Jon Voight: Obama Has Taken Over Media 'In No Less A Way' Than Chavez Has In Venezuel


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Jon Voight: Obama Has Taken Over Media 'In No Less A Way' Than Chavez Has In Venezuela
Newsbusters ^
Jon Voight: Obama Has Taken Over Media 'In No Less A Way' Than Chavez Has In Venezuela |

Jon Voight: Obama Has Taken Over Media 'In No Less A Way' Than Chavez Has In Venezuela By Noel Sheppard Created 08/29/2012 - 2:39pm

"The media has been overtaken by the Obama administration in no less a way than Hugo Chavez took over media in Venezuela.”

Such was said Wednesday by actor Jon Voight during a Spreecast with Steve Malzberg (video follows with transcribed highlights, relevant section nine minutes in):

After Malzberg noted some of the media censorship of minorities speaking at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Voight said, “I’ve been talking about this in the press, and I said, I made a statement a couple of days ago, I said the mainstream media, the media has been overtaken by the Obama administration in no less a way than Hugo Chavez took over media in Venezuela.”

Voight continued, “I never dreamed I’d see the day when the main media would refuse to cover the Republican convention, and would edit the Republican convention just as you suggested.”

“Anybody in my business knows that editing is everything," Voight added. "You can make anything look good or bad or whatever. You can create all sorts of, you know, emotional impressions with editing.”

“So this is propaganda pure and simple,” said Voight. “There is no Democratic Party anymore. It’s a propaganda party, I’ve been saying that. And that’s what we’re dealing with. So it is a fight against lies and distortion.”
The lamestream media has pretty much dropped all pretense of being non-biased

Just look at this latest stupid story on peanuts being thrown..

The media has become a enemy to Conservatives, Republicans and Independents.

time to wake up to that fact
Jon Voight: Obama Has Taken Over Media 'In No Less A Way' Than Chavez Has In Venezuela
Newsbusters ^
Jon Voight: Obama Has Taken Over Media 'In No Less A Way' Than Chavez Has In Venezuela |

Jon Voight: Obama Has Taken Over Media 'In No Less A Way' Than Chavez Has In Venezuela By Noel Sheppard Created 08/29/2012 - 2:39pm

"The media has been overtaken by the Obama administration in no less a way than Hugo Chavez took over media in Venezuela.”

Such was said Wednesday by actor Jon Voight during a Spreecast with Steve Malzberg (video follows with transcribed highlights, relevant section nine minutes in):

After Malzberg noted some of the media censorship of minorities speaking at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Voight said, “I’ve been talking about this in the press, and I said, I made a statement a couple of days ago, I said the mainstream media, the media has been overtaken by the Obama administration in no less a way than Hugo Chavez took over media in Venezuela.”

Voight continued, “I never dreamed I’d see the day when the main media would refuse to cover the Republican convention, and would edit the Republican convention just as you suggested.”

“Anybody in my business knows that editing is everything," Voight added. "You can make anything look good or bad or whatever. You can create all sorts of, you know, emotional impressions with editing.”

“So this is propaganda pure and simple,” said Voight. “There is no Democratic Party anymore. It’s a propaganda party, I’ve been saying that. And that’s what we’re dealing with. So it is a fight against lies and distortion.”

Really? Then why does FAUX Nooze still exist?

If there were a station that talked as bad about Chavez as FAUX talks about Obama, he'd have had the station blown up.

the media is the mouthpiece of the establishment aka romney,obama,republican party,democrat party to keep Americans stupid and in a position of servitude.
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Jon Voight: Obama Has Taken Over Media 'In No Less A Way' Than Chavez Has In Venezuela
Newsbusters ^
Jon Voight: Obama Has Taken Over Media 'In No Less A Way' Than Chavez Has In Venezuela |

Jon Voight: Obama Has Taken Over Media 'In No Less A Way' Than Chavez Has In Venezuela By Noel Sheppard Created 08/29/2012 - 2:39pm

"The media has been overtaken by the Obama administration in no less a way than Hugo Chavez took over media in Venezuela.”

Such was said Wednesday by actor Jon Voight during a Spreecast with Steve Malzberg (video follows with transcribed highlights, relevant section nine minutes in):

After Malzberg noted some of the media censorship of minorities speaking at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Voight said, “I’ve been talking about this in the press, and I said, I made a statement a couple of days ago, I said the mainstream media, the media has been overtaken by the Obama administration in no less a way than Hugo Chavez took over media in Venezuela.”

