Karl Rove thinks the Polls are Skewed...


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2009
Finger Lakes, NY
...in 2006,

and the Republicans will hold the Senate and the House!!!!!!!!!!!!

this, people, is what skew-mania looked like the last time we saw it:

Washington, D.C.; October 24, 2006 -

Karl Rove, White House Deputy Chief of Staff and President Bush's chief strategist, says he doesn't believe the public polls that claim the Republicans are likely to lose the House and possibly the Senate on Election Day. Rather, he explains in an interview with Robert Siegel airing today on NPR's All Things Considered today, he's looking at other polls that combined with the Republicans large financial advantage over the Democrats, could point to a Republican victory.


ROVE: No, you are not. I'm looking at 68 polls a week for candidates for the US House and US Senate, and Governor and you may be looking at 4-5 public polls a week that talk attitudes nationally.

SIEGEL: I don't want to have you to call races...

ROVE: I'm looking at all of these Robert and adding them up. I add up to a Republican Senate and Republican House. You may end up with a different math but you are entitled to your math and I'm entitled to THE math.

...the best line of the whole article is the last one above.



Posted lest any normal people out there are suffering any worries over whether or not this skewed polls hysteria on the Right is by any chance onto something.

It's not.

This is rightwing lunacy, and it's not even new rightwing lunacy.
Karl Rove represents every person on the planet with any hint of conservative views. Therefore, what Karl Rove says, everyone with a conservative view thinks that way.
Most polls are skewed.

Here in PA a college ran a poll that put obama up by 20 points.

When questioned, they confessed to polling South East PA.

in other words, they called people in Philly
The polls aren't skewed. They reflect the fact that American's aware that republican's have done absolutely nothing for the country these past 6 years, but have done a lot to the country and voters are sick of it!

And you have no one but yourselves to blame. You dug this whole, now you're gonna sleep in it.
LEFTIST IDIOTS --------------------
Let's see... Rove, who got Bush (who according to the left was the dumbest man alive)...elected TWICE!

But we should believe some guy from NPR and NY Carbineer.

And what's so funny about the last line? He meant the way he "adds it up". :cool: You really aren't as bright as you give yourself credit for. :razz:

Thread grade: FAIL! :poop:
Polls LIE Through dem Over-Sampling

Fox News Live (no link) | 9/21/12
Posted on Fri Sep 21 2012 10:42:37 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) by pabianice

Report on Fox. An analysis of national presidential pools finds that Dems are over-sampled by 3 to 11 percent, with the average oversampling being 6 percent, esp. in swing state polls. Also, the Dem story that Romney's campaign is in financial trouble is another lie. At the end of August, Romney had $168M for ads while Obama had just $125M.

Polls lie through Dem over-sampling

Understanding Dem Over Sampling in the Polls

Monday, September 17, 2012 14:01

Understanding Dem Over Sampling in the Polls | Opinion - Conservative


Dem Pollsters Say: Over Sampling Dems To Create Illusion Of Obama Momentum Is 'Utter Irresponsibility'

By Susan Duclos

According to two Democratic Pollsters, Pat Caddell and Doug Schoen, national polling has been over sampling Democrats in a manner they consider "utter irresponsibility" to create the artificial illusion of Obama momnetum for the upcoming presidential election.

Wake up America: Dem Pollsters Say: Over Sampling Dems To Create Illusion Of Obama Momentum Is 'Utter Irresponsibility'
What have you done for the country?

Name a bill you voted in that benefited average American's.

Name one thing you did for the country. Just one!

By the way, where's Obama's budget?

Ask Republicans. This will likely give you a headache...

Parliamentary procedure: Why the Senate hasn't passed a budget | The Economist

From you own link... a comment:

This article shows a fundamental lack of understanding of how the United States Congressional budget process works. The author of said article tries mightily to seem steeped in knowledge, or at least to refer to someone who is, but is fundamentally wrong.

Republicans have chastised the Democrats, those in the Senate, for "not having passed a budget in over 1000 days." Which, even the author of the article admits, is true. Drop dead true. The Senate hasn't. Not because Republicans are stopping them, but because they can't. They cannot get their own Senators to vote for anything approximating a budget because things are so bad. No one wants to take responsibility for the spending, the deficits, the debt ... anything.

But House Republicans have done so. In the minority, they have offered alternatives. In the majority, they have offered bold ideas, and have voted for them.

The process is pretty easy to understand: The House has to pass a budget and the Senate must do the same. In this case, the House did so, and sent it over to the Senate. All the Senate had to do was pass it's own, disagree with the House and request a conference, so a deal could be struck. The Democratic Senate couldn't muster enough will or votes to do that. The Republican House did. One cannot negotiate something with someone who has nothing.

That's the point, the Democrats in the U.S. Senate have nothing.

And should be rightfully criticized for it.
I think the polls are skewed. The same pollsters that are claiming Obama has a big lead are the same ones that predicted Carter would beat Reagan by a landslide. Why anyone would believe them is a mystery.

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