Just in case some people try and twist things..


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2014

For those who don't read Spanish, it says The Islamic Commission of Spain expresses its most energetic condemnation of the attack committed today, Thursday, in Barcelona.

Yes, the Muslims are condemning this horrible attack.

After the Paris attacks people on the right came out and said that the Muslims weren't condemning these attacks and they MUST condemn these attacks. Took me 2 minutes to find about a hundred Muslim people who had condemned the attacks.

Also just to point out that I posted a thread to help some right wingers condemn a terrorist who was convicted in Northern Ireland a few ago, and NOT ONE right winger condemned this. Now we have the attack, with the same tool as this one in Barcelona, which killed one person, and the President is struggling to condemn that one, he appears forced to condemn it with language that sounds like he's convincing and he keeps backtracking every time he does it like he's spitting out some durian sweet. (You'd know if you've ever had one).
and the President is struggling to condemn that one, he appears forced to condemn it with language that sounds like he's convincing and he keeps backtracking every time he does it like he's spitting out some durian sweet. (You'd know if you've ever had one).
After the leftist/media shit-fit from his first, second, and third condemnation of the C-ville mess, I would not blame Trump for never condemning a single god damn thing for the next 7.5 years.
and the President is struggling to condemn that one, he appears forced to condemn it with language that sounds like he's convincing and he keeps backtracking every time he does it like he's spitting out some durian sweet. (You'd know if you've ever had one).
After the leftist/media shit-fit from his first, second, and third condemnation of the C-ville mess, I would not blame Trump for never condemning a single god damn thing for the next 7.5 years.

But then you'd demand that all Muslims condemn after every fundamentalist Muslim attack, right? I mean, that's what happens.

Trump tried to play politics and he got his ass handed to him because he was about as sincere as Nixon telling people he didn't do anything wrong.
and the President is struggling to condemn that one, he appears forced to condemn it with language that sounds like he's convincing and he keeps backtracking every time he does it like he's spitting out some durian sweet. (You'd know if you've ever had one).
After the leftist/media shit-fit from his first, second, and third condemnation of the C-ville mess, I would not blame Trump for never condemning a single god damn thing for the next 7.5 years.

But then you'd demand that all Muslims condemn after every fundamentalist Muslim attack, right? I mean, that's what happens.

Trump tried to play politics and he got his ass handed to him because he was about as sincere as Nixon telling people he didn't do anything wrong.
Muslims did the attack itself... dumbass
and the President is struggling to condemn that one, he appears forced to condemn it with language that sounds like he's convincing and he keeps backtracking every time he does it like he's spitting out some durian sweet. (You'd know if you've ever had one).
After the leftist/media shit-fit from his first, second, and third condemnation of the C-ville mess, I would not blame Trump for never condemning a single god damn thing for the next 7.5 years.

But then you'd demand that all Muslims condemn after every fundamentalist Muslim attack, right? I mean, that's what happens.

Trump tried to play politics and he got his ass handed to him because he was about as sincere as Nixon telling people he didn't do anything wrong.
Do you really believe the people criticizing Trump's original statement are sincere? They don't have an agenda or anything, do they?

The difference on the Muslim thing is that nobody will feign outrage over the precise language that any moderate Muslim group uses in condemning violence.
Of course muslims give it lip service......but they don't actually do anything about it. This is strictly PR. Unless you've read the Quran you don't know the hate-filled basis of this religion.

For those who don't read Spanish, it says The Islamic Commission of Spain expresses its most energetic condemnation of the attack committed today, Thursday, in Barcelona.

Yes, the Muslims are condemning this horrible attack.

After the Paris attacks people on the right came out and said that the Muslims weren't condemning these attacks and they MUST condemn these attacks. Took me 2 minutes to find about a hundred Muslim people who had condemned the attacks.

Also just to point out that I posted a thread to help some right wingers condemn a terrorist who was convicted in Northern Ireland a few ago, and NOT ONE right winger condemned this. Now we have the attack, with the same tool as this one in Barcelona, which killed one person, and the President is struggling to condemn that one, he appears forced to condemn it with language that sounds like he's convincing and he keeps backtracking every time he does it like he's spitting out some durian sweet. (You'd know if you've ever had one).

And yet far too many on the reprehensible right will do just that: blame ‘all Muslims’ for the attack, propagate the lie that Islam is a ‘terrorist religion.’
and the President is struggling to condemn that one, he appears forced to condemn it with language that sounds like he's convincing and he keeps backtracking every time he does it like he's spitting out some durian sweet. (You'd know if you've ever had one).
After the leftist/media shit-fit from his first, second, and third condemnation of the C-ville mess, I would not blame Trump for never condemning a single god damn thing for the next 7.5 years.

But then you'd demand that all Muslims condemn after every fundamentalist Muslim attack, right? I mean, that's what happens.

