John Patrick Bedell Truther


Platinum Member
Mar 1, 2009
John Patrick Bedell Truther

Held Pink Object Hurt Terral

(The Pentagon officer's gun was pink)
Its been a long time coming in my opinion. These crazy 9/11 fucks spread their lies and it was just a matter of time before they convinced someone to go commit murder in the name of their retarded cause. This should be a lesson to the "truthers", but i imagine it will go over their head like everything else does.

Enough with your lies and crazy fucking theories! Every time one of you troofers post here, you are pushing some jackoff to do evil shit. Stop it already!

Every 9/11 truther is partially responsible for this mans death, and the injuries those officers suffered. If it wasnt for you fuckwits, this guy would probably be alive and still living in his parents basement.
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I encourage all the truthers to follow this brave man's example and head out to the pentagon and open fire.
Seems to me it's a place well-prepared for such things, and would love to see those stains on society gone for good.
I encourage all the truthers to follow this brave man's example and head out to the pentagon and open fire.
Seems to me it's a place well-prepared for such things, and would love to see those stains on society gone for good.

i'll let the twoofers in on a little pentagon secret. i know this since i am a super secret government agent. guns wont work at the pentagon. what you need to do is throw frozen fish at the security guards. (preferably halibut). the frozen fish emits a small amount of gas as it hits the air that is above freezing temperatures. this gas interacts with the electronic bullet proof vest security wears causing a stunning shock similar to a taser weapon.

so dont shoot anyone at the pentagon. throw frozen fish. it works better.
proof positive that twoofers are treasonous scum

Are we missing any of our nutcases this morning?

Are all the twoofers present and accounted for?

What was his username here at USMB?
looks like it wasnt one of our resident troofer morons
Was Terral involved in this conspiracy?

America wants to know

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