John Carter: The Movie


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
Overall I would give it 4 stars out of 5.
Special Effects...Solid.
Storyline...very good.
Acting...surprisingly pretty good.
Overall assesment....recommend others to go see it.
Overall I would give it 4 stars out of 5.
Special Effects...Solid.
Storyline...very good.
Acting...surprisingly pretty good.
Overall assesment....recommend others to go see it.

It is rated PG-13 but full of action. Lots of fighting and killing. Good sci fi movie. I would give it a 4.5 just cause 5 is the highest we are going )
I didn't see Avatar or John Carter, but from the trailers, I have the impression that Avatar was a major influence on Carter. Yet, one was one the most popular movies of all time and the other one of the biggest bombs of all time. Humans are so fickle.
Good to hear. I've been getting reviews that say "Great looking eye candy with painful to watch acting and nothing special in the plot dept." I've wanted to see it for a while now. Waiting for the budget theater.
I didn't see Avatar or John Carter, but from the trailers, I have the impression that Avatar was a major influence on Carter. Yet, one was one the most popular movies of all time and the other one of the biggest bombs of all time. Humans are so fickle.
Anything "alien" is going to be stylistically affected by Avatar. It's the technology. That said, other seminal special effect /cinematography movies include The Matrix, The Mummy, Die Hard, Lethal Weapon, LOTR, Tron, Star Wars Trillogy, Superman, Close Encounters, Alien, Aliens, Blade Runner, Mad Max, Terminators 1 & 2... just to name a few.

Notice though that Stephen Spielberg, Rodger Zemekis, Joel Silver, John McTiernan and James Cameron are involved in many of those films to some degree or another? They are trend setters that are often stylistically copied knowingly or subconsciously from then on out.

Look at war movies post Saving Private Ryan,
then before that Platoon,
then before that Red Dawn,
Before that Rambo,
before that The Deerhunter,
before that The Green Berets,
before that Here to Eternity...

This happens. No surprise. But again, good to know.
Good to hear. I've been getting reviews that say "Great looking eye candy with painful to watch acting and nothing special in the plot dept." I've wanted to see it for a while now. Waiting for the budget theater.

The story line, considering it is Disney, was surprisingly good I thought. Is it Ben Hur? in hell no...but I wasn't expecting The Godfather saga to begin with. If you go in expecting an epic - you will be disappointed...if you go in expecting to get your moneys worth in an entertaining film - you will be fine.
The eye candy is indeed a big part of the film like Avatar.
I have seen that the audience reviews are quite a bit higher than the critics, which is not that surprising since there are no big names in the film which is something critics are known to cry about.
I enjoyed the Lynn Collins movie very much!

All kidding aside, what amazed me is that this pretty much stayed true to Edgar Rice Burroughs' original character. I always thought Burroughs wrote all those Tarzan novels because it was his favorite storyline. Actually, Burroughs was one of the original sci-fi writers who would later inspire other sci-fi greats. He wrote all those Tarzan books because he was no fool: he knew a money-maker when he saw it and took advantage of it with novels, movie-rights and comic book-rights. His true love was writing science fiction adventures about John Carter of Mars, Carson Napier of Venus and the Hollow Earth series.

The movie is lots of fun. Good sci-fi stuff. Great special effects. And plenty of scenes with Lynn Collins!

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