Kay Bailey Hutchison: Obama Has A 'Bias' Against Texas


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama is messing with Texas, the senior senator from that state alleged.

Speaking to MSNBC on Friday, Republican Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison acknowledged that Texas does depend heavily on taxpayer funds –- a paradigm at odds with the state's rights braggadocio that frequently emanates from its capital in Austin. But still, Hutchison said, she felt that the Obama White House looked down, if not stigmatized, the Lone Star State.

"I see a bias in this administration against Texas… yes, I do see it in this administration, absolutely. We didn't get the help in the wildfires that I think any other state would have gotten," said Hutchison. "I think if you look at the things that have not happened in Texas, I think it is pretty clear that there is a bias against Texas. Even in the border issues we are not getting the help we should have from the federal government to secure the 1,200-mile border we have with Mexico. So I do think that a lot of the rhetoric has rubbed the administration wrong, and we have had to fight hard for our fair share."

This acute distrust with the Obama administration is nothing new for prominent Texas Republicans. The Gov. Rick Perry, who is a rumored GOP presidential candidate, has hinted that the state would be better off seceding from the United States.

But is it detached from or belied by actually policy? In 2007, during the waning years of the Texan President George W. Bush's administration, the state received roughly 94 cents for every tax dollar it sent to the federal government. From 2007 through 2009, that number was only slightly less: 92 cents.

Kay Bailey Hutchison: Obama Has A 'Bias' Against Texas
"If there is more important than my ego in the room, I want it shot and killed right now."

Zaphod Beeblebrox.
Texas is big enough to take care of itself. At least most Texans bloviate so. My company in boot camp included many Texans and Arkansians (? sic); those from Arkansas were generally easy going and self effacing, the Texans were the exact opposite as well as amazingly ignorant.

I should add I've spent some time in San Antonio, Houston, Austin and Galveston, the people in general are like people everywhere, it is only a small sample which give Texas and Texans a bad name. San Antonio has some of the best Mexican food I've ever had and the river walk is fantastic; Austin is a vibrant city of educated young people and Galvaston has nice beaches and some really fun bars. Houston is an arm pit and I have no interest in the Dallas owing to a basic hatred of the Cowboys.
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The whole country should have a bias against Texas.

They elected a traitorous and murdering governor.

Sallow, you're credibility takes hits when you call someone traitorous and murderous when they have done neither. You're smarter than that. Come on.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmqtNiy4lgc]YouTube - ‪Texas Sovereignty or Secession Rally - Larry Kilgore‬‏[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5xTxcFA398]YouTube - ‪Rick Perry / Austin Tea Party ::: On Secession and "Right Wing Extremism"‬‏[/ame]
A juror's doubts – Anderson Cooper 360 - CNN.com Blogs

You find me a governor of New York that's been talking about Secession. Or a rally including a candidate for governor that yelling about how much he hates the flag and the government of the United States. While you're at it..find me a governor who had compelling evidence that the guy he's sending to death might be innocent..and yet he sends them to death anyway.
The whole country should have a bias against Texas.

They elected a traitorous and murdering governor.

Sallow, you're credibility takes hits when you call someone traitorous and murderous when they have done neither. You're smarter than that. Come on.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmqtNiy4lgc]YouTube - ‪Texas Sovereignty or Secession Rally - Larry Kilgore‬‏[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5xTxcFA398]YouTube - ‪Rick Perry / Austin Tea Party ::: On Secession and "Right Wing Extremism"‬‏[/ame]
A juror's doubts – Anderson Cooper 360 - CNN.com Blogs

You find me a governor of New York that's been talking about Secession. Or a rally including a candidate for governor that yelling about how much he hates the flag and the government of the United States. While you're at it..find me a governor who had compelling evidence that the guy he's sending to death might be innocent..and yet he sends them to death anyway.

You asshole hypocrite. You elected a president who sat in a church for 20 years screaming God Damn America..
The whole country should have a bias against Texas.

They elected a traitorous and murdering governor.

Sallow, you're credibility takes hits when you call someone traitorous and murderous when they have done neither. You're smarter than that. Come on.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmqtNiy4lgc]YouTube - ‪Texas Sovereignty or Secession Rally - Larry Kilgore‬‏[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5xTxcFA398]YouTube - ‪Rick Perry / Austin Tea Party ::: On Secession and "Right Wing Extremism"‬‏[/ame]
A juror's doubts – Anderson Cooper 360 - CNN.com Blogs

You find me a governor of New York that's been talking about Secession. Or a rally including a candidate for governor that yelling about how much he hates the flag and the government of the United States. While you're at it..find me a governor who had compelling evidence that the guy he's sending to death might be innocent..and yet he sends them to death anyway.

I don't have to. All I have to do is look at Washington and look at a president who could care less about the people through his actions.
Sallow, you're credibility takes hits when you call someone traitorous and murderous when they have done neither. You're smarter than that. Come on.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmqtNiy4lgc]YouTube - ‪Texas Sovereignty or Secession Rally - Larry Kilgore‬‏[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5xTxcFA398]YouTube - ‪Rick Perry / Austin Tea Party ::: On Secession and "Right Wing Extremism"‬‏[/ame]
A juror's doubts – Anderson Cooper 360 - CNN.com Blogs

You find me a governor of New York that's been talking about Secession. Or a rally including a candidate for governor that yelling about how much he hates the flag and the government of the United States. While you're at it..find me a governor who had compelling evidence that the guy he's sending to death might be innocent..and yet he sends them to death anyway.

You asshole hypocrite. You elected a president who sat in a church for 20 years screaming God Damn America..

Provide me a link where Obama ever said "God Damn America".

And you assholes elected a President that was an acolyte of these jerks.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-CAcdta_8I]YouTube - ‪Falwell and Robertson on The 700 Club after 9/11‬‏[/ame]
YouTube - ‪Texas Sovereignty or Secession Rally - Larry Kilgore‬‏
YouTube - ‪Rick Perry / Austin Tea Party ::: On Secession and "Right Wing Extremism"‬‏
A juror's doubts – Anderson Cooper 360 - CNN.com Blogs

You find me a governor of New York that's been talking about Secession. Or a rally including a candidate for governor that yelling about how much he hates the flag and the government of the United States. While you're at it..find me a governor who had compelling evidence that the guy he's sending to death might be innocent..and yet he sends them to death anyway.

You asshole hypocrite. You elected a president who sat in a church for 20 years screaming God Damn America..

Provide me a link where Obama ever said "God Damn America".

And you assholes elected a President that was an acolyte of these jerks.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-CAcdta_8I]YouTube - ‪Falwell and Robertson on The 700 Club after 9/11‬‏[/ame]

:lol::lol::lol::lol: He sat there jiving with the congregation for 20 years,, he sure as hell hates America.. sure does, and the jackass marxist minister who taught him was his bestest friend, budddy,, granddadddy and mentor..
Texas is thriving? I'd love to see your definition of thriving.

Compared to everyone else....

Some 37% of all net new American jobs since the recovery began were created in Texas. Mr. Fisher's study is a lesson in what works in economic policy—and it is worth pondering in the current 1.8% growth moment.

Using Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data, Dallas Fed economists looked at state-by-state employment changes since June 2009, when the recession ended. Texas added 265,300 net jobs, out of the 722,200 nationwide, and by far outpaced every other state. New York was second with 98,200, Pennsylvania added 93,000, and it falls off from there. Nine states created fewer than 10,000 jobs, while Maine, Hawaii, Delaware and Wyoming created fewer than 1,000. Eighteen states have lost jobs since the recovery began.

Review & Outlook: The Lone Star Jobs Surge - WSJ.com

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