K-pop meets “NK-Pop”? How music brought the two Koreas closer

K-pop meets “NK-Pop”? How music brought the two Koreas closer

Will possible future cultural exchanges help improve inter-Korean relations? So far, the responses have been largely positive, but it is unclear if such events will continue beyond the Games.

Ok. So some North Koreans figured out how to use a drum machine and a sampler. Does that mean they're giving up on their idea of a re-unified Korea, under North Korean communist rule?

I doubt that.
Hey, the North and South hockey teams playing together on the same side is huge.

>> At one meal, [Head Coach Sarah] Murray noticed defenseman [sic] Marissa Brandt, playing for the country under her birth name, Park Yoonjung, and a North Korean player using their hands to talk to one another, ending the conversation with a hug. <<​

At the same time Dim Dong has, through his sister, invited Moon the SK President to the North.

The music interchange was already going on but this stuff lately is ice that's never melted before.
It's cracking. And it's about goddam time.
How would they both feel to be reminded that K-pop began as a copy of J-pop?
Asian-Americans Are Disrupting An Unwelcoming Music Industry

“It’s a different world now” — and one that’s leveling the playing field for Asian-American pop artists, who’ve traditionally been shut out of the American music industry.

Posted on October 13, 2017, 23:31 GMT
Susan Cheng

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