Jon Stewart rips GOP Sandy vote


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
67 Republicans.....Yes 67 vote against initial Sandy aid. Including asshole VP candidate Paul Ryan

Jon Stewart Tears Apart House GOP Over Sandy Aid: If You Can’t Vote For This, ‘Then We’re F*cked’ | Mediaite

Stewart compared the natural disaster of Sandy to the human disaster of the House GOP, highlighting how Congress left for the night last week before voting on the relief bill. He credited the Republican voices of outrage, including Chris Christie and Peter King, for getting results and forcing the GOP to hold the vote.

However, the House has only so far approved $9 billion of the $60 billion relief bill, and will take up the rest of it next week, because as Stewart put it, “what’s another week when you’ve been fucked for months?” He scolded the sixty-seven House Republicans who voted against the bill and wondered why they would vote against the bill, asking, “What would Jesus, or any other human being that isn’t an asshole, do?”

As for the argument that the bill was loaded with pork, Stewart shot back by saying that there were only two such paragraphs in the entire bill, about as much pork as in a PETA staff fridge. He said their reasoning was “bullshit,” and in particular called out a Mississippi Republican for voting against the bill while also, last year, requesting money for the national flood insurance program this past year for his constituents.
Last edited: rely on a comedian for your news....and political opinion because you are knuckle dragger scum.
I don't care what a liberal comedian thinks.

He doesn't really care how much pork was in the damned thing ether.

Obviously you don't care either how much pork is in it.
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I would suggest Jon Stewart's thinking is the perfect example of why were fucked if in fact we are instead of asking the more important question of why all this stuff that has nothing to do with Sandy relief is even in the bill and has gone into so many bills before it and will go into many more to come which helps contribute to our ever growing debt he instead goes on one of his typical paint by the numbers partisan rants.
67 Republicans.....Yes 67 vote against initial Sandy aid. Including asshole VP candidate Paul Ryan

Jon Stewart Tears Apart House GOP Over Sandy Aid: If You Can’t Vote For This, ‘Then We’re F*cked’ | Mediaite

Stewart compared the natural disaster of Sandy to the human disaster of the House GOP, highlighting how Congress left for the night last week before voting on the relief bill. He credited the Republican voices of outrage, including Chris Christie and Peter King, for getting results and forcing the GOP to hold the vote.

However, the House has only so far approved $9 billion of the $60 billion relief bill, and will take up the rest of it next week, because as Stewart put it, “what’s another week when you’ve been fucked for months?” He scolded the sixty-seven House Republicans who voted against the bill and wondered why they would vote against the bill, asking, “What would Jesus, or any other human being that isn’t an asshole, do?”

As for the argument that the bill was loaded with pork, Stewart shot back by saying that there were only two such paragraphs in the entire bill, about as much pork as in a PETA staff fridge. He said their reasoning was “bullshit,” and in particular called out a Mississippi Republican for voting against the bill while also, last year, requesting money for the national flood insurance program this past year for his constituents.
There's no excuse for the blatant hypocrisy and selfishness that was on display. But when you have selfish voters, you get selfish representatives.
I haven't seen or heard this Stewart character in months, oh my life must be ruined since I don't tune in to his mindless robot comedy show.
I would suggest Jon Stewart's thinking is the perfect example of why were fucked if in fact we are instead of asking the more important question of why all this stuff that has nothing to do with Sandy relief is even in the bill and has gone into so many bills before it and will go into many more to come which helps contribute to our ever growing debt he instead goes on one of his typical paint by the numbers partisan rants.

You know how I know you didn't watch the clip?
I would suggest Jon Stewart's thinking is the perfect example of why were fucked if in fact we are instead of asking the more important question of why all this stuff that has nothing to do with Sandy relief is even in the bill and has gone into so many bills before it and will go into many more to come which helps contribute to our ever growing debt he instead goes on one of his typical paint by the numbers partisan rants.

One explanation I heard was...
Hey that's the way Washington works....
You want my vote you give me millions for some pet project of mine....
What a fucking joke.

So because that's the way it's always been done we should keep doing it...
What a bunch of ass clowns...
And we wonder why we are broke.
I would suggest Jon Stewart's thinking is the perfect example of why were fucked if in fact we are instead of asking the more important question of why all this stuff that has nothing to do with Sandy relief is even in the bill and has gone into so many bills before it and will go into many more to come which helps contribute to our ever growing debt he instead goes on one of his typical paint by the numbers partisan rants.

One explanation I heard was...
Hey that's the way Washington works....
You want my vote you give me millions for some pet project of mine....
What a fucking joke.

So because that's the way it's always been done we should keep doing it...
What a bunch of ass clowns...
And we wonder why we are broke.

The joke is you pretend you know what you're talking about since you clearly don't.

YOU are the problem with this country.
I would suggest Jon Stewart's thinking is the perfect example of why were fucked if in fact we are instead of asking the more important question of why all this stuff that has nothing to do with Sandy relief is even in the bill and has gone into so many bills before it and will go into many more to come which helps contribute to our ever growing debt he instead goes on one of his typical paint by the numbers partisan rants.

What stuff that had nothing to do with Sandy was in the bill?
Just because you are dumb as shit, it is not our responsibility to feed you information that has been discussed here, on FOXNews, etc.

Oh, you don't follow FOX News.....

I would suggest Jon Stewart's thinking is the perfect example of why were fucked if in fact we are instead of asking the more important question of why all this stuff that has nothing to do with Sandy relief is even in the bill and has gone into so many bills before it and will go into many more to come which helps contribute to our ever growing debt he instead goes on one of his typical paint by the numbers partisan rants.

What stuff that had nothing to do with Sandy was in the bill?
Paul Ryan wanted to be our Vice President and voted against aid to hurricane victims?

What a Douchebag
I would suggest Jon Stewart's thinking is the perfect example of why were fucked if in fact we are instead of asking the more important question of why all this stuff that has nothing to do with Sandy relief is even in the bill and has gone into so many bills before it and will go into many more to come which helps contribute to our ever growing debt he instead goes on one of his typical paint by the numbers partisan rants.

You know how I know you didn't watch the clip?

You know how I know your choosing to ignore the real issue and focus on typical partisan B.S.?

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