Judge Tosses Lawsuit Against IRS By Conservative Groups


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
A federal judge tossed a lawsuit against the Internal Revenue Service by True the Vote, Inc. and other tea party groups, saying there's no ongoing controversy for the court to consider.

"Unless an actual, ongoing controversy exists in this case, this Court is without power to decide it," U.S. District Court Judge Reggie Walton wrote in his opinion.

True the Vote sued the IRS over delays in its application for tax-exempt status, the AP reported earlier.

USA Today reports:

More: Judge Tosses Lawsuit Against IRS By Conservative Groups

Good. Now, NaziCons can obsess over Benghazi and/or Obamacare.
A federal judge tossed a lawsuit against the Internal Revenue Service by True the Vote, Inc. and other tea party groups, saying there's no ongoing controversy for the court to consider.

"Unless an actual, ongoing controversy exists in this case, this Court is without power to decide it," U.S. District Court Judge Reggie Walton wrote in his opinion.

True the Vote sued the IRS over delays in its application for tax-exempt status, the AP reported earlier.

USA Today reports:

More: Judge Tosses Lawsuit Against IRS By Conservative Groups

Good. Now, NaziCons can obsess over Benghazi and/or Obamacare.

I thought conservatives were fundamentally opposed to frivolous law suits on principle. But once I remembered that conservative principle is just a myth, the whole thing suddenly made sense.
What sucks is that the GOP has won a lot of support from morons over this, the birther movement, fast and furious, Obama is a muslim, benghazi, death panels, etc. And even though it's all been debunked there's still a huge swath of terrified, inbred bedwetters that are going to vote republican because of that completely fabricated bullshit. Good job Mr. Murdoch.
Classic bait and switch.

I want you to imagine a large tent, let's call it the Republican big tent.

At the opening to the tent is a carnival like exhibit with a man standing on top of a platform with a bullhorn.

This man is preaching doom and gloom. He screams, "Your country is under siege. Your good old American values are being destroyed by the liberals. Come inside the tent, we will save you."

(The man is looking for simple folk who are easily fooled)

Once inside the tent, you, unaware, end up licking the boot of the people who ship your jobs to China and erect monopolies over all your goods and services.

Good work if you can get it.
A federal judge tossed a lawsuit against the Internal Revenue Service by True the Vote, Inc. and other tea party groups, saying there's no ongoing controversy for the court to consider.

"Unless an actual, ongoing controversy exists in this case, this Court is without power to decide it," U.S. District Court Judge Reggie Walton wrote in his opinion.

True the Vote sued the IRS over delays in its application for tax-exempt status, the AP reported earlier.

USA Today reports:

More: Judge Tosses Lawsuit Against IRS By Conservative Groups

Good. Now, NaziCons can obsess over Benghazi and/or Obamacare.

I thought conservatives were fundamentally opposed to frivolous law suits on principle. But once I remembered that conservative principle is just a myth, the whole thing suddenly made sense.

I thought conservatives were fundamentally opposed to getting "free stuff." This is what tax exemptions really are anyway. The conservatives should be celebrating this judge for helping keep conservatives from depending on government money.
A federal judge tossed a lawsuit against the Internal Revenue Service by True the Vote, Inc. and other tea party groups, saying there's no ongoing controversy for the court to consider.

"Unless an actual, ongoing controversy exists in this case, this Court is without power to decide it," U.S. District Court Judge Reggie Walton wrote in his opinion.

True the Vote sued the IRS over delays in its application for tax-exempt status, the AP reported earlier.

USA Today reports:

More: Judge Tosses Lawsuit Against IRS By Conservative Groups

Good. Now, NaziCons can obsess over Benghazi and/or Obamacare.

I thought conservatives were fundamentally opposed to frivolous law suits on principle. But once I remembered that conservative principle is just a myth, the whole thing suddenly made sense.

I thought conservatives were fundamentally opposed to getting "free stuff." This is what tax exemptions really are anyway. The conservatives should be celebrating this judge for helping keep conservatives from depending on government money.

