Judge Luttig Moving To Chicago, Leaving Court


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Interesting that there was this letter to the editor in the moring paper. The Judge is sure to love this city:

A Boeing exec falls in love with Chicago

Larry McCracken
Published May 10, 2006

Chicago -- Five years ago Boeing landed at Midway. On a noisy tarmac, Boeing leaders announced to state and local supporters and the news media that they had chosen Chicago as the new location for the company's corporate headquarters.

Earlier that day, as a beautiful sunrise cast pink reflections on snowy Mt. Rainier, I climbed on a Boeing business jet in Seattle heading east to an unknown life in an unfamiliar city by the lake.

Now Boeing is considered an established fixture in the Windy City. And a few weeks ago Boeing became the largest company in the local area, when measured by market capitalization.

But what have these five years meant to those who moved from the Pacific Northwest and for the community in general?

Though I retired from Boeing in June, I think that I can speak for many of my former colleagues that those of us who moved from Seattle were overwhelmed with the welcome of this iconic city. And in turn, many of us have developed a very strong bond and love for the region and its people.

From a personal viewpoint, as one who has made a home in a downtown condo near the Water Tower, it has meant a complete change of lifestyle. Gone are the four-bedroom house in the suburbs, the two cars and the years of accumulating "stuff." As already downsized empty-nesters, my wife and I have decided to continue to live here in retirement and enjoy all Chicago has to offer.

For those who may be jaded as to what makes this such a vibrant, enchanting city, here are a few of our treasures:

- Walks on the lakeshore paths--north to the zoo and boat harbors; south to Navy Pier and the Museum Campus.

- Millennium Park and its engaging fountain, sculpture, summer galleries and free concerts of the Grant Park Orchestra at the Pritzker Pavilion.

- A mayor who wears the love of this city on his sleeve and truly cares about making this a livable city--about trees, flowers, clean streets, parks, libraries and public transportation.

- Plus a mayor who also cares about raising educational levels, reducing crime and maintaining an adequate health-care system.

- The many free activities at the Chicago Cultural Center.

- The plethora of theater opportunities, including our favorites, the Goodman Theatre, Lookingglass Theatre and Shakespeare Theater.

- The tranquility of the Art Institute with its masters and special exhibitions.

- The annual Chicago Air & Water Show.

- The Chicago Foundation for Education and its grants to hardworking city school teachers.

- The changing scenery and gardens of North Michigan Avenue.

- The Red Line stadiums and both their loveable baseball teams.

- And stretching farther afield, the Museum of Science and Industry, Brookfield Zoo, Garfield Park Conservatory, Chicago Botanic Garden and the ethnic neighborhoods.

- The magnificent churches and other houses of worship. As active members of Fourth Presbyterian Church, we see what an impact a 5,550-member urban ministry, through its outreach and social services programs, can have on a community.

In a similar vein, I am proud of the way Boeing and its employees rapidly planted their flag in Chicago's robust philanthropic community. From its initial sponsorship of the Chihuly glass exhibit at the Garfield Park Conservatory; to support of Chicago Public Schools; to team fundraising activities for civic organizations; to sponsorship of the arts, dance and theater; and to employee volunteer activism, Boeing quickly earned the reputation as a socially responsible company and workforce.

On May 10, 2001, a love affair began between Boeing and Chicago. It's a relationship that has deepened and, in my opinion, one that has been beneficial for both the city and the people of Boeing.

Though the five years have flown by quickly, it's a relationship that I hope will continue to be nurtured and flourish for years to come.

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