleague, Joe Lieberman, Kerry voted against the Persian Gulf War. (S.J. Res. 2, Roll Call Vote #2: Passed 52-47: R 42-2; D 10-45, January 12, 1991)

On Trade Promotion Authority

Kerry Disagrees With Edwards And Gephardt On Trade Promotion Authority. Kerry voted for trade promotion authority, but Edwards and Gephardt voted against it. (H.R. 3009, Senate Roll Call Vote #207: Adopted (thus cleared for the president) 64-34: R 43-5; D 20-29; I 1-0, August 1, 2002; H.R. 3009, House Roll Call Vote #370: Passed 215-212: R 190-27; D 25-183; I 0-2, July 27, 2002)

On Corporate Responsibility

Kerry Disagrees With Gephardt On Shareholders’ Rights. In 1995, Kerry voted “to make it harder for shareholders to file suits against chief executives,” while Gephardt voted against the legislation and “has supported virtually every effort in recent years to crack down on corporations . . . .” (Jim VandeHei, “Watts Offers Parting Advice To GOP Leaders,” The Washington Post, July 15, 2002)


107th Congress, 2001 Senate Votes

Against The Bush Tax Cut: Kerry voted against a $1.35 trillion tax cut package to reduce income-tax rates, alleviate the “marriage penalty” and gradually repeal the estate tax. (H.R. 1836, Roll Call Vote #165: Adopted 62-38: R 50-0; D 12-38, May 23, 2001)

For Reducing Size Of The Tax Cut: Kerry voted to reduce Bush’s proposed tax cut ceiling by $448 billion over 10 years. (H. Con. Res. 83, Roll Call Vote #69: Adopted 53-47: R 4-46; D 49-1, April 4, 2001)

Against Ashcroft Nomination: Kerry voted against confirming John Ashcroft to be Attorney General. (Roll Call Vote #8: Confirmed 58-42: R 50-0; D 8-42, February 1, 2001)

106th Congress, 1999-2000 Senate Votes

Against Genetic Privacy: Kerry voted against approving a GOP plan to restrict use of genetic information by health insurers. (Amendment To H.R. 4577, Roll Call Vote #165: Amendment Passed 58-40: R 55-0; D 3-40, June 29, 2000)

For Expanding Hate Crime Protections: Kerry voted to include gender, sexual orientation and disability in federal hate crime protections. (Amendment To S. 2549, Roll Call Vote #136: Amendment Passed 57-42: R 13-41; D 44-1, June 20, 2000)

Against Reducing Taxes: Kerry voted against reducing federal taxes by $792 billion over 10 years. (S. 1429, Roll Call Vote #247: Passed 57-43: R 53-2; D 4-41, July 30, 1999)

105th Congress, 1997-98 Senate Votes

Against Banning Partial-Birth Abortion: Kerry voted against a ban on “partial-birth” abortions. (H.R. 1122, Roll Call Vote #277: Rejected 64-36: R 51-4; D 13-32, September 18, 1998)

Against Banning Cloning: Kerry voted against allowing vote to ban human cloning. (S. 1601, Roll Call Vote #10: Cloture Motion Rejected 42-54: R 42-12; D 0-42, February 11, 1998)

Against Educational Savings Accounts: Kerry voted against allowing a vote to create educational savings accounts. (H.R. 2646, Roll Call Vote #288: Cloture Motion Rejected 56-41: R 54-1; D 2-40, October 30, 1997)

Against Fiscally Responsible Budget: Kerry voted against approving a GOP budget to cut spending and taxes. (H. Con. Res. 84, Roll Call Vote #92: Adopted 78-22: R 41-14; D 37-8, May 23, 1997)

Against Balanced-Budget Amendment: Kerry voted against approving a balanced-budget constitutional amendment. (S.J. Res. 1, Roll Call Vote #24: Rejected 66-34: R 55-0; D 11-34, March 4, 1997)

104th Congress, 1995-96 Senate Votes

Against Balancing The Budget: Kerry voted against a bipartisan plan to balance the budget in seven years. (S. Con. Res. 57, Roll Call Vote #150: Rejected 46-53: R 22-30; D 24-23, May 23, 1996)

Against Tort Reform: Kerry voted against allowing a vote to approve a cap on punitive damages in product liability cases. (H.R. 956, Roll Call Vote #152: Rejected 47-52: R 45-9; D 2-43, May 4, 1995)

103rd Congress, 1993-94 Senate Votes

Against Spending Reductions: Kerry voted to kill an amendment to reduce budget spending by $94 billion. (H.R. 3759, Roll Call Vote #35: Motion To Table Adopted 65-31: R 23-19; D 42-12, February 9, 1994)

