Just a few chuckles for a slow Saturday...


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
From the DU..:mm:

Poll question: Do you feel we are making a difference re: ABC/Disney movie?
Given that this is now Friday night, and this show is supposed to air on Sunday, I was hoping we'd hear an announcement that ABC/Disney was cancelling this "television event." Since no such announcement came today, I'm wondering how you all feel about what we've done so far.

Please issue your opinions below.

Thanks to all that have provided informative posts, shared feedback from their e-mails and phone-calls and everyone that has worked so hard on this!

Poll result (60 votes)
Yes--Definitely making a difference, whether it's cancelled or not! (44 votes, 73%) Vote
Unless it's cancelled, we didn't make a difference. (8 votes, 13%) Vote
No, no difference at all. Such a waste of time... (5 votes, 8%) Vote
For the time we were given, we're doing a great deal. (0 votes, 0%) Vote
I don't care. (0 votes, 0%) Vote
I don't see the harm of the movie airing. (3 votes, 5%) Vote

16. What is with the die hards...?
I was reading some of their thoughts on another board. These people sound like they are from another galaxy. No critical thinking skills at all. If Fox says it, it's true. If Rush says it, it's true. If the Dems are fighting it, it MUST be true.

14. well, we have succeeded in putting them on the defensive, anyway...
Edited on Sat Sep-09-06 03:51 PM by NorthernSpy
And we should continue to put them on the spot by demanding that they broadcast Fahrenheit 911 sometime between now and the election: turnabout's fair play, you know...

Not that there's any kind of ethical or moral equivalence between a documentary consisting of real-time footage of events as they happened (Fahrenheit 911), and a falsified mock-history relying on actors, invented dialogue and fictional scenes.

MyPetRock (1000+ posts) Sat Sep-09-06 09:45 PM
Response to Original message
20. We are absolutely making a difference!
Just because the Piece of Crap airs, doesn't mean we haven't had a huge impact. Other networks have been broadcasting the criticisms and exposing the lies associated with the film. The internet has been ablaze with factual information regarding the lying scum who produced the film and the lies that spew forth in the film. Our actions have energized the DNC and possibly even the Clinton adm. to threaten law suits and legislation (which I passionately hope they follow-up on).

ABC/Disney bottom feeding scum suckers will rue the day they broadcast this travesty.

YEAH, we're making a difference.

22. Thanks Bliss. I just don't know how else to respond to this horror.
I feel like I'm back in the black hole of anger I felt during and right after Theft 2000. These fascist pigs just never let up. They must be swept from the government like filth on the floor. We must take back all three branches of our government and clean up the terrible mess that's been created in this country. It's a long battle, but the People are clear that they want a change. Even with the e-voting factor, no government can withstand an outraged and energized citizenry. That's what I believe we have. Not just on DU but across this great land, from sea to shining sea.
MyPetRock (1000+ posts) Sat Sep-09-06 09:45 PM
Response to Original message
20. We are absolutely making a difference!
Just because the Piece of Crap airs, doesn't mean we haven't had a huge impact. Other networks have been broadcasting the criticisms and exposing the lies associated with the film. The internet has been ablaze with factual information regarding the lying scum who produced the film and the lies that spew forth in the film. Our actions have energized the DNC and possibly even the Clinton adm. to threaten law suits and legislation (which I passionately hope they follow-up on).

ABC/Disney bottom feeding scum suckers will rue the day they broadcast this travesty.

YEAH, we're making a difference.

22. Thanks Bliss. I just don't know how else to respond to this horror.
I feel like I'm back in the black hole of anger I felt during and right after Theft 2000. These fascist pigs just never let up. They must be swept from the government like filth on the floor. We must take back all three branches of our government and clean up the terrible mess that's been created in this country. It's a long battle, but the People are clear that they want a change. Even with the e-voting factor, no government can withstand an outraged and energized citizenry. That's what I believe we have. Not just on DU but across this great land, from sea to shining sea.
14. well, we have succeeded in putting them on the defensive, anyway...
Edited on Sat Sep-09-06 03:51 PM by NorthernSpy
And we should continue to put them on the spot by demanding that they broadcast Fahrenheit 911 sometime between now and the election: turnabout's fair play, you know...

Not that there's any kind of ethical or moral equivalence between a documentary consisting of real-time footage of events as they happened (Fahrenheit 911), and a falsified mock-history relying on actors, invented dialogue and fictional scenes.

14. well, we have succeeded in putting them on the defensive, anyway...
Edited on Sat Sep-09-06 03:51 PM by NorthernSpy
And we should continue to put them on the spot by demanding that they broadcast Fahrenheit 911 sometime between now and the election: turnabout's fair play, you know...

Not that there's any kind of ethical or moral equivalence between a documentary consisting of real-time footage of events as they happened (Fahrenheit 911), and a falsified mock-history relying on actors, invented dialogue and fictional scenes.


That's the quote that got me laughing. :D

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