Judge Tosses Out Suit Over Mosque Near Ground Zero

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
NEW YORK (PIX11)— A lawsuit launched by a former New York City firefighter against the construction of an Islamic community center near Ground Zero has been tossed out by a New York judge.

New York Supreme Court Justice Paul G. Feinman ruled Friday that firefighter Timothy Brown had no special legal standing to bring on the suit, the New York Times reported.

Brown filed the lawsuit following a decision by the Landmarks Preservation Commission to deny landmark status to the building, which is the former site of a Burlington Coat Factory that was partially damaged in the Sept 11th terrorist attacks.

Critics of the construction have deemed the project an insult to victims.

A lawyer for developer Sharif el-Gamal called the decision "a victory for America."

Ground Zero Mosque: Judge Tosses Out Suit Over Mosque Near Ground Zero - wsbt.com
A lawsuit launched by a former New York City firefighter against the construction of an Islamic community center near Ground Zero has been tossed out by a New York judge.

New York Supreme Court Justice Paul G. Feinman ruled Friday that firefighter Timothy Brown had no special legal standing to bring on the suit, the New York Times reported.

Brown filed the lawsuit following a decision by the Landmarks Preservation Commission to deny landmark status to the building, which is the former site of a Burlington Coat Factory that was partially damaged in the Sept 11th terrorist attacks.

Critics of the construction have deemed the project an insult to victims.

A lawyer for developer Sharif el-Gamal called the decision "a victory for America."



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There are other ideologies with which to expunge the last vapors of reasonableness from a society's discourse, but Islam is undoubtedly one of the best we've got and they are turning up the back-burners. I think that this does spit on the graves of Americans personally.

And I also think that this proves the lack of empathy in these leaders who want to establish a Mosque there.
New York Supreme Court Justice Paul G. Feinman ruled Friday that firefighter Timothy Brown had no special legal standing to bring on the suit, the New York Times reported.

The technical legal term for this is ‘duh.’

It would have been an interesting case, however; Brown could have predicated his argument on hate, ignorance, and contempt for the First Amendment.
Hey Dopey, the judge Justice Paul G. Feinman who threw out the lawsuit is a Jew. :lol: :clap2:

It's always about Jews with you Sunni Man. I don't disagree with the tossing out of the case as it had no real legs to stand on.

That being said, I still believe that a Mosque at that site is a spit on the faces of the people killed there and I think that those leaders who are attempting to create one there have no understanding of empathy.

The law allows for the Mosque to be built there. I personally disagree with it being built but not because of law. Do you see what I am saying?

It's nothing about Jews Sunni Man but that's your first place to go. It's my view and I am a Jew so I guess, by extension you can go there if you like.

It's my view. When you call for my people to be removed from humanity I do not condemn either Islam or Muslims.

I condemn your words, created in your mind that call to remove my people from the rest of humanities world.

See the difference?

New York Supreme Court Justice Paul G. Feinman ruled Friday that firefighter Timothy Brown had no special legal standing to bring on the suit, the New York Times reported.

The technical legal term for this is ‘duh.’

It would have been an interesting case, however; Brown could have predicated his argument on hate, ignorance, and contempt for the First Amendment.

I still think it would have failed. I don't think any of those legs stand. It's more about the leaders wanting to build the Mosque there having no sensitivity or empathy for the victim dead.

And attacks/death are still occurring.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHg9gzo9o-U]YouTube - ‪Muslim Raheel Raza Opposes Ground Zero Mosque - Pawns Bloomberg‬‏[/ame]
Islam did kill those in the Twin Towers, terrorists did.

No. Islam didn't. Terrorists who were Muslim did and the Muslims need to have some sensitivity and empathy in my view.

Just curious, if the hijackers were Christian, would it be spitting on the victims to build a church there?

If it had been in the financial district of a Muslim country? Well, if is conjecture because you have to fit so many variables, but let's see.

A Muslim county is attacked by Christians from America proofed to be working in concert with groups of radical Christians flying into buildings, etc. and yelling Jesus Christ Wins and killing a bunch of Muslims.

What and who would they be pissed at? Hell, one picture of Mohammad in a turban with a wick and bomb and these nuts are up in arms fighting each other over how much they want to kill the creator of the comics.

Who has been under protection ever since.

Get your context fully fleshed out when you discuss 'if'.
Not sure why any lawyer would have thought he had standing. Kind of a no brainer there.
If someone from the Muslim community sympathizes* with terrorists, it hurts just a tweensy bit extra. Because when someone from the Jewish community does something stupid, I'm all up in arms and thanking them for making the rest of us Heebs look like fucktards.

That being said, there are a billion Muslims in this world and some of them are bound to fuck up, so...whatever. Let them build a damned community center. It isn't like they're building a tribute to the 9/11 attackers.

This Islamophobia is just as bad as Sunni yelling that Jews are evil colonizers/Zionism is racism/blablabla. As much as I'd like to sometimes, I'm not going to stoop to that level.
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If someone from the Muslim community sympathies with terrorists, it hurts just a tweensy bit extra. Because when someone from the Jewish community does something stupid, I'm all up in arms and thanking them for making the rest of us Heebs look like fucktards.

Yeah, that's quite clear. I would hope you are careful to hold back your enthusiasm for this until you have good clear evidence of proof. Then join the que ;)

That being said, there are a billion Muslims in this world and some of them are bound to fuck up, so...whatever. Let them build a damned community center. It isn't like they're building a tribute to the 9/11 attackers.

