Kamikaze Politics

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
For the last few years, I have tried to understand The New Democrat Party's approach to Win at All Cost Politics. It's not been easy, because most normal people would not sacrifice their families, their children, and their country just to gain political power and push an agenda.

But Democrats are not normal people. They don't even understand normal people. Normal People are abhorred and ridiculed by The Left. Patriotism and love of Family, Country, and Our Flag is Spat upon by The Democrat Party. Normal People are DEPLORABLE, Smelly Walmart Shoppers.

So, I thought, what makes them tick, what makes a people like this so radical, so willing to give up everything they know for a Political Ideology? And then I turned towards World War II and the way The Japanese fought in The Pacific near the end.

Japanese soldiers were told that American Soldiers were going to rape their wives, their daughters, kill, dissect and eat their children. The American Soldier was an Inhuman Monster who would commit Inhuman Atrocities against The Japanese People. So not only did this strike a serious tone in the hearts of the Japanese, it struck both Fear and Unreasonable Anger in to them. Fear of the enemy who would show them NO MERCY was the single Monolithic Emotion among them in their hour of desperation. Fight or Die was their only mind set.

They would rather fight to the death than surrender, commit suicide, make themselves human bombs, human missiles. They became Kamikaze Pilots willing to sacrifice their lives in a Zero diving in to the deck of an American Warship. They volunteered to cram themselves in to torpedoes & to steer them in to American ships. They strapped grenades to their bodies. And did many many horrible things to themselves out of fear, and anger, all driven by Propaganda that they accepted as TRUTH.

They believed it, because they were conditioned to think that Americans were Monsters. The Democrats believe their own propaganda because they believe Americans are Deplorable.

The Democrat Party, and people who lead it like Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schummer are like Japanese Pilots near the end of WW II who drink a toast to their eventual suicide as a party knowing that what they started cannot be finished. They attacked our Democracy the second they embraced Russian Propaganda as a viable weapon of war. Yes this was never an Election to them, it was ALWAYS a WAR. A War they started.

Russian Collusion was their Pearl Harbor, but they failed to seal the deal. They left some loose ends exposed. They did not count on "The Enemy" getting back up off the carpet to swing back at them.

Now in the last days of desperation they are flinging themselves upon spears, strapping on their suicide machines and riding towards Hell and Death with their last breath. Truth has been jettisoned and it's a one way trip for them. Their zeal is their downfall, reason, truth and facts be damned! American Be Damned!

The Divine Wind Guides Them!



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To the last, I grapple with thee; From Hell's heart, I stab at thee; For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee. (Moby Dick)
To the last, I grapple with thee; From Hell's heart, I stab at thee; For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee. (Moby Dick)
That does fit The Democrat Party's Current State of Anger!

If you think Kamikaze Politics is a Made Up Thing, It's not. You can Google it. Here is just one of thousands of articles you can find on it.

It's The Latest Trend in Leftardia.

The ‘kamikaze candidate’ continues to haunt Jason Kenney
What everybody needs to be aware of is Kamikaze Politics leads to a scorched earth policy...and it's already happening.

Democrats are harming the people and it'll get far worse.

Refusing to vote on the USMCA is harming americans.
Sabotaging nuclear talks with NK is putting the world in danger.
If china thinks Trump will be impeached there is no way in hell they're going to sign a trade agreement.
No infrastructure bill is even on the table.

These are real life things that are harming us right now...and it will get far FAR worse!
Everybody should read Moby Dick...it's not about a great white whale...It's a story of unchecked hate.

How hate will be your undoing and destroy all those around you.

If you understand that book...you'll know to avoid people like that with all your might!
What everybody needs to be aware of is Kamikaze Politics leads to a scorched earth policy...and it's already happening.

Democrats are harming the people and it'll get far worse.

Refusing to vote on the USMCA is harming americans.
Sabotaging nuclear talks with NK is putting the world in danger.
If china thinks Trump will be impeached there is no way in hell they're going to sign a trade agreement.
No infrastructure bill is even on the table.

These are real life things that are harming us right now...and it will get far FAR worse!
This is exactly what they are engaged in. They don't care about what is REASONABLE. To them, THERE IS NO FUTURE.
It's the end of the world. There are only 10 years left. They sky is falling. They UN needs to implement The Green New Deal and Agenda 2030.

We make fun of them, but they are in a Full Blown Irrational Panic.

Cow Farts are an Existential Threat to Human Existence!
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I was thinking about this just now, how that The Clinton's Invention of The Politics of Personal Destruction is what Kamikaze Politics Evolved from.

Anyone have any comments on that?
We make fun of them, but they are in a Full Blown Irrational Panic.

I know they've been nuts for a long time...but it went over the edge when bill bar went to Ukraine.

They know what crimes they have committed and they know many of them are about to go to prison for a long LONG time.

Thus their panic.
I was thinking about this just now, how that The Clinton's Invention of The Politics of Personal Destruction is what Kamikaze Politics Evolved from.

Anyone have any comments on that?

It also took the media in kahootz with the dem's.

Where I really took notice was "Joe the plumber". Obama was running for president for the first time & joe dared ask the almighty obama a question...then the media tried to destroy the man.

I was thinking...since when does the media try to destroy an average citizen?
I was thinking about this just now, how that The Clinton's Invention of The Politics of Personal Destruction is what Kamikaze Politics Evolved from.

Anyone have any comments on that?

It also took the media in kahootz with the dem's.

Where I really took notice was "Joe the plumber". Obama was running for president for the first time & joe dared ask the almighty obama a question...then the media tried to destroy the man.

I was thinking...since when does the media try to destroy an average citizen?
Sloganeering and poor white male fragility. Let the plumber run for something, no one cares.
Before Joe The Plumber they tried to destroy anyone who confronted The Clintons. That’s when they started shedding their skin and letting their Inner Evil out.

But Joe The Plumber might have been a more obvious realization for most people. There were still a few honest journalists in Bill Clinton’s time.

Those people are all gone now.

I was thinking about this just now, how that The Clinton's Invention of The Politics of Personal Destruction is what Kamikaze Politics Evolved from.

Anyone have any comments on that?

It also took the media in kahootz with the dem's.

Where I really took notice was "Joe the plumber". Obama was running for president for the first time & joe dared ask the almighty obama a question...then the media tried to destroy the man.

I was thinking...since when does the media try to destroy an average citizen?
I was thinking about this just now, how that The Clinton's Invention of The Politics of Personal Destruction is what Kamikaze Politics Evolved from.

Anyone have any comments on that?

It also took the media in kahootz with the dem's.

Where I really took notice was "Joe the plumber". Obama was running for president for the first time & joe dared ask the almighty obama a question...then the media tried to destroy the man.

I was thinking...since when does the media try to destroy an average citizen?

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