Judge Orders Release of FBI Docs on Clinton Emails


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This judge is apparently pursuing a death wish...or Arkacide wish.

Judge Orders FBI To Make Details Of Clinton Email Probe Public

U.S. District Judge James E. Boasberg ordered the FBI to produce uncensored court documents describing the grand jury subpoenas issued to force Clinton’s internet service providers to turn over information related to her private server use, according to a statement released by Cause of Action Institute.

The ruling was made in response to a motion filed in June as part of a suit brought by Cause of Action Institute and Judicial Watch. The organizations claim the Department of State violated the Federal Records Act by failing to maintain records related to Clinton’s handling of classified information.

Boasberg justified his ruling on the basis that the set of documents in question “rehashes information already made public, thus obviating any need for secrecy.”​

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