Juvenile Crime Flyer


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
I'm posting this because recent hype surrounding vigilantism-fantasy comic book adaptation programs such as "Arrow" (The CW) and "Gotham" (Fox TV) have created a great deal of street-talk about populist fascination with justice in our somewhat disheveled multi-cultural society.

Harley Quinn is a fictional super-villain in the comic book world of Batman (DC Comics). Harley Quinn (HQ) was once a respected psychologist until she decided to turn to a life of mania and mayhem, creating dangerous pranks to create violence and terrorism.

There needs to be more talk about juvenile crime and how the media seems to promote it. Neglecting this trend creates fertile ground for hysteria.

So this post/thread is about motivated HQ pranks that inspire impressionable individuals to create copycat-style crimes. Feel free to add comments about specific juvenile crimes or copycat crimes.

Here's Harley Quinn's first prank:

*HQ decides to fill egg cartons with half-opened and emptied egg shells refilled with rat blood and throws them at Boston city taxi cabs.*


Street Justice - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Orientation Arrows

I'd like to posit the value of investigating extremes of both sides of the vigilantism-cop versus media-psychosis argument.

If exuberant (and hence uncritical) praise of modern jurisprudence infrastructures gives cops too much power, and if violence-glorification images in the media (and movies) motivate impressionable youngsters to commit strange copycat crimes, then maybe an experience-based middle ground compromise can be found and agreed upon to create multi-realm peace (and calmness).

How about using the film "The Toxic Avenger" (1984) as an art-derived tool for modern populism eco-consciousness politics talk?


Green Party of the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The first thing you have to do is define "vigilantism". Defending yourself isn't vigilantism and going to the aid of a person in trouble isn't vigilantism. Being prepared and legally carrying a firearm isn't vigilantism.Working in security isn't vigilantism and following the federal government's advice to form a "neighborhood watch" isn't vigilantism either or the government wouldn't recommend it.

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