Just when you think the DNC couldn't get worse...


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
They opened with a former Ohio governor, who claimed to be "the only current independent governor." He took credit for Kasich's vastly improved economy after Ohioans booted his ass.

Then, later the current Democratic governor of Mass. tried to trash Romney. Only one problem; Employment, the deficit and poverty dramatically improved under Romney and dramatically got worse under that ass clown. So they started off their 'Anything but the truth' Convention blatantly.

Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton was on her 'I don't want anything to do with Obama campaign' thousands of miles away, so the dems brought out some no-name ass clown mayor b/c he was brown to be a keynote speaker!

The next night, they marched out a senatorial candidate as a keynote speaker who had lied and claimed to be an f'ing Indian to get an affirmative action position; thus highlighting the egregious policy and character of Dems.

Next, Bill Clinton bitch slapped Obama by giving a 52 minute snoozer of a speech and promising that "if you elect Obama, you'll feel it, oh yea you'll feel it."

Then it came out that some true Obama believers had successfully took God out of their platform. And then on top of that they boo'd God three times and then in their true executive order fashion, he ignored the will of the people and he reversed the position anyways.

Then the next night, the party shifted from a stadium b/c apparently not enough people worship Obama any more.

And so, we figured it couldn't get worse, right?

Wrong. Turns out, that the idiot Dems who wouldn't know their heads from their asses, also don't know the American navy from the Russian navy and they displayed them on the screen as a retired four star paid tribute to the vets.

Navy Times Mobile - Russian ships displayed at DNC tribute to vets
Lolol OMG!!!! Liberals are so fake and stupid.

Villlaraigosa, the mayor of Los angeles that got God boo'd, already was a laughing stalk crook because LA is going bankrupt. Now he's just a lame asshole and everyone just wants him gone.
On the last night of the Democratic National Convention, a retired Navy four-star took the stage to pay tribute to veterans. Behind him, on a giant screen, the image of four hulking warships reinforced his patriotic message.

But there was a big mistake in the stirring backdrop: those are Russian warships.

While retired Adm. John Nathman, a former commander of Fleet Forces Command, honored vets as America’s best, the ships from the Russian Federation Navy were arrayed like sentinels on the big screen above.

These were the very Soviet-era combatants that Nathman and Cold Warriors like him had once squared off against.

“The ships are definitely Russian,” said noted naval author Norman Polmar after reviewing hi-resolution photos from the event. “There’s no question of that in my mind.”

Naval experts concluded the background was a photo composite of Russian ships that were overflown by what appear to be U.S. trainer jets. It remains unclear how or why the Democratic Party used what’s believed to be images of the Russian Black Sea Fleet at their convention.....

Navy Times Mobile - Russian ships displayed at DNC tribute to vets

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