Karl Rove BLASTS democrats over financial/economic mess!


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
Karl Rove just got into it with Holmes on Hannity & Holmes. tonight 9/17/08.

Rove is so ticked off about Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae--stating the Bush Adminstration (5 years ago), that Rove personally worked on trying to reign in Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae. Rove states--each & every time, they were blocked by democrat Criss Dodd & democrat head of senate banking committee Barney Frank.

Rove says! democrats on the hill--"let this happen"-at each time---more than 40 democrats on the hill would block every effort to reign in Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae.

I don't think I have ever seen Karl Rove like this. He is pretty mellow most of the time, not tonight! As most know, Karl Rove is now a political anaylist on Fox News.

BTW--354 politicians received millions in pay-outs from Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae-1st largest is democrat Criss Dodd & the second largest donation went to BARACK OBAMA! John McCain did not receive any money from Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae.

Is there any doubt that democrats who are always so ready to call for congressional investigations--are not willing to do so now? Ask yourselves--why is it that John McCain is calling for an investigation, but BARACK OBAMA does not want one!

I think there's some rats in this wood pile!
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Hate to say it but he is dead on, on this one.

Feddie and Fanny are wholly democrat creations and babies. The dems get Millions from both of them, and they did block every effort to address the issue.

Despite what they and some in here are trying to say now.
I think the more this comes into light, the worse it gets for Democrats. I was watching a democrat pollster--(who is a democrat) who stated the other night-that the more Barack Obama tries to hit President Bush or McCain with this financial/economic disaster, the deeper hole he digs for himself & his party affiliates.

It's starting now, Rove is outraged by this.
Rove should be outraged. This is a Democratic Party mess. I just wish we had someone more trustworthy than Rove to scream it form the mountain tops.
I am writting my congressmen & senators to demand an investigation into this. I hope others follow suit.
And where do Bear Sterns, Lehman brothers, Washington Mutual, Contrywide, AIG, etc....fall in to this mess? Why only pick on Fannie mae and freddie? fannie and freddie were OK prior to this fiasco of greed that took place under the Bush administration?
:lol: of course Karl Rove is OUTRAGED...

let's blame the dems....

that's not going to play well in middle America but good luch in trying that out...
I think all Americans should be outraged about the whole situation.

But whichever side, Repubs or Dems, who make the claim that they were innocent will be the ones who lose.

From Obama taking A TON of money from Freddie and Fannie lobbbyists to McCain taking a little as well, and then hiring a former Freddie and Fannie lobbyist to run his campaign, both sides are guilty in one way or the other.


It's just sad that no matter what decade we are living in, it's always politics as usual.

And who actually gives credence to Karl Rove nowadays?


I find it incredibly annoying that both sides like to champion Rove as an expert when he says something they agree with, but he's an idiot when he says something they don't agree with.

Rove says someone with just mayor and governor experience is not qualified to be VP. - Dems say YAY! and agree with him. Repubs say he doesn't know jack.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-jrk2e0MMs]YouTube - Karl Rove on worth of gubatorial and mayoral experience[/ame]

Rove says Dems are responsible for financial crisis. - Repubs say YAY! and agree with him. Dems say he doesn't know jack.

Rove says McCain/Obama ads are not telling truth. - Both sides say YAY! and ignore the other half of his comments.

Is this honestly the best we have?


And Oreo - do you just copy and paste across all the message boards you frequent?

Karl Rove BLASTS Democrats on financial/economic mess! - U.S. Politics Online: A Political Discussion Forum
And where do Bear Sterns, Lehman brothers, Washington Mutual, Contrywide, AIG, etc....fall in to this mess? Why only pick on Fannie mae and freddie? fannie and freddie were OK prior to this fiasco of greed that took place under the Bush administration?

Exactly, free market worship and the breakdown of regulatory issues by the republicans as well as dems acquiescence have lead to the troubles. Kinda weird as Rove wanted to bring back the times of Hoover, he said so, and they manged to do that.


They were created to help during the depression, they did mostly good work. The housing bubble was caused by greed and stupidity, it is why we need a strong regulatory system. Fan and Fred suffered from the very casino mentality that creates all bubbles. It is why SS needs to be kept far away from the investors. The ramifications of free market ideology, get rich quick schemes, and simple poor decision making is why they needed a bailout - not their structure or their purpose.

Krugman: Fannie and Freddie - International Herald Tribune

A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote to continue the same economic policies that are destroying the middle class in America.
It's nice that we agree that all the rats should be thrown out. Amen brother!
McCain/Palin need to get this out. They are letting Obama--the second largest money taker from these institutions fire away at them.