Trump tried to play politics and he got his ass handed to him because he was about as sincere as Nixon telling people he didn't do anything wrong.
We're all still waiting for the DNC to condemn ANTIFAs attack of free speech, and lawful protesters... Got a link to that? Maybe a thread where lefties here are condemning the attack? Don't worry I'll wait...

For those who don't read Spanish, it says The Islamic Commission of Spain expresses its most energetic condemnation of the attack committed today, Thursday, in Barcelona.

Yes, the Muslims are condemning this horrible attack.

After the Paris attacks people on the right came out and said that the Muslims weren't condemning these attacks and they MUST condemn these attacks. Took me 2 minutes to find about a hundred Muslim people who had condemned the attacks.

Also just to point out that I posted a thread to help some right wingers condemn a terrorist who was convicted in Northern Ireland a few ago, and NOT ONE right winger condemned this. Now we have the attack, with the same tool as this one in Barcelona, which killed one person, and the President is struggling to condemn that one, he appears forced to condemn it with language that sounds like he's convincing and he keeps backtracking every time he does it like he's spitting out some durian sweet. (You'd know if you've ever had one).

And yet far too many on the reprehensible right will do just that: blame ‘all Muslims’ for the attack, propagate the lie that Islam is a ‘terrorist religion.’

While stating that each and every far right fascist is an individual and they're not responsible for anything to do with them.
and the President is struggling to condemn that one, he appears forced to condemn it with language that sounds like he's convincing and he keeps backtracking every time he does it like he's spitting out some durian sweet. (You'd know if you've ever had one).
After the leftist/media shit-fit from his first, second, and third condemnation of the C-ville mess, I would not blame Trump for never condemning a single god damn thing for the next 7.5 years.

But then you'd demand that all Muslims condemn after every fundamentalist Muslim attack, right? I mean, that's what happens.

Trump tried to play politics and he got his ass handed to him because he was about as sincere as Nixon telling people he didn't do anything wrong.
We're all still waiting for the DNC to condemn ANTIFAs attack of free speech, and lawful protesters... Got a link to that? Maybe a thread where lefties here are condemning the attack? Don't worry I'll wait...

I'm sure you are. But then everyone's waiting for you lot to condemn the other side....

And such becomes the whole partisan politics nonsense. Everyone demanding of the other to cede to their demands while trying to not give in on their own stuff.

And while all this is going on, who's governing?
and the President is struggling to condemn that one, he appears forced to condemn it with language that sounds like he's convincing and he keeps backtracking every time he does it like he's spitting out some durian sweet. (You'd know if you've ever had one).
After the leftist/media shit-fit from his first, second, and third condemnation of the C-ville mess, I would not blame Trump for never condemning a single god damn thing for the next 7.5 years.

But then you'd demand that all Muslims condemn after every fundamentalist Muslim attack, right? I mean, that's what happens.

Trump tried to play politics and he got his ass handed to him because he was about as sincere as Nixon telling people he didn't do anything wrong.
We're all still waiting for the DNC to condemn ANTIFAs attack of free speech, and lawful protesters... Got a link to that? Maybe a thread where lefties here are condemning the attack? Don't worry I'll wait...

I'm sure you are. But then everyone's waiting for you lot to condemn the other side....

And such becomes the whole partisan politics nonsense. Everyone demanding of the other to cede to their demands while trying to not give in on their own stuff.

And while all this is going on, who's governing?
Everyone's waiting on me, eh? Had I but known... So it's a game of everyone waiting for the other side to lower their gun first? I've already stated that I personally think that the "cause" both parties in this weekend's events, is fucking retarded. However only ones side was in direct conflict with the constitution. As an American I don't have to agree with what a person says, in order to defend their right to say it.
and the President is struggling to condemn that one, he appears forced to condemn it with language that sounds like he's convincing and he keeps backtracking every time he does it like he's spitting out some durian sweet. (You'd know if you've ever had one).
After the leftist/media shit-fit from his first, second, and third condemnation of the C-ville mess, I would not blame Trump for never condemning a single god damn thing for the next 7.5 years.

But then you'd demand that all Muslims condemn after every fundamentalist Muslim attack, right? I mean, that's what happens.

Trump tried to play politics and he got his ass handed to him because he was about as sincere as Nixon telling people he didn't do anything wrong.
We're all still waiting for the DNC to condemn ANTIFAs attack of free speech, and lawful protesters... Got a link to that? Maybe a thread where lefties here are condemning the attack? Don't worry I'll wait...

I'm sure you are. But then everyone's waiting for you lot to condemn the other side....

And such becomes the whole partisan politics nonsense. Everyone demanding of the other to cede to their demands while trying to not give in on their own stuff.

