Just learned......


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
That my chickpea flour may be contaminated just like regular wheat flour generally now is full of Glyphosate.

This is a great article. It is lengthy but it covers a lot of information concerning what is going on with a whole lot of people.

Glyphosate Herbicide Causes Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria Kidney Disease and Infertility

A portion of it as follows'

"That’s why the EPA has to keep increasing their tolerance levels because the levels in our food keep increasing.”
Question: Are there other non-GMO foods that are commonly contaminated with glyphosate?
Dr. Huber indicated that conventionally grown garbanzo beans, kidney beans, lima beans, and peanuts can be desiccated with glyphosate. The agriculture department of the Canadian government permits the use of glyphosate type products to be used as a pre-harvest desiccant on barley, dry beans (chickpea, lupin, and faba), canola, field pea, flax, lentil, oat, soybean, and wheat. [3]
A New Era of Disease: What Do We Do Now?
- See more at: Glyphosate Herbicide Causes Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria Kidney Disease and Infertility"
Interesting. We know much of what we have done in the past to help prevent disease in us and our food is coming back to haunt us but as usual non scientific sites/articles (like the link provided) love to overstate and sensationalize. Like any and every other "media" outlet it's their stock-in-trade so take em with a grain of salt. Is there some level of danger there? Of course. Is it as devastating as they are making it out to be? No.
Interesting. We know much of what we have done in the past to help prevent disease in us and our food is coming back to haunt us but as usual non scientific sites/articles (like the link provided) love to overstate and sensationalize. Like any and every other "media" outlet it's their stock-in-trade so take em with a grain of salt. Is there some level of danger there? Of course. Is it as devastating as they are making it out to be? No.
I can see you may take the position that you (men) do not really need those testes anyhow and feed those babies a little more GMO Soy milk. It maybe that you were among the babe fed that stuff as the giants told women back in th seventies and eighties that soy milk was healthy therefore not need to breastfeed.

Compositional differences in soybeans on the market Glyphosate accumulates in Roundup Ready GM soybeans

Glyphosate s Toxicology by Caroline Cox

The studies are generally online go search the rest out for your self.
Interesting. We know much of what we have done in the past to help prevent disease in us and our food is coming back to haunt us but as usual non scientific sites/articles (like the link provided) love to overstate and sensationalize. Like any and every other "media" outlet it's their stock-in-trade so take em with a grain of salt. Is there some level of danger there? Of course. Is it as devastating as they are making it out to be? No.
I can see you may take the position that you (men) do not really need those testes anyhow and feed those babies a little more GMO Soy milk. It maybe that you were among the babe fed that stuff as the giants told women back in th seventies and eighties that soy milk was healthy therefore not need to breastfeed.

Compositional differences in soybeans on the market Glyphosate accumulates in Roundup Ready GM soybeans

Glyphosate s Toxicology by Caroline Cox

The studies are generally online go search the rest out for your self.
Oh look ma! A zealot!
(Psst..... the wife is allergic to soy........) :lol:
Interesting. We know much of what we have done in the past to help prevent disease in us and our food is coming back to haunt us but as usual non scientific sites/articles (like the link provided) love to overstate and sensationalize. Like any and every other "media" outlet it's their stock-in-trade so take em with a grain of salt. Is there some level of danger there? Of course. Is it as devastating as they are making it out to be? No.
I can see you may take the position that you (men) do not really need those testes anyhow and feed those babies a little more GMO Soy milk. It maybe that you were among the babe fed that stuff as the giants told women back in th seventies and eighties that soy milk was healthy therefore not need to breastfeed.

Compositional differences in soybeans on the market Glyphosate accumulates in Roundup Ready GM soybeans

Glyphosate s Toxicology by Caroline Cox

The studies are generally online go search the rest out for your self.

Instead of parroting a bunch of anti-science nonsense and linking to bullshit that confirms your bias, learn something: Glyphosate Archives - Skeptical Raptor's Blog
Oh poo I can't use my kitchen to experiment in.

