Judge rules Islamic education OK in California classrooms

no offense Wonderwench... didnt mean to sound as though I am bashing all....
None taken. It's just sad when the fringe elements gain too much control.
I think a "public school" is a different thing in the US to that in Britain. Here a public school is a private school where the parents pay for the child to attend, state education is "free" for all.

However, that is digressing from the main point. Religious education is compulsary in all schools in the UK although, with the multi-ethnic society that we have now, the form of education has changed considerably over the last few years.

When I was at school RE consisted of Bible study, no more, no less. Now, however, the teachings of all the worlds major religions are covered. In some cases this is a complete waste of time as the skinhead will still see anyone who is slightly different as a threat and respond accordingly. For the majority, however, I do feel that an understanding of other religions and their cultures can only help in producing a more tolerant society. At least I hope so.

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