Kappernick says....


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010

Its that whiteness that allows him to speak not only freely but to the chants of thousands of white faces. Boo America! We're losing.

White people: Yaaaay WE SUCK!
Kap is welcome to express himself in the manner of his choosing according to the 1st Amendment.

Kap does NOT have the right NOT to reap the repercussions of his actions.

Many of his fellow NFL players are 'ripping him a new one'

The SONG is not 'racist'. The SONG is not 'oppressive'. People in this country may be, but to label the song...or the entire nation...as racist or whatever shows the level of intellectual immaturity of Mr. kap...IMHO.

Personally I don't give a kap if he stands up or not.

Its that whiteness that allows him to speak not only freely but to the chants of thousands of white faces. Boo America! We're losing.

White people: Yaaaay WE SUCK!
You liberals read what you want to read, don't you (the literate ones, anyway).

Copperneck wants to rebel against America.

Trump wants to improve it.

See the difference? I'll understand if you don't. It's just you.

Its that whiteness that allows him to speak not only freely but to the chants of thousands of white faces. Boo America! We're losing.

White people: Yaaaay WE SUCK!
You liberals read what you want to read, don't you (the literate ones, anyway).

Copperneck wants to rebel against America.

Trump wants to improve it.

See the difference? I'll understand if you don't. It's just you.

Its always different for white people aint it? So what you saying is that Kappernick is rebelling and wants to make it worse and Trump is rebelling but wants to make it better. Did you put your boots on while writing that?

Its that whiteness that allows him to speak not only freely but to the chants of thousands of white faces. Boo America! We're losing.

White people: Yaaaay WE SUCK!
You liberals read what you want to read, don't you (the literate ones, anyway).

Copperneck wants to rebel against America.

Trump wants to improve it.

See the difference? I'll understand if you don't. It's just you.

Its always different for white people aint it? So what you saying is that Kappernick is rebelling and wants to make it worse and Trump is rebelling but wants to make it better. Did you put your boots on while writing that?
Why, yes, I did. I'm well in advance of your one-finger typing method.
He's still a n**ger to you tho. And stop trying to hide behind Obama you twit lol.

No, CC, that's the difference between you and I. You're an idiot trying to speak about things of which you do not know, which you proved in your 1st post:

"Its that whiteness that allows him to speak..."

No reason why anyone should listen to another thing you say in this thread after that. Have a nice day.
Kappernick has the right to not stand up when the national anthem is played he has the right to criticize the country if he wishes no one is trying to deny him that. People also have the right to criticize him for not standing up for the anthem and to challenge him over his criticisms of the country that's how freedom works both sides can have there say anyone who doesn't get this is beyond help.
He Won't Stand for the National Anthem – But Say Hillary Should be in Jail

Hunh? He said what?

I mean, you have Hillary who’s called black teens or black kids super-predators,” he told reporters when asked why he refused to stand for the anthem. “You have Donald Trump who’s openly racist.”

I mean, we have a presidential candidate (Hillary) who’s deleted emails and done things illegally and is a presidential candidate. That doesn’t make sense to me, because if that was any other person, you’d be in prison,” he added. “So what is this country really standing for?”

Can you believe it? Oh yeah. Where's the Lame Street Media on that?

Story w/links @ Media largely silent as Kaepernick says Hillary should be in jail

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