(Psst..... the wife is allergic to soy........) :lol:
There are a lot of people we know in this community affected with allergies, heart disease, etc. I noticed the tap water actually burned my nose this spring as the snow thawed. Husband grew up in the rural area here (normally on a farm). He has certain heart problems he's had since a child. Those events were becoming more common (like everyday several times a day, instead of every few month) so I started switching around everything I could find. Ultimately narrowed it down to flour products and the water. Started ultra violet light and filtering for the water and cut out flour products most generally using chickpea flour for noodles instead. This made a big difference. At a time in the past we cut sugar free gum out totally after learning it gave him massive headaches. So honey or coconut sugar for a sweetener if needed, naturally grown veggies when possible. If we could afford I'd buy a whole cow to be butchered from someone I know locally as our meat source. We don't do pork generally and store bought chicken only if if doesn't have that nasty yellow tinge in it like I see generally in Tyson chicken.

Another thing about chicken if you grow your own or buy from someone who does you can see how the bones are not soft like store bought chickens when cooked. A neighbor we have cans everything. One year she brought me all her chicken bone left overs for the dogs.The bones had already been pressure cooked by her I thought I could just do them like the store bought and cook them some more until soft. No doing I put them on to slow cook and checked them every day as the dogs waited while they drools smelling them cook. The bones after three days more of cooking were still as solid as could be. Finally I gave up trying to cook the neighbors chicken bones to the point of being soft so I cut off the ends which are naturally soft and disposed of the rest.

It leaves me considering how many people that we have heard that we know of who have been diagnosed with bone cancer or some form of degenerative bone disease.
Oh poo I can't use my kitchen to experiment in.

(Psst..... the wife is allergic to soy........) :lol:
There are a lot of people we know in this community affected with allergies, heart disease, etc. I noticed the tap water actually burned my nose this spring as the snow thawed. Husband grew up in the rural area here (normally on a farm). He has certain heart problems he's had since a child. Those events were becoming more common (like everyday several times a day, instead of every few month) so I started switching around everything I could find. Ultimately narrowed it down to flour products and the water. Started ultra violet light and filtering for the water and cut out flour products most generally using chickpea flour for noodles instead. This made a big difference. At a time in the past we cut sugar free gum out totally after learning it gave him massive headaches. So honey or coconut sugar for a sweetener if needed, naturally grown veggies when possible. If we could afford I'd buy a whole cow to be butchered from someone I know locally as our meat source. We don't do pork generally and store bought chicken only if if doesn't have that nasty yellow tinge in it like I see generally in Tyson chicken.

Another thing about chicken if you grow your own or buy from someone who does you can see how the bones are not soft like store bought chickens when cooked. A neighbor we have cans everything. One year she brought me all her chicken bone left overs for the dogs.The bones had already been pressure cooked by her I thought I could just do them like the store bought and cook them some more until soft. No doing I put them on to slow cook and checked them every day as the dogs waited while they drools smelling them cook. The bones after three days more of cooking were still as solid as could be. Finally I gave up trying to cook the neighbors chicken bones to the point of being soft so I cut off the ends which are naturally soft and disposed of the rest.

It leaves me considering how many people that we have heard that we know of who have been diagnosed with bone cancer or some form of degenerative bone disease.
Life, no one gets out alive.
Oh poo I can't use my kitchen to experiment in.

(Psst..... the wife is allergic to soy........) :lol:
There are a lot of people we know in this community affected with allergies, heart disease, etc. I noticed the tap water actually burned my nose this spring as the snow thawed. Husband grew up in the rural area here (normally on a farm). He has certain heart problems he's had since a child. Those events were becoming more common (like everyday several times a day, instead of every few month) so I started switching around everything I could find. Ultimately narrowed it down to flour products and the water. Started ultra violet light and filtering for the water and cut out flour products most generally using chickpea flour for noodles instead. This made a big difference. At a time in the past we cut sugar free gum out totally after learning it gave him massive headaches. So honey or coconut sugar for a sweetener if needed, naturally grown veggies when possible. If we could afford I'd buy a whole cow to be butchered from someone I know locally as our meat source. We don't do pork generally and store bought chicken only if if doesn't have that nasty yellow tinge in it like I see generally in Tyson chicken.