Voight continued, “I never dreamed I’d see the day when the main media would refuse to cover the Republican convention, and would edit the Republican convention just as you suggested.”

“Anybody in my business knows that editing is everything," Voight added. "You can make anything look good or bad or whatever. You can create all sorts of, you know, emotional impressions with editing.”

“So this is propaganda pure and simple,” said Voight. “There is no Democratic Party anymore. It’s a propaganda party, I’ve been saying that. And that’s what we’re dealing with. So it is a fight against lies and distortion.”

Really? Then why does FAUX Nooze still exist?

If there were a station that talked as bad about Chavez as FAUX talks about Obama, he'd have had the station blown up.


It's about all. 6 against 1.
Jon Voight: Obama Has Taken Over Media 'In No Less A Way' Than Chavez Has In Venezuela
Newsbusters ^
Jon Voight: Obama Has Taken Over Media 'In No Less A Way' Than Chavez Has In Venezuela |

Really? Then why does FAUX Nooze still exist?

If there were a station that talked as bad about Chavez as FAUX talks about Obama, he'd have had the station blown up.


It's about all. 6 against 1.'s a false equivalency, because if a news station in Chavez's country made the same kind of attacks that FAUX makes against Obama every day, he'd have shut them down.

He did it to one station that I know of.
The lamestream media has pretty much dropped all pretense of being non-biased

Just look at this latest stupid story on peanuts being thrown..

The media has become a enemy to Conservatives, Republicans and Independents.

time to wake up to that fact

Can't you just say "it was awful what those men said to that camera woman" and move on?

you can worry about you and I'll worry about me, thanks anyway

this thread is about the try and stick with it
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The media no longer cares about reporting the news, but has turned into an Obama mouth piece.

Much of what happens at both conventions is not news. It's carefully orchestrated stagecraft. There's another word of that. It's called propaganda. Propaganda is not newsworthy. The news networks will dutifully report what IS genuinely newsworthy. That will include the speeches of the candidates since THEY are the ones running for office.
Jon Voight: Obama Has Taken Over Media 'In No Less A Way' Than Chavez Has In Venezuela
Newsbusters ^
Jon Voight: Obama Has Taken Over Media 'In No Less A Way' Than Chavez Has In Venezuela |

Jon Voight: Obama Has Taken Over Media 'In No Less A Way' Than Chavez Has In Venezuela By Noel Sheppard Created 08/29/2012 - 2:39pm

"The media has been overtaken by the Obama administration in no less a way than Hugo Chavez took over media in Venezuela.”

Such was said Wednesday by actor Jon Voight during a Spreecast with Steve Malzberg (video follows with transcribed highlights, relevant section nine minutes in):

After Malzberg noted some of the media censorship of minorities speaking at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Voight said, “I’ve been talking about this in the press, and I said, I made a statement a couple of days ago, I said the mainstream media, the media has been overtaken by the Obama administration in no less a way than Hugo Chavez took over media in Venezuela.”

Voight continued, “I never dreamed I’d see the day when the main media would refuse to cover the Republican convention, and would edit the Republican convention just as you suggested.”

“Anybody in my business knows that editing is everything," Voight added. "You can make anything look good or bad or whatever. You can create all sorts of, you know, emotional impressions with editing.”

“So this is propaganda pure and simple,” said Voight. “There is no Democratic Party anymore. It’s a propaganda party, I’ve been saying that. And that’s what we’re dealing with. So it is a fight against lies and distortion.”

Well let's look at the facts here. Obama's jobs Czar is Jeffrey Inmelt CEO of General Electic--aka the mother of all outsourcers--who is also the OWNER of MSNBC. Where does most of the outrageous Obama cheerleading squad come from? MSNBC aka NBC.

Just follow the money.

The lamestream media has pretty much dropped all pretense of being non-biased

Just look at this latest stupid story on peanuts being thrown..