For The Largest Tax Increase In American History: Kerry voted to pass Clinton’s budget that raised taxes and cut spending. (H.R. 2264, Roll Call Vote #247: Adopted 51-50: R 0-44; D 50-6, With Vice President Gore Voting “Yea,” August 6, 1993)

102nd Congress, 1991-92 Senate Votes

Against Stopping Missile Defense Spending Cuts: Kerry voted against a motion to kill an amendment that proposed deeper cuts in SDI spending. (S. 3114, Roll Call Vote #182: Motion To Table Rejected 43-49: R 34-5; D 9-44, August 7, 1992)

Against School Choice: Kerry voted against approving a school-choice pilot program. (S. 2, Roll Call Vote #5: Rejected 36-57: R 33-6; D 3-51, January 23, 1992)

Against Thomas Nomination: Kerry voted against confirming Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court. (Roll Call Vote #220: Confirmed 52-48: R 41-2; D 11-46, October 15, 1991)

For Defense Spending Reductions: Kerry voted to transfer $3.1 billion to domestic programs from Defense department accounts. (H.R. 2707, Roll Call Vote #182: Motion Rejected 28-69 R 3-39; D 25-30, September 10, 1991)

Against Persian Gulf War: Kerry voted against authorizing the use of force in the Persian Gulf. (S.J. Res. 2, Roll Call Vote #2: Passed 52-47: R 42-2; D 10-45, January 12, 1991)

101st Congress, 1989-90 Senate Votes

Against Flag Burning Amendment: Kerry voted against a constitutional amendment on flag desecration. (S.J. Res. 332, Roll Call Vote #128: Rejected 58-42: R 38-7; D 20-35, June 26, 1990)

Against Parental Notification For Minors’ Abortions: Kerry voted to kill an amendment requiring parental notice for minors’ abortions. (H.R. 5257, Roll Call Vote #266: Motion To Table Rejected 48-48: R 8-34; D 40-14, October 12, 1990)

Against Considering A Capital Gains Tax Cut: Kerry voted against allowing a vote on a capital gains tax cut. (H.R. 3628, Roll Call Vote #295: Motion To Table Rejected 51-47 (Needed 2/3 Majority): R 45-0; D 6-47, November 14, 1989)

100th Congress, 1987-88 Senate Votes

Against Death Penalty For Drug-Related Murders: Kerry voted against approving the death penalty for drug-related murders. (S. 2455, Roll Call Vote #175: Passed 65-29: R 37-6; D 28-23, June 10, 1988)

Against Bork Nomination: Kerry voted against confirming Supreme Court Nominee Judge Robert H. Bork. (Roll Call Vote #348: Confirmation Rejected 42-58: R 40-6; D 2-52, October 23, 1987)

99th Congress, 1985-86 Senate Votes

Against Rehnquist Nomination: Kerry voted against the confirmation of William Rehnquist to become the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. (Roll Call Vote #266: Confirmed 65-33: R 49-2; D 16-31, September 17, 1986)
Originally posted by Michelle
Hello all.

I have heard all the stories about Kerry flip-flopping, but I have seen ample examples of Bush flip-flopping as well.

Michelle. Most of your post is taking a real change in position and calling it a flip flop.

The difference is this. Bush would explain why he said what he said the first time and then why he said what he said the second time. When kerry is questioned, he tries to reinterpret the events with wordplay, distortion and lies.

This is why when kerry is asked about medals being thrown he starts quibbling about the definition and meaning of ribbons versus medals, which of the two he actually threw, and the actual ownership of said items. Hence every word in the question "did you throw your medals over the fence?" is brought into question and put up for debate. Kind of like discussing the definition of what the word "is" is.

You have bush on a few inconsistent statements, But kerry is trying to run from a multidecade voting record in the senate which indicates values at great variance with what is coming out of his mouth. Strong on defense? Puh-lllllleeeeeeze.

Welcome to the board, Michelle. Are you hot?
Originally posted by Michelle
Thanks for finding that for me. That site looks to have alot of info about politics. I bookmarked it. Thanks again!


For what it's worth, that's not exactly the type of site I would visit if I were looking for fair and balanced news. Anything that carries this kind of propaganda is likely to be a bit biased. I visit my share of conservative based sites, but I wouldn't fully rely on them for the 'entire' truth. Here are a few more balanced: (a bit liberal leaning, but a decent site)

I'm sure there are many more, that's just off the top of my head. I'm also sure others can chime in and link reputable sites.
Thanks for all the links jimnyc. That one site where you linked all the Kerry info doesn't look very unbiased. It appears to be the site for the Republican National Convention. How can you expect to find an unbiased view there jimnyc?

