Karl Rove Slams 65% Of South Carolina Republican Voters Over Obama's Eligibility

It took Obama much too long to play the game and not release a BC. There had to be a reason. Citizen or not, real name or not, we shouldn't have to take anyone's word for something that could be so easily proven. Why in the hell did he let it become an issue for such a long time...

It comes down to a matter of trust. Just how many things have come up that he's been untruthful about? How many times has he put this entire country down to foreign leaders and segments of the population here favoring another?

This man was NOT ready and still isn't. He has a record to run on. That should be enough for most citizens just say, "NEXT..."

This time let's get someone who knows about the economy, foreign affairs and can get the right people to work with.

And if I end another sentence with a preposition, I will slap myself.

He "took too long" because no president ever was asked to prove their birth. they were certified by various boards of election in each state and that was always sufficient.... until the black guy got elected. He only released it when he did to embarrass donald trump and shut him down. the fact that it was the night before the washington press corps dinner was a bonus.

as for ending sentences with prepositions... sometimes things go that way. ;)

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