Just What In The Hell Is Wrong With This Country????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
If I hear the term illegal "IMMIGRANT" again, I'm going to boil over! The term itself is contradictory. You DON'T "immigrate" to this country "ILLEGALY"!

I've HAD IT with this fucking mexican bullshit! Does this goddamn country have a fucking BORDER or NOT????!!!!

So there's 12 million sons a bitchin illegal wetback shitbags in this country "ILLEGALY", and they're going to parade around today making DEMANDS on this country! Would someone PLEASE get the 300 MILLION LEGAL Americans together, and show these cock suckers the way back to mexico!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Son of a BITCH..... I'm enfuriated with this fucking crap. I want to see some fucking ACTION, some fucking BACK BONE on the part of the LEGAL people here...

Pale Rider said:
If I hear the term illegal "IMMIGRANT" again, I'm going to boil over! The term itself is contradictory. You DON'T "immigrate" to this country "ILLEGALY"!

I've HAD IT with this fucking mexican bullshit! Does this goddamn country have a fucking BORDER or NOT????!!!!

So there's 12 million sons a bitchin illegal wetback shitbags in this country "ILLEGALY", and they're going to parade around today making DEMANDS on this country! Would someone PLEASE get the 300 MILLION LEGAL Americans together, and show these cock suckers the way back to mexico!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Son of a BITCH..... I'm enfuriated with this fucking crap. I want to see some fucking ACTION, some fucking BACK BONE on the part of the LEGAL people here...

Pale, I gotta say you really need to quit bottling everything up inside and let all of us know how you really feel :happy2:

Seriously though I agree with you one hundred percent.....
Pale Rider said:
If I hear the term illegal "IMMIGRANT" again, I'm going to boil over! The term itself is contradictory. You DON'T "immigrate" to this country "ILLEGALY"!

I've HAD IT with this fucking mexican bullshit! Does this goddamn country have a fucking BORDER or NOT????!!!!

So there's 12 million sons a bitchin illegal wetback shitbags in this country "ILLEGALY", and they're going to parade around today making DEMANDS on this country! Would someone PLEASE get the 300 MILLION LEGAL Americans together, and show these cock suckers the way back to mexico!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Son of a BITCH..... I'm enfuriated with this fucking crap. I want to see some fucking ACTION, some fucking BACK BONE on the part of the LEGAL people here...


Now that we know how you really feel, didja ever think that illegal immigrants have been ignored...for a reason? They are a source of cheap labor that's not gonna complain about little things like occupational safety or insurance or wage and hour violations. Every business or private individual that hires illegals does so knowing they are violating the law, but aren't all that likely to be caught. At the same time, they displace US workers, drive down wages and generally betray the country. There's no need for a 700 mile fence along the US Mexico border...There's no need for new, draconian and repressive laws. Just enforce the ones we already have that provide for a $10,000 fine for every every illegal hired. Track down every phony SSN down and fine the employer for using it. (A system which tracked such SSN's down was started by the Clinton Administration and dismantled by the Bush Administration.)
Bullypulpit said:
Now that we know how you really feel, didja ever think that illegal immigrants have been ignored...for a reason? They are a source of cheap labor that's not gonna complain about little things like occupational safety or insurance or wage and hour violations. Every business or private individual that hires illegals does so knowing they are violating the law, but aren't all that likely to be caught. At the same time, they displace US workers, drive down wages and generally betray the country. There's no need for a 700 mile fence along the US Mexico border...There's no need for new, draconian and repressive laws. Just enforce the ones we already have that provide for a $10,000 fine for every every illegal hired. Track down every phony SSN down and fine the employer for using it. (A system which tracked such SSN's down was started by the Clinton Administration and dismantled by the Bush Administration.)

Everything you've said is true, and it's down right outrageous. But, they are NOT "immigrants". They have NO INTENTION of EVER becoming "Americans". They want our money, and that's it. Period. They want our money, and they want to be able to TAKE it "ILLEGALY".

What the fuck is wrong with this country, to let this go on. Absolutely pathetic.
Sans some of the colorful vernacular :p: , I agree. Not only I, but my wife who is from Canada and has had to jump through all the hoops to get her green card and have to go through crap when returning to Canada and back to the US at certain points in time due to her residency requirements.

Not only my wife, but her co-worker who is mexican. She even asked her husband (when they first met) if he had his green card because she hates illegals. (SLO has many migrants for the ag).

These people break the law, and instead of getting in trouble, we pay them, give them medical care, give them education. And bullypulpit's naseating comment about "low wages" is a laugh. They make so much money here that they can afford to ship those dollars right out of this economy and down to M EH EEE COOO. It is a fact that the country of mexico DEPENDS on those dollars. What do they say to us for this great opportunity:


Just a thought (might be original, probably not though):

Would mexico allow me to protest there about conditions should I be in that country illegally?
Yurt said:
Just a thought (might be original, probably not though):

Would mexico allow me to protest there about conditions should I be in that country illegally?

Sure--until they caught you :bat:
I'd still take illegals over U.S. citizen spongers any day. I say we institute an exchange program. Ship the deadbeats off to Tijuana in exchange for Mexicans who are willing to work for a living.
I got an idea. Let's illegally go to Mexico and then protest because we can't be legal! Seriously though, if 12 Million Americans just show up in Mexico....ah shit never mind it'll just be Spring Break but better...
MissileMan said:
I'd still take illegals over U.S. citizen spongers any day. I say we institute an exchange program. Ship the deadbeats off to Tijuana in exchange for Mexicans who are willing to work for a living.

So you're another one of the people that would sell out America. :fu2:
Pale Rider said:
So you're another one of the people that would sell out America. :fu2:

If that's how you interpret my statement then you're no conservative.
Those who would suckle the government tit rather than CONTRIBUTE to this country are far worse than someone desperate to feed his family. Of course, what else should I expect from an obvious racist.
MissileMan said:
If that's how you interpret my statement then you're no conservative.
Those who would suckle the government tit rather than CONTRIBUTE to this country are far worse than someone desperate to feed his family. Of course, what else should I expect from an obvious racist.

I don't give a shit who needs to feed his family. I'm talking about criminals that have broken the law. They don't deserve ANYTHING.

And racist... puuulleeezzee... :lame2:
MissileMan said:
I'd still take illegals over U.S. citizen spongers any day. I say we institute an exchange program. Ship the deadbeats off to Tijuana in exchange for Mexicans who are willing to work for a living.

Ship iilegals back to their homeland, and have the American deadbeats build the wall.
Abbey Normal said:
Ship iilegals back to their homeland, and have the American deadbeats build the wall.

That is an acceptable alternative of course. Who's going to hold the gun to the deadbeats' heads to get some work out of them.
Trent Lott on the illegal protests, "if they think they're going to get amnesty, it just ain't going to happen".

Amen brother.

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