This Islamophobia is just as bad as Sunni yelling that Jews are evil colonizers/Zionism is racism/blablabla. As much as I'd like to sometimes, I'm not going to stoop to that level.

That was a mystype on Moonglow's part. She meant "Islam didn't do it terrorists did it"

Islam did kill those in the Twin Towers, terrorists did.

No one in this thread is bashing Islam. Do you just mean it in general?

If you knew her posts, you would have known that. (Brings back memories of when I first came here and didn't know who was who exactly)
Well, take Lieberman (the Israseli one).

Seriously? He's like Joe Biden with that mouth, except he's not funny or on-task.

Oh, and Yisrael Beiteinu forgets that most of us are secular and he bites the (American Jewish) hand that feeds Israel.

Meh. No one has the right to teach their children hatred and racism, and some people (yeah, maybe the minority, but the loudest) make it worse for *us* (me, you, Jews, Americans, whatever) because there's a significant counterpunch.
Hey Dopey, the judge Justice Paul G. Feinman who threw out the lawsuit is a Jew. :lol: :clap2:

It's always about Jews with you Sunni Man. I don't disagree with the tossing out of the case as it had no real legs to stand on.

That being said, I still believe that a Mosque at that site is a spit on the faces of the people killed there and I think that those leaders who are attempting to create one there have no understanding of empathy.

The law allows for the Mosque to be built there. I personally disagree with it being built but not because of law. Do you see what I am saying?

It's nothing about Jews Sunni Man but that's your first place to go. It's my view and I am a Jew so I guess, by extension you can go there if you like.

It's my view. When you call for my people to be removed from humanity I do not condemn either Islam or Muslims.

I condemn your words, created in your mind that call to remove my people from the rest of humanities world.

See the difference?

New York Supreme Court Justice Paul G. Feinman ruled Friday that firefighter Timothy Brown had no special legal standing to bring on the suit, the New York Times reported.

The technical legal term for this is ‘duh.’

It would have been an interesting case, however; Brown could have predicated his argument on hate, ignorance, and contempt for the First Amendment.

I still think it would have failed. I don't think any of those legs stand. It's more about the leaders wanting to build the Mosque there having no sensitivity or empathy for the victim dead.

And attacks/death are still occurring.

Muslims died on that site too. In fact..radical muslims kill more muslims then anyone else. It's the same with radical Christians as well.

New York is a liberal city. It was one of the original 13 colonies. It is the rich tapestry of diversity that makes this city the best in the world.

Bigotry is ugly and basically unacceptable in the public sphere. No matter where it's coming from.
Well, take Lieberman (the Israseli one).

Seriously? He's like Joe Biden with that mouth, except he's not funny or on-task.

Oh, and Yisrael Beiteinu forgets that most of us are secular and he bites the (American Jewish) hand that feeds Israel.

Meh. No one has the right to teach their children hatred and racism, and some people (yeah, maybe the minority, but the loudest) make it worse for *us* (me, you, Jews, Americans, whatever) because there's a significant counterpunch.

^^ This thread is about the New York Mosque suit being thrown out. Where are you?
They have every right to have a Mosque there. As much as I dislike it, they have the right to do so and I'm not going to step on their rights. BUT, everyone has the right to freedom of speech and whatnot. Everyone could easily make their lives nothing but a living hell. Yes, I do agree that the place will be MUCH MUCH more prone to terrorist attacks, but all we can do is prevent them. Once we do prevent one, then we give those rag wearing scumbags hell.
Well, take Lieberman (the Israseli one).

Seriously? He's like Joe Biden with that mouth, except he's not funny or on-task.

Oh, and Yisrael Beiteinu forgets that most of us are secular and he bites the (American Jewish) hand that feeds Israel.

Meh. No one has the right to teach their children hatred and racism, and some people (yeah, maybe the minority, but the loudest) make it worse for *us* (me, you, Jews, Americans, whatever) because there's a significant counterpunch.

^^ This thread is about the New York Mosque suit being thrown out. Where are you?

ahah, I went off on a tangent re: xenophobia.

Anyway. I'm glad the suit was thrown out. I'm not surprised it was, though.
Hey Dopey, the judge Justice Paul G. Feinman who threw out the lawsuit is a Jew. :lol: :clap2:

It's always about Jews with you Sunni Man. I don't disagree with the tossing out of the case as it had no real legs to stand on.

That being said, I still believe that a Mosque at that site is a spit on the faces of the people killed there and I think that those leaders who are attempting to create one there have no understanding of empathy.

The law allows for the Mosque to be built there. I personally disagree with it being built but not because of law. Do you see what I am saying?

It's nothing about Jews Sunni Man but that's your first place to go. It's my view and I am a Jew so I guess, by extension you can go there if you like.

It's my view. When you call for my people to be removed from humanity I do not condemn either Islam or Muslims.

I condemn your words, created in your mind that call to remove my people from the rest of humanities world.

See the difference?

New York Supreme Court Justice Paul G. Feinman ruled Friday that firefighter Timothy Brown had no special legal standing to bring on the suit, the New York Times reported.

The technical legal term for this is ‘duh.’

It would have been an interesting case, however; Brown could have predicated his argument on hate, ignorance, and contempt for the First Amendment.

I still think it would have failed. I don't think any of those legs stand. It's more about the leaders wanting to build the Mosque there having no sensitivity or empathy for the victim dead.

And attacks/death are still occurring.

Many Muslims worked and were killed at the WTC that day.

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