And Right Wing Avenger, you do make a good point on the response to flip-flopping. Since you agree the Bush flip-flops like Kerry does, I can see how Kerry's defense of his change of positions is disingenuous. I kind of felt that with the whole "throwing medals" thing. Even though I thought the attack was unfair coming from people who didn't even have any medals or really been in any position to earn a medal. I thought Kerry could have handled the attack more gracefully.

I just wish they could start one on one debates now and stop with the constant attacking. I have yet to see a Kerry commercial and all the Bush ads are focused on slamming Kerry and not telling me more about Bush. It gets a little tiring.

These guys need to be questioned on all the issues in front of all the people. When that is done, the swing voters will form their opinions in my opinion.

Originally posted by Michelle
Thanks for all the links jimnyc. That one site where you linked all the Kerry info doesn't look very unbiased. It appears to be the site for the Republican National Convention. How can you expect to find an unbiased view there jimnyc?

The site I was referring to that was biased was the

Of course the RNC site is going to be geared towards republicans, but the data presented is FACTS on John Kerry's voting record. Each and every entry is a history of his deplorable voting record over the years and a matter of public record.

I have yet to see a Kerry commercial and all the Bush ads are focused on slamming Kerry and not telling me more about Bush.

You haven't looked very hard then. Here's all 23 of Bush's ad's thus far, and 14 of them are on the issues and nothing to do with Kerry.
Originally posted by Michelle
Thanks for all the links jimnyc. That one site where you linked all the Kerry info doesn't look very unbiased. It appears to be the site for the Republican National Convention. How can you expect to find an unbiased view there jimnyc?

And Right Wing Avenger, you do make a good point on the response to flip-flopping. Since you agree the Bush flip-flops like Kerry does, I can see how Kerry's defense of his change of positions is disingenuous. I kind of felt that with the whole "throwing medals" thing. Even though I thought the attack was unfair coming from people who didn't even have any medals or really been in any position to earn a medal. I thought Kerry could have handled the attack more gracefully.

I just wish they could start one on one debates now and stop with the constant attacking. I have yet to see a Kerry commercial and all the Bush ads are focused on slamming Kerry and not telling me more about Bush. It gets a little tiring.

These guys need to be questioned on all the issues in front of all the people. When that is done, the swing voters will form their opinions in my opinion.


Bush would do it. Kerry won't. He'd wuss out. But it is a good idea. Bring it on!

You didn't answer my last question. It was really the most important!
Oh you mean whether I'm hot or not. I thought you were kidding. I receive alot of attention from males so I guess I am attractive. I don't dote on myself in the mirror or anything and I will never get fake tans or breast work done. I was looking to escape that attention here on an anonymous message board though. It's not real relevant in my opinion.

Anyway, you have like 2400 posts since January. I am not real attracted to the douhgy internet geeky type. You should enjoy life a bit and post a little less, but that's just my opinon.
I won't judge you on that and I hope we can still debate here with no hard feelings.

Originally posted by Michelle
Oh you mean whether I'm hot or not. I thought you were kidding. I receive alot of attention from males so I guess I am attractive. I don't dote on myself in the mirror or anything and I will never get fake tans or breast work done. I was looking to escape that attention here on an anonymous message board though. It's not real relevant in my opinion.

Anyway, you have like 2400 posts since January. I am not real attracted to the douhgy internet geeky type. You should enjoy life a bit and post a little less, but that's just my opinon.
I won't judge you on that and I hope we can still debate here with no hard feelings.


See, I could tell. Michelle's a nice name. You should get a screen name like UglyFatScott if you want to avoid this type of attention, but you get suitors of a much more disturbing nature with that one. I don't know. Play with it a little.

Doughy? I just lost 40 pnds recently. I'm a "Jared" achiever. You know, the guy from Subway? Anyway, thanks for your unconditional support and approval. I did read that right, didn't I?:D ;)
Jimnyc, and this is just from my limited experience, I have found that reading "facts" from both sides of the fence a more informed opinion can be made. This goes back to my original assertion that both Kerry and Bush have changed positions on issues and both biases will bear that out. You can't really call the leftward view "trash" if it is based on fact in deference to the rightward view you are taking.

I am not a hard core conservative and I am not a raging liberal. I am the swing voting moderate vote that both candidates treasure and that will make the decision in November for both the left and the right.

In my opinion, the body of evidence thus far shows that Kerry AND Bush have flip-flopped and it is a non-issue to me for either candidate because I expect politicians to "politick" and "go with the flow"


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