And while all this is going on, who's governing?
Everyone's waiting on me, eh? Had I but known... So it's a game of everyone waiting for the other side to lower their gun first? I've already stated that I personally think that the "cause" both parties in this weekend's events, is fucking retarded. However only ones side was in direct conflict with the constitution. As an American I don't have to agree with what a person says, in order to defend their right to say it.

Who was in direct conflict with the Constitution then? The Constitution, just in case you forgot, concerns the powers and limits on power of the Federal govt (and now the state govts too), it does not concern Nazis parading around in skin tight leather, nor Marxists dressed in see through bikinis.

For those who don't read Spanish, it says The Islamic Commission of Spain expresses its most energetic condemnation of the attack committed today, Thursday, in Barcelona.

Yes, the Muslims are condemning this horrible attack.

After the Paris attacks people on the right came out and said that the Muslims weren't condemning these attacks and they MUST condemn these attacks. Took me 2 minutes to find about a hundred Muslim people who had condemned the attacks.

Also just to point out that I posted a thread to help some right wingers condemn a terrorist who was convicted in Northern Ireland a few ago, and NOT ONE right winger condemned this. Now we have the attack, with the same tool as this one in Barcelona, which killed one person, and the President is struggling to condemn that one, he appears forced to condemn it with language that sounds like he's convincing and he keeps backtracking every time he does it like he's spitting out some durian sweet. (You'd know if you've ever had one).

And yet far too many on the reprehensible right will do just that: blame ‘all Muslims’ for the attack, propagate the lie that Islam is a ‘terrorist religion.’

And yet the reprehensible left blamed all white people at the rally in Charlottesville last week.

And yet the reprehensible left blames guns wanting laws that affect all of us every time ONE person misuses a gun.

I listened to your former BOY President talk about how, when one person does something, the whole group shouldn't be judged. Perhaps you should follow what he says. No, wait on that. He only says that when groups he supports does that. When it's groups or things he opposes, it's judge the whole group based on one. Typical hypocrite and you follow his lead. NL.
After the leftist/media shit-fit from his first, second, and third condemnation of the C-ville mess, I would not blame Trump for never condemning a single god damn thing for the next 7.5 years.

But then you'd demand that all Muslims condemn after every fundamentalist Muslim attack, right? I mean, that's what happens.

Trump tried to play politics and he got his ass handed to him because he was about as sincere as Nixon telling people he didn't do anything wrong.
We're all still waiting for the DNC to condemn ANTIFAs attack of free speech, and lawful protesters... Got a link to that? Maybe a thread where lefties here are condemning the attack? Don't worry I'll wait...

I'm sure you are. But then everyone's waiting for you lot to condemn the other side....

And such becomes the whole partisan politics nonsense. Everyone demanding of the other to cede to their demands while trying to not give in on their own stuff.

And while all this is going on, who's governing?
Everyone's waiting on me, eh? Had I but known... So it's a game of everyone waiting for the other side to lower their gun first? I've already stated that I personally think that the "cause" both parties in this weekend's events, is fucking retarded. However only ones side was in direct conflict with the constitution. As an American I don't have to agree with what a person says, in order to defend their right to say it.

Who was in direct conflict with the Constitution then? The Constitution, just in case you forgot, concerns the powers and limits on power of the Federal govt (and now the state govts too), it does not concern Nazis parading around in skin tight leather, nor Marxists dressed in see through bikinis.
It also bestows equal protection under the law. The state did not protect the rights of those who assembled to legally protest. And as such they allowed a hostile group of hooligans to attack and harrass them. The hypocrisy, and faux outrage is easily demonstrated, with a simple thought exercise...
Replace the white nationalists with negros...Viola! Suddenly the left would be openly condemning antifa; and lining up to take turns pissing on this girls corpse. And so the hypocrisy is revealed. As such it also serves to demonstrate that the left's loyalties lie ,not with the constitution; but rather their own ideology. Game over...
But then you'd demand that all Muslims condemn after every fundamentalist Muslim attack, right? I mean, that's what happens.

Trump tried to play politics and he got his ass handed to him because he was about as sincere as Nixon telling people he didn't do anything wrong.
We're all still waiting for the DNC to condemn ANTIFAs attack of free speech, and lawful protesters... Got a link to that? Maybe a thread where lefties here are condemning the attack? Don't worry I'll wait...

I'm sure you are. But then everyone's waiting for you lot to condemn the other side....

And such becomes the whole partisan politics nonsense. Everyone demanding of the other to cede to their demands while trying to not give in on their own stuff.

And while all this is going on, who's governing?
Everyone's waiting on me, eh? Had I but known... So it's a game of everyone waiting for the other side to lower their gun first? I've already stated that I personally think that the "cause" both parties in this weekend's events, is fucking retarded. However only ones side was in direct conflict with the constitution. As an American I don't have to agree with what a person says, in order to defend their right to say it.