The media has become a enemy to Conservatives, Republicans and Independents.

time to wake up to that fact

Can't you just say "it was awful what those men said to that camera woman" and move on?

you can worry about you and I'll worry about me, thanks anyway

this thread is about the try and stick with it

Jon Voight: Obama Has Taken Over Media 'In No Less A Way' Than Chavez Has In Venezuela
Newsbusters ^
Jon Voight: Obama Has Taken Over Media 'In No Less A Way' Than Chavez Has In Venezuela |

Jon Voight: Obama Has Taken Over Media 'In No Less A Way' Than Chavez Has In Venezuela By Noel Sheppard Created 08/29/2012 - 2:39pm

"The media has been overtaken by the Obama administration in no less a way than Hugo Chavez took over media in Venezuela.”

Such was said Wednesday by actor Jon Voight during a Spreecast with Steve Malzberg (video follows with transcribed highlights, relevant section nine minutes in):

After Malzberg noted some of the media censorship of minorities speaking at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Voight said, “I’ve been talking about this in the press, and I said, I made a statement a couple of days ago, I said the mainstream media, the media has been overtaken by the Obama administration in no less a way than Hugo Chavez took over media in Venezuela.”

Voight continued, “I never dreamed I’d see the day when the main media would refuse to cover the Republican convention, and would edit the Republican convention just as you suggested.”

“Anybody in my business knows that editing is everything," Voight added. "You can make anything look good or bad or whatever. You can create all sorts of, you know, emotional impressions with editing.”

“So this is propaganda pure and simple,” said Voight. “There is no Democratic Party anymore. It’s a propaganda party, I’ve been saying that. And that’s what we’re dealing with. So it is a fight against lies and distortion.”

Really? Then why does FAUX Nooze still exist?

If there were a station that talked as bad about Chavez as FAUX talks about Obama, he'd have had the station blown up.


I think i heard Obama has that planned if he has a 2nd term...... :blowup:
If many on the left had their way, FOX News would be shut down...I can't imagine there not being an MSNBC, because that would mean the left wasn't being represented, and that is un-American IMO. I do not feel threatened by opposing views, and I remember a time when most on the left held true to the philosophy that, "I may not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." Now I see them mostly as a group who will use ANY tactic to silence the opposition.
Taken them over? No.

They willingly bent over and spread their cheeks.

They've been working with Axelrod right from the get go. Remember the article about how
"cute" it was that they all had their morning conference calls?

So begins another morning in what may count as Washington’s longest-running conversation — a street-corner bull session between four old friends who suddenly find themselves standing once more at the busiest intersection of politics and media in Washington.

Carville calls White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel.

Emanuel calls ABC News Chief Washington Correspondent George Stephanopoulos.

A bit later, CNN commentator Paul Begala, who is not quite the early bird that his friends are, will complete the circle with a rapid set of calls to all three.

Different versions of this round-robin chatter have been taking place, with few interruptions, every workday for nearly a generation.

“I refer to it as the 17-year-long conference call,” said Emanuel, who starts calling his friends at 6 a.m. “You can tap into it anytime you want.”

ETA link: Power, politics, gossip on daily call - John F. Harris -
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If many on the left had their way, FOX News would be shut down...I can't imagine there not being an MSNBC, because that would mean the left wasn't being represented, and that is un-American IMO. I do not feel threatened by opposing views, and I remember a time when most on the left held true to the philosophy that, "I may not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." Now I see them mostly as a group who will use ANY tactic to silence the opposition.
Now it's "STFU you fascist! I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire! ZOMG, you racist traitor racist!!"
Taken them over? No.

They willingly bent over and spread their cheeks.

They've been working with Axelrod right from the get go. Remember the article about how
"cute" it was that they all had their morning conference calls?

So begins another morning in what may count as Washington’s longest-running conversation — a street-corner bull session between four old friends who suddenly find themselves standing once more at the busiest intersection of politics and media in Washington.

Carville calls White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel.

Emanuel calls ABC News Chief Washington Correspondent George Stephanopoulos.

A bit later, CNN commentator Paul Begala, who is not quite the early bird that his friends are, will complete the circle with a rapid set of calls to all three.

Different versions of this round-robin chatter have been taking place, with few interruptions, every workday for nearly a generation.

“I refer to it as the 17-year-long conference call,” said Emanuel, who starts calling his friends at 6 a.m. “You can tap into it anytime you want.”

ETA link: Power, politics, gossip on daily call - John F. Harris -
Yup, getting the day's talking points, marching orders, and "what he REALLY meant was"s.

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