Democrats own the Freddie Mac/Fannie Mae disasters, which is snow-balling on Wall Street with Lehman Brothers, AIG & probably others to follow. And we are paying for it.
McCain/Palin need to get this out. They are letting Obama--the second largest money taker from these institutions fire away at them.

Democrats own the Freddie Mac/Fannie Mae disasters, which is snow-balling on Wall Street with Lehman Brothers, AIG & probably others to follow. And we are paying for it.

fannie mae and freddie mac are the LEAST of the financial abusers in this whole mess.....they bought the UNSOUND mortgage loans that all the other financial institutions fraudulently issued....

McCain and all of congress for the most part, have taken lobby money from all of these big gun institutions in a mess now...

the problem is with lobbying with boocoos of cash and it being legal for corporations to do such, overpowering the voices of the individual citizen imho....
I think the more this comes into light, the worse it gets for Democrats. I was watching a democrat pollster--(who is a democrat) who stated the other night-that the more Barack Obama tries to hit President Bush or McCain with this financial/economic disaster, the deeper hole he digs for himself & his party affiliates.

It's starting now, Rove is outraged by this.

if you find a link to that interview I would love to have it. TIA
Karl Rove just got into it with Holmes on Hannity & Holmes. tonight 9/17/08.

Rove is so ticked off about Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae--stating the Bush Adminstration (5 years ago), that Rove personally worked on trying to reign in Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae. Rove states--each & every time, they were blocked by democrat Criss Dodd & democrat head of senate banking committee Barney Frank.

Rove says! democrats on the hill--"let this happen"-at each time---more than 40 democrats on the hill would block every effort to reign in Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae.

I don't think I have ever seen Karl Rove like this. He is pretty mellow most of the time, not tonight! As most know, Karl Rove is now a political anaylist on Fox News.

BTW--354 politicians received millions in pay-outs from Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae-1st largest is democrat Criss Dodd & the second largest donation went to BARACK OBAMA! John McCain did not receive any money from Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae.

Is there any doubt that democrats who are always so ready to call for congressional investigations--are not willing to do so now? Ask yourselves--why is it that John McCain is calling for an investigation, but BARACK OBAMA does not want one!

I think there's some rats in this wood pile!

too funny... karl rove?? like the repubs didn't run the entire congress, the presidency and the court for 6 years... how sad...

next you'll tell us he's fair and balanced...

And, honey, McCain doesn't want an "investigation" into wrongdoing, he wants a commission to tell him what to do...

damn you guys sound so desperate and sad.
Nice try, Care, but you know it doesn't hold water. This is all part and parcel of the same dirty money grubbing that the Dems have always been engaged in. It could have been prevented, altogether, and they stopped it because they put their own interests first...and they wanted the money to keep rolling in. Screw the tax payers.
:lol: of course Karl Rove is OUTRAGED...

let's blame the dems....

that's not going to play well in middle America but good luch in trying that out...

oh yes, middle America, where the rednecks cling to their bibles and their guns.
too funny... karl rove?? like the repubs didn't run the entire congress, the presidency and the court for 6 years... how sad...

next you'll tell us he's fair and balanced...

And, honey, McCain doesn't want an "investigation" into wrongdoing, he wants a commission to tell him what to do...

damn you guys sound so desperate and sad.

And you support criminals and liars. The truth is the truth no matter who says it.

And this is the truth, I've been saying it for two days. Obama is where he is thanks to criminals and dirty money, and the financial big wigs are going down thanks to criminal and careless handling by corrupt dems.

God knows the dems will never admit it, but when you have the financial team of CNN and FOX AGREEING it's time to cut your losses and crawl back into your hole, Jillie.
4,000 dead, 30,000 wounded and $700 billion dollars wasted to set up a Shia government in Iraq allied with Iran.

Thanks, Karl.
The Dims are gonna try to convince us it was Conservative Republicans that wanted to give mortgages to people that didn't qualify for them...you know, that racism that was prevalent in banking that demanded people have a job, and 20% down, and could prove they could make the mortgage payments....
Then they gonna open a freezer franchise at the North Pole
Bloomberg.com: News
Democratic Congress May Adjourn, Leave Crisis to Fed, Treasury

By Kristin Jensen
More Photos/Details

Sept. 18 (Bloomberg) --The Democratic-controlled Congress, acknowledging that it isn't equipped to lead the way to a solution for the financial crisis and can't agree on a path to follow, is likely to just get out of the way.

......Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said yesterday, is that ``no one knows what to do'' at the moment.

Harry is partly right, he and his party don't have a clue what to do to correct the problems he and his party are responsible for.....
Maybe he should direct Barry Frank (Chairman of the Financial Services Committee) to demand more sub-prime loans be given to people that can't quality for real loans....again...

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