Who was in direct conflict with the Constitution then? The Constitution, just in case you forgot, concerns the powers and limits on power of the Federal govt (and now the state govts too), it does not concern Nazis parading around in skin tight leather, nor Marxists dressed in see through bikinis.
It also bestows equal protection under the law. The state did not protect the rights of those who assembled to legally protest. And as such they allowed a hostile group of hooligans to attack and harrass them. The hypocrisy, and faux outrage is easily demonstrated, with a simple thought exercise...
Replace the white nationalists with negros...Viola! Suddenly the left would be openly condemning antifa; and lining up to take turns pissing on this girls corpse. And so the hypocrisy is revealed. As such it also serves to demonstrate that the left's loyalties lie ,not with the constitution; but rather their own ideology. Game over...

Equal protection of the law from the federal govt and now state govts.

It didn't have to protect the rights of those from other people. It only has to protect the rights from the governments.

The govt doesn't have to try and stop someone killing you. Otherwise every time someone is killed, then they'd sue the government.
We're all still waiting for the DNC to condemn ANTIFAs attack of free speech, and lawful protesters... Got a link to that? Maybe a thread where lefties here are condemning the attack? Don't worry I'll wait...

I'm sure you are. But then everyone's waiting for you lot to condemn the other side....

And such becomes the whole partisan politics nonsense. Everyone demanding of the other to cede to their demands while trying to not give in on their own stuff.

And while all this is going on, who's governing?
Everyone's waiting on me, eh? Had I but known... So it's a game of everyone waiting for the other side to lower their gun first? I've already stated that I personally think that the "cause" both parties in this weekend's events, is fucking retarded. However only ones side was in direct conflict with the constitution. As an American I don't have to agree with what a person says, in order to defend their right to say it.

Who was in direct conflict with the Constitution then? The Constitution, just in case you forgot, concerns the powers and limits on power of the Federal govt (and now the state govts too), it does not concern Nazis parading around in skin tight leather, nor Marxists dressed in see through bikinis.
It also bestows equal protection under the law. The state did not protect the rights of those who assembled to legally protest. And as such they allowed a hostile group of hooligans to attack and harrass them. The hypocrisy, and faux outrage is easily demonstrated, with a simple thought exercise...
Replace the white nationalists with negros...Viola! Suddenly the left would be openly condemning antifa; and lining up to take turns pissing on this girls corpse. And so the hypocrisy is revealed. As such it also serves to demonstrate that the left's loyalties lie ,not with the constitution; but rather their own ideology. Game over...

Equal protection of the law from the federal govt and now state govts.

It didn't have to protect the rights of those from other people. It only has to protect the rights from the governments.

The govt doesn't have to try and stop someone killing you. Otherwise every time someone is killed, then they'd sue the government.
Nice to see you totally ignore the core point made; that which highlights the left's hypocrisy... Checkmate.
We're all still waiting for the DNC to condemn ANTIFAs attack of free speech, and lawful protesters... Got a link to that? Maybe a thread where lefties here are condemning the attack? Don't worry I'll wait...

I'm sure you are. But then everyone's waiting for you lot to condemn the other side....

And such becomes the whole partisan politics nonsense. Everyone demanding of the other to cede to their demands while trying to not give in on their own stuff.

And while all this is going on, who's governing?
Everyone's waiting on me, eh? Had I but known... So it's a game of everyone waiting for the other side to lower their gun first? I've already stated that I personally think that the "cause" both parties in this weekend's events, is fucking retarded. However only ones side was in direct conflict with the constitution. As an American I don't have to agree with what a person says, in order to defend their right to say it.

Who was in direct conflict with the Constitution then? The Constitution, just in case you forgot, concerns the powers and limits on power of the Federal govt (and now the state govts too), it does not concern Nazis parading around in skin tight leather, nor Marxists dressed in see through bikinis.
It also bestows equal protection under the law. The state did not protect the rights of those who assembled to legally protest. And as such they allowed a hostile group of hooligans to attack and harrass them. The hypocrisy, and faux outrage is easily demonstrated, with a simple thought exercise...
Replace the white nationalists with negros...Viola! Suddenly the left would be openly condemning antifa; and lining up to take turns pissing on this girls corpse. And so the hypocrisy is revealed. As such it also serves to demonstrate that the left's loyalties lie ,not with the constitution; but rather their own ideology. Game over...

Equal protection of the law from the federal govt and now state govts.

It didn't have to protect the rights of those from other people. It only has to protect the rights from the governments.

The govt doesn't have to try and stop someone killing you. Otherwise every time someone is killed, then they'd sue the government.
Then what exactly was an increased police presence doing there? As it turns out nothing... But what was it supposed to be doing?

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