Are you kidding? Conservatives LOVE free stuff. After all, that's what the K Street Project was/is all about.
Don't worry guys. Lois Lerner will be arrested any minute now!
I'm waiting for the Frog-Marching.
A federal judge tossed a lawsuit against the Internal Revenue Service by True the Vote, Inc. and other tea party groups, saying there's no ongoing controversy for the court to consider.

"Unless an actual, ongoing controversy exists in this case, this Court is without power to decide it," U.S. District Court Judge Reggie Walton wrote in his opinion.

True the Vote sued the IRS over delays in its application for tax-exempt status, the AP reported earlier.

USA Today reports:

More: Judge Tosses Lawsuit Against IRS By Conservative Groups

Good. Now, NaziCons can obsess over Benghazi and/or Obamacare.

Oh good, now we can get back to Benghazi.

Lakhota is only a talking points person who never reads the articles she/he posts.

These cases were dismissed strictly on procedural grounds.

"Because he dismissed the lawsuits on procedural grounds, Walton did not rule on the merits of the case. He wrote in a footnote: "The court's opinion should not be interpreted as an assessment of the propriety of the alleged conduct by the defendants."

Tea Party loses court battle over targeting to IRS
The judge is not saying the allegations are false. He is saying the practices which the IRS was using have been terminated, along with the offenders who initiated them. So there is nothing more to do. He has no power to tell them to stop since they already have.

So all of you who are under the delusion the judge is saying the IRS did not commit the offenses which were alleged, you are badly mistaken.
The IRS has already admitted their wrong doing.

Deal with it you liberal wankers. :lol:

"The IRS admitted last year that it delayed the approval of tax exemptions for Tea Party groups based solely on the name of the group.

Several criminal and congressional investigations into the matter are still ongoing, and the former IRS official responsible for exempt organizations, Lois Lerner, has been found in contempt of Congress for refusing to testify about the targeting."

Tea Party loses court battle over targeting to IRS
What sucks is that the GOP has won a lot of support from morons over this, the birther movement, fast and furious, Obama is a muslim, benghazi, death panels, etc. And even though it's all been debunked there's still a huge swath of terrified, inbred bedwetters that are going to vote republican because of that completely fabricated bullshit. Good job Mr. Murdoch.

The GOP model of persuasion is to repeat an accusation long enough that someone believes it. The kind of folks they attract aren't particularly interested in whether or not the claims are true. But if they feel true.
A federal judge tossed a lawsuit against the Internal Revenue Service by True the Vote, Inc. and other tea party groups, saying there's no ongoing controversy for the court to consider.

"Unless an actual, ongoing controversy exists in this case, this Court is without power to decide it," U.S. District Court Judge Reggie Walton wrote in his opinion.

True the Vote sued the IRS over delays in its application for tax-exempt status, the AP reported earlier.

USA Today reports:

More: Judge Tosses Lawsuit Against IRS By Conservative Groups

Good. Now, NaziCons can obsess over Benghazi and/or Obamacare.

I thought conservatives were fundamentally opposed to frivolous law suits on principle. But once I remembered that conservative principle is just a myth, the whole thing suddenly made sense.

I thought conservatives were fundamentally opposed to getting "free stuff." This is what tax exemptions really are anyway. The conservatives should be celebrating this judge for helping keep conservatives from depending on government money.
Not being looted does not equate to getting something for free.
A federal judge tossed a lawsuit against the Internal Revenue Service by True the Vote, Inc. and other tea party groups, saying there's no ongoing controversy for the court to consider.

"Unless an actual, ongoing controversy exists in this case, this Court is without power to decide it," U.S. District Court Judge Reggie Walton wrote in his opinion.

True the Vote sued the IRS over delays in its application for tax-exempt status, the AP reported earlier.

USA Today reports:

More: Judge Tosses Lawsuit Against IRS By Conservative Groups

Good. Now, NaziCons can obsess over Benghazi and/or Obamacare.
if this was about a Liberal lawsuit being thrown out.....you would not have even bothered.....right?....

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