Just when you think how bad obamanomics is, the market takes a big hit


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2011
Friday October 19, 2012: DOW sinks 205.43 Points, S&P 24.15 and NASDAQ 67.25 on weak Corporate earnings reports across the board.

Financial analysts expect corporate earnings for July through September to be lower than the same period a year ago, which would be the first yearly decline in three years.
Weak Earnings Give Dow Worst Day in 4 Months - DailyFinance

Expect unemployment to increase. This is a great buying opportunity before Mitt wins the Presidency.
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I think the economy is ready to crash like it did under Bush.

That will make it easier for Mittens to get elected.

Think Wall street can make that happen?
I think the economy is ready to crash like it did under Bush.

That will make it easier for Mittens to get elected.

Think Wall street can make that happen?

Nope. Corporations loose money when their stock is sold. CEO's loose their bonus money and some will loose their jobs.
Of course the market took a hit, The polls showed Romney pulling ahead.

The market took a hit because some worse that Expected Earnings reports came out. You silly Liberal Idiot. I know it's impossible for you to think Obama's Policies cause anything bad, but they do.
Market is up 5000 points since Obama took office

Let Romney run on that
Market is up 5000 points since Obama took office

Let Romney run on that

So you would like us all to focus in on the Market and ignore the 23 Million Unemployed? 4000 Dollar Drop in income? Massive increase of people on Food stamps? Etc Etc?\


The funny thing is when a Republican was in office you people rightly pointed out that it's main street that matters not wall street, and that the Market can easily be manipulated.

Ever Heard of QE1, QE2, and now QE3? Which are basically designed to drive the markets up and make things look better than they really are?

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