Another thing about chicken if you grow your own or buy from someone who does you can see how the bones are not soft like store bought chickens when cooked. A neighbor we have cans everything. One year she brought me all her chicken bone left overs for the dogs.The bones had already been pressure cooked by her I thought I could just do them like the store bought and cook them some more until soft. No doing I put them on to slow cook and checked them every day as the dogs waited while they drools smelling them cook. The bones after three days more of cooking were still as solid as could be. Finally I gave up trying to cook the neighbors chicken bones to the point of being soft so I cut off the ends which are naturally soft and disposed of the rest.

It leaves me considering how many people that we have heard that we know of who have been diagnosed with bone cancer or some form of degenerative bone disease.
Life, no one gets out alive.
No doubt this flesh passes off but I like the idea of feeling the best I can each day until that point.
Oh poo I can't use my kitchen to experiment in.

(Psst..... the wife is allergic to soy........) :lol:
There are a lot of people we know in this community affected with allergies, heart disease, etc. I noticed the tap water actually burned my nose this spring as the snow thawed. Husband grew up in the rural area here (normally on a farm). He has certain heart problems he's had since a child. Those events were becoming more common (like everyday several times a day, instead of every few month) so I started switching around everything I could find. Ultimately narrowed it down to flour products and the water. Started ultra violet light and filtering for the water and cut out flour products most generally using chickpea flour for noodles instead. This made a big difference. At a time in the past we cut sugar free gum out totally after learning it gave him massive headaches. So honey or coconut sugar for a sweetener if needed, naturally grown veggies when possible. If we could afford I'd buy a whole cow to be butchered from someone I know locally as our meat source. We don't do pork generally and store bought chicken only if if doesn't have that nasty yellow tinge in it like I see generally in Tyson chicken.

Another thing about chicken if you grow your own or buy from someone who does you can see how the bones are not soft like store bought chickens when cooked. A neighbor we have cans everything. One year she brought me all her chicken bone left overs for the dogs.The bones had already been pressure cooked by her I thought I could just do them like the store bought and cook them some more until soft. No doing I put them on to slow cook and checked them every day as the dogs waited while they drools smelling them cook. The bones after three days more of cooking were still as solid as could be. Finally I gave up trying to cook the neighbors chicken bones to the point of being soft so I cut off the ends which are naturally soft and disposed of the rest.

It leaves me considering how many people that we have heard that we know of who have been diagnosed with bone cancer or some form of degenerative bone disease.
Life, no one gets out alive.
No doubt this flesh passes off but I like the idea of feeling the best I can each day until that point.
That's okay, Redd Foxx once said;
"Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing."
There's a difference between being healthy in one's choices by proper education and being fanatically zealous believing every little urban myth that comes down the pike. Heck, I bet you don't use Canola oil......... :eusa_whistle:
"Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing."
There's a difference between being healthy in one's choices by proper education and being fanatically zealous believing every little urban myth that comes down the pike. Heck, I bet you don't use Canola oil......... :eusa_whistle:
A lot of different oils to use depending on what your cooking. You are correct I do not use Canola oil. Never like the flavor it leaves in the food. Actually we don't need a lot of oil in most of what we eat. If we eat something needing oil to cook it my preferances are Sunflower, Olive, Butter, Coconut, Grape, Safflower and even some Corn oil from time to time but not in general.
"Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing."
There's a difference between being healthy in one's choices by proper education and being fanatically zealous believing every little urban myth that comes down the pike. Heck, I bet you don't use Canola oil......... :eusa_whistle:
A lot of different oils to use depending on what your cooking. You are correct I do not use Canola oil. Never like the flavor it leaves in the food. Actually we don't need a lot of oil in most of what we eat. If we eat something needing oil to cook it my preferances are Sunflower, Olive, Butter, Coconut, Grape, Safflower and even some Corn oil from time to time but not in general.
Okay, I'm impressed and surprised, not the urban myth canola oil response I thought that I'd get. My dad went zealously health nut about a decade ago, went to an alternative health/nutrition "school", they taught the urban myths and all the snake oil cures, he stopped listening to medical doctors. He died a year and a half ago at 81, none of it helped him.

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