John McCain Worries About "Protectionism and Isolationism"


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) sounded an alarm about some of the Republicans joining him in Congress next year, warning that they could affect the consensus on the war in Afghanistan and might pose challenges to free trade agreements and the defense budget.

"Rand Paul, he's already talked about withdrawals, cuts in defense," said McCain. "I worry a lot about rise of protectionism and isolationism in the Republican Party."

Weigel : John McCain Worries About Defense Cuts, "Protectionism and Isolationism" in GOP

Well the so-called "free trade" agreements are never free trade agreements so McCain doesn't need to worry about any protectionists other than himself. As for isolationism, that's simply a smear word used to deride those who don't support endless wars that don't make any sense. He then wants to talk about cutting earmarks as if that alone is going to balance the budget. I've got news for McCain, it's not possible to balance the budget unless you look at our foreign policy. Earmarks are not even close to the biggest problem regarding our debt.
We need to be protected these days.
Adding fairness into the equation in trade is not is what the entire world besides us is doing.
"Protectionism" and "Isolationism" are the two most over-used and misused words by Politicians. Those stale accusations are just code for..."Cheerlead for the Global Economy and Aggressive Foreign Interventionism or else!" I don't trust John McCain. He's part of that old school Check-Pant Republican crowd that have been Democrat-Light for many years.

When these Check-Pant Republicans and Democrats make these accusations,it's usually because the American People are catching onto their destructive policies. They always pull out the old "Protectionism" and "Isolationism" accusations when they're desperate. Both parties do this all the time so i'm never surprised by it. Don't let them get you down though. Just be strong and stick to your guns. They're counting on you caving. John McCain's worries are just more Bull Shit. End of story.
We need to be protected these days.
Adding fairness into the equation in trade is not is what the entire world besides us is doing.

Well I'm opposed to protectionism, but the problem is that McCain is trying to call Rand a protectionist which is patently false. Those free trade agreements are not actually about free trade whatsoever.
To hell with the rest of the world. Protect and isolate! We don't need them nearly as much as they need us. Give us a level playing field to work with and maybe we will come out and play again. Till then screw them.
Those accusations always come out when they're losing the argument. This has been done many times in the past and i'm sure it will still be happening well into the future. McCain is part of the old school Check-Pant Democrat-Light crowd. Hopefully things are changing in the Republican Party though. The People don't want the old Check-Pants anymore. So let McCain rant. Less & less people are listening.
Well, if he keeps up his policies, he won't have to worry about them. A bunch of angry foreigners will be attacking, and dividing up the United States to get their investments back. Can't be very isolationist then.
Well, if he keeps up his policies, he won't have to worry about them. A bunch of angry foreigners will be attacking, and dividing up the United States to get their investments back. Can't be very isolationist then.

Yep. What are they going to do when they come calling to collect?

Hope the Second amendment still applies?

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