Kaepernick helps Nike thrive during Trump slump


Gold Member
Apr 22, 2014
Thursday night Nike announced it hadcrushed earnings expectations, leading to a market surge today that found the company’s stock as the sole gainer in the entire Dow.

The report found Nike’s revenue increasing in nearly every category for the quarter, with U.S. sales alone up nine percent. Commentators on Fox Business Network and elsewhere had predicted that while maybe the campaign would sell well overseas, it would definitely turn off consumers stateside.

Fox & Friends declared the [Kaepernick] ad an “attack on the country,” while Fox Sports host Clay Travis penned a USA Today op-ed parroting the dismissive alt-right epithet of “get woke, go broke” while predicting financial doom for the corporation.

Nike Posts Huge Earnings After Kaepernick Ad, Leaving Egg on These Right-Wing Pundits’ Faces

The Trump movement only represents a small, ignorant, fear-driven portion of our population. Their attempts at tyranny by a minority will fail.
Thursday night Nike announced it hadcrushed earnings expectations, leading to a market surge today that found the company’s stock as the sole gainer in the entire Dow.

The report found Nike’s revenue increasing in nearly every category for the quarter, with U.S. sales alone up nine percent. Commentators on Fox Business Network and elsewhere had predicted that while maybe the campaign would sell well overseas, it would definitely turn off consumers stateside.

Fox & Friends declared the [Kaepernick] ad an “attack on the country,” while Fox Sports host Clay Travis penned a USA Today op-ed parroting the dismissive alt-right epithet of “get woke, go broke” while predicting financial doom for the corporation.

Nike Posts Huge Earnings After Kaepernick Ad, Leaving Egg on These Right-Wing Pundits’ Faces

The Trump movement only represents a small, ignorant, fear-driven portion of our population. Their attempts at tyranny by a minority will fail.
LOL.......Nike hasn't said dick about that traitor in months......now you want to give the prick credit for online Christmas sales......:abgg2q.jpg:
I'm not sure what Kaepernick has to do with Jordans or women's apparel, but ok.
I'm not sure what Kaepernick has to do with Jordans or women's apparel, but ok.
It's just hacks arguing over old news and pointless bullshit.
Any other day of the week Nike would be condemned for using plastic, child labor and animal skins by the left but since they took a political stance all the things that really matter no longer matter.
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Holy shit, Nike is the ONLY STOCK IN THE DOW THAT HAS GAINED FOR THE YEAR. Dayyyuuuummm

Thursday night Nike announced it hadcrushed earnings expectations, leading to a market surge today that found the company’s stock as the sole gainer in the entire Dow.

The report found Nike’s revenue increasing in nearly every category for the quarter, with U.S. sales alone up nine percent. Commentators on Fox Business Network and elsewhere had predicted that while maybe the campaign would sell well overseas, it would definitely turn off consumers stateside.

Fox & Friends declared the [Kaepernick] ad an “attack on the country,” while Fox Sports host Clay Travis penned a USA Today op-ed parroting the dismissive alt-right epithet of “get woke, go broke” while predicting financial doom for the corporation.

Nike Posts Huge Earnings After Kaepernick Ad, Leaving Egg on These Right-Wing Pundits’ Faces

The Trump movement only represents a small, ignorant, fear-driven portion of our population. Their attempts at tyranny by a minority will fail.

The Hater in Chief loses AGAIN....
Lots of companies have great earnings. There is no "slump", and the economy is booming. Look at the unemployment rate. The stock market is NOT the economy. Do you know anything about business, finance, or economics? Obviously not.
Lots of companies have great earnings. There is no "slump", and the economy is booming. Look at the unemployment rate. The stock market is NOT the economy. Do you know anything about business, finance, or economics? Obviously not.

Things will come to a screeching halt eventually; then what will you say about your lord and master in the WH? :114: :aargh:
Lots of companies have great earnings. There is no "slump", and the economy is booming. Look at the unemployment rate. The stock market is NOT the economy. Do you know anything about business, finance, or economics? Obviously not.

Things will come to a screeching halt eventually; then what will you say about your lord and master in the WH? :114: :aargh:

We have a lunatic in the WH who uses the bully pulpit to divide...insult...and ridicule. We have never had such an anti-American President. Now we have an orange POS..
NFL teams know Kaepernick is a pariah, and a bad quarterback. He had one decent season. The rest of the time he sucked. It is all about him, so why would a team want all the negative attention and distraction by hiring him?
NFL teams know Kaepernick is a pariah, and a bad quarterback. He had one decent season. The rest of the time he sucked. It is all about him, so why would a team want all the negative attention and distraction by hiring him?

No....he is being blackballed. Everyone with a brain knows that....He will win in court...l

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