Just Cancelled My Spotify Premium


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
If they want to start with the LEFTIST PARTISAN HACK BULL SHIT, then they're not getting any of my money, simple as that, and when I cancelled my subscription, in the "tell us why" box I made it perfectly clear. I'm sick of only the WHITES being singled out and attacked all while the left COMPLETELY ignores all the SAME shit from blacks and their all their militant PETS... they can all go to hell...

Apple denounces neo-Nazis as Spotify bans ‘white power’ tracks
Note the side this guttersnipe going by 007 has taken the DEFENSIVE position of.

Supporting white supremacy is bad for business.

Supporting BLM is bad for business

Is it? Nice derail.

Nazzi's are scum

Got no love for them,

but I haven't seen a neighborhood go up in flames because of them.

(unless you want to go back about 70-80 years)
Because for 70 - 80 years they've been shouted down. Now they have one of their own as President, and a complicit party in the GOP to support them.
are they banning "black power" tracks?

Of course not. Our self-imposed fear of being sued under the shackles of political correctness is a myopic one. White Power is about oppression. Black power is about liberation, although BOTH use the exact same methods and achieve the exact same ends, and for the exact same reasons.

We are entering a dangerous precedent: Google, Facebook, Paypal and other giants which control the flow of information in the world are now banning Neo-Nazis from hosting websites, discussion groups, transaction accounts---- and for no other reason than it is politically expedient to do so because we don't agree with their views. Meantime, Muslims preaching hatred and death to our country and many others march ahead.

This is all safe game for now as who would oppose such actions? Except for the fact that this was the VERY THING our nation was founded on to PROTECT: freedom of speech and diversity. It AMAZES me that no one seems willing to point that out. Where the real weight and value of our laws carry shrift is not when they are easy to apply but when they are NOT. The real danger is that once this is all accepted as normal, WHO WILL BE NEXT? WHEN DOES IT STOP? We are on a slippery slope where the day could come where anyone with a view that is not liked by the powerful and influential or elite will be shunned, blocked and attacked.

A few years ago it was Barack Obama and his IRS doing it to block organizations which were supporting Romney to silence their opposition to his reelection, and Obama WAS reelected despite the worst term in American history. If you want to look for goblins tampering with an election, that might be a good place to start? We are heading down the path to a Fascist America, for very little provocation, and no one seems to notice, mind or care. EVEN WORSE---- some of the worst examples of fascism are now coming from some of the very same people and groups complaining the loudest in supposed opposition to it!

Was this not exactly how Fascist Germany began?
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If they want to start with the LEFTIST PARTISAN HACK BULL SHIT, then they're not getting any of my money, simple as that, and when I cancelled my subscription, in the "tell us why" box I made it perfectly clear. I'm sick of only the WHITES being singled out and attacked all while the left COMPLETELY ignores all the SAME shit from blacks and their all their militant PETS... they can all go to hell...

Apple denounces neo-Nazis as Spotify bans ‘white power’ tracks

It's ok. I bought a dupe subscription to make up the difference.
If they want to start with the LEFTIST PARTISAN HACK BULL SHIT, then they're not getting any of my money, simple as that, and when I cancelled my subscription, in the "tell us why" box I made it perfectly clear. I'm sick of only the WHITES being singled out and attacked all while the left COMPLETELY ignores all the SAME shit from blacks and their all their militant PETS... they can all go to hell...

Apple denounces neo-Nazis as Spotify bans ‘white power’ tracks
You have a lot of issues there for a white boy.
So denouncing neonazism is " leftist partisan hack bullshit? "
When something so obvious puts a thorn in your undies it's time to rethink your priorities.

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