Jumping the "Fiscal Cliff" Shark


Diamond Member
May 21, 2011
RP nails it again:

Ron Paul: Fiscal Cliff Bill Passed In 3 Minutes, They Don

... It is incorrect to view any return of tax money to its rightful owner as money taken from the government. Wealth belongs to those who generate it not to government. However, while well-connected special interests like Hollywood and rum manufacturers were being granted targeted tax assistance, the vast majority of Americans were being hit with a significant tax increase in the form of higher payroll taxes. Rather than cut a dime from federal spending, this bill granted breaks to the corporate elites and paid for the “lost revenue” by passing the costs on to the rest of us.
Perhaps this race to a vote, amid cries of the end of the world without a solution to the manufactured crisis, explains why an even greater than usual amount of special-interest carve-outs made it into the bill.

Rule of law is, essentially, a thing of the past. Nowadays legislation, pretty much anything that Congress touches, isn't about devising sensible rules for all of us to follow. It's about power and control, rewarding your friends and punishing your enemies.

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