Josh Duggar needs to be prosecuted


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
In addition to being prosecuted for the actual child sexual abuse he perpetrated, his family and whoever else was involved should be prosecuted for conspiracy to commit child sexual abuse and whatever other laws they broke in concealing the original offenses.

If they're not prosecuted for at least the conspiracy aspect crimes, it just sends the message to families doing this sort of thing that if they conceal it it'll go away.

Send a clear message, child sexual abuse isn't going to be tolerated. Demand they be prosecuted.
Some of the possible charges include:

- vs Josh Duggar, statutory rape 2nd degree, multiple counts of; conspiracy to commit statutory rape 2nd degree
- vs Duggar senior, conspiracy to commit statutory rape 2nd degree, failure to disclose child sexual abuse
- vs Mrs. Duggar (same as above)
- vs the 'counsellor' and state trooper (same as both the parents)

Isn't like there's nothing to charge them on because the statute of limitations has expired.
Especially in light of Josh not even denying the charges, if nothing happens prosecutorily, heads should roll. Very doubtful this was a limited-in-scope thing. People knew about it, and they covered it up, and that's VERY illegal.
You're dumb. There is a 3 year statute of limitations on these particular charges. That's why no charges have been filed. Was there a cover-up? Sure. On the part of his parents, who could/should have pressed charges to get their kid the help he needed so he doesn't abuse his own children. However, those parents are also the parents of his victim, and in this country, we allow parents some degree of control in these types of cases. The parents sent him away, and I'm sure that was part of a deal they worked out with local criminal justice officials to avoid him having a record as a sex offender for the rest of his life.
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Of course it is, but they are God-fearing Christians in a deep RED state where rednecks rules. They will get a pass and claim to have made it right with Jeebus and shit like that.

And in 10 years, rape accusations against Duggar will come from other quarters. This is likely just the tip of the iceberg.

The world is on it's head in many ways.
His family and church hid it, which of course, further victimized the girls he molested, some of whom were his own sisters. His parents protected him but did not protect their daughters.

Frightening to me is that he now has three small children.
His family and church hid it, which of course, further victimized the girls he molested, some of whom were his own sisters. His parents protected him but did not protect their daughters.

Frightening to me is that he now has three small children.

We have to give the guy some credit, at least he's not gay.
Of course it is, but they are God-fearing Christians in a deep RED state where rednecks rules. They will get a pass and claim to have made it right with Jeebus and shit like that.

And in 10 years, rape accusations against Duggar will come from other quarters. This is likely just the tip of the iceberg.

The world is on it's head in many ways.

Child molesters never molest once and then stop. He admitted his crime. That should be more than enough to have him listed as a sex offender for the rest of his life.

But you're right - he will get a pass. There are many who are already defending him which gives a very clear message to all women and girls who are victims of sexual predators.
Frightening to me is that he now has three small children.

To me, this is the most disturbing part. Imagine being this guy's'd be watching him like a hawk non-stop and/or hopefully contemplating divorce in order to protect your kids.
Haven't lefties punished him enough? Josh Duggar was just a kid when the incidents happened. If the newly appointed morality cops on the left want to purge society of sexual misconduct they need to start at the top with Mrs. Clinton and her husband.
Haven't lefties punished him enough? Josh Duggar was just a kid when the incidents happened. If the newly appointed morality cops on the left want to purge society of sexual misconduct they need to start at the top with Mrs. Clinton and her husband.

This is about little girls who were this jerk's victims. What about them?

Why are you so desperate to change the subject and derail all the threads about this child molester? Quit pushing your political agenda. Its these little girls and the children he probably has molested since then.
Liberal Actress Lena Dunham admitted in a book last year that she had experimented with her 6 year old sister kissing her and forcing her vagina open at times. Her show 'Girls' has yet to be cancelled.
Haven't lefties punished him enough? Josh Duggar was just a kid when the incidents happened. If the newly appointed morality cops on the left want to purge society of sexual misconduct they need to start at the top with Mrs. Clinton and her husband.

This is about little girls who were this jerk's victims. What about them?

Why are you so desperate to change the subject and derail all the threads about this child molester? Quit pushing your political agenda. Its these little girls and the children he probably has molested since then.
We need to be focused on what's plagueing America and that is black on white crime.
Haven't lefties punished him enough? Josh Duggar was just a kid when the incidents happened. If the newly appointed morality cops on the left want to purge society of sexual misconduct they need to start at the top with Mrs. Clinton and her husband.

This is about little girls who were this jerk's victims. What about them?

Why are you so desperate to change the subject and derail all the threads about this child molester? Quit pushing your political agenda. Its these little girls and the children he probably has molested since then.
We need to be focused on what's plagueing America and that is black on white crime.


You don't care about the children being molested. I get that and, believe me, I'm not in the least surprised.

So why post in this thread? Go start yet another of your threads about how poor little Stevie, the impotent, inbred, sub-human, cracker, trailer trash, knuckle dragging asshole is on welfare cuz those mean old Black people won't support you.
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Haven't lefties punished him enough? Josh Duggar was just a kid when the incidents happened. If the newly appointed morality cops on the left want to purge society of sexual misconduct they need to start at the top with Mrs. Clinton and her husband.
WTF is wrong with you dude? Have you lost your cotton pickin' mind!?!?
If he were prosecuted today for something that happened when he was 14, you realize that he wouldn't be prosecuted as an adult, but as a 14 year old.
I don't like this family, but we need to know more details to form an opinion. Do not trust our media, remember? What if this is nothing, but hearsay? Show us the report and real sources, first.

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