John Bolton Transcript Now In The History Books Forever! (Senate Trial Questions Now In Play!)


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Regardless of the White House moves to quash anything connected with John Bolton from the Trial: Trump's lawyers are being forced to respond--in so many ways--to the weekend disclosures! The questions are coming in up in The 18 Hour phase of what history will call, "An Impeachment Trial!"

Trump impeachment trial: Live updates and latest news - CNNPolitics

House Manager Schiff noted another missing part of the evidence. There are other means even for the United States to pursue a corruption investigation of US Nationals in Ukraine. There is Treaty

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(And nobody investigates this: Deut 23: 19-20, subjugation is commandment one of religion!)
Schiff and his band of morons rushed the impeachment through, now they're complaining about missing evidence?!?

Trump surrounds himself with folks who oppose his agenda, and i couldnt be laughing harder when they turn against him!
Bolton just got assured his book will be in the Library of Congress- not every one gets that opportunity- great for the marketing team.
People are stupid. How many "bombshells" have there been throughout Trump's presidency, all of which turned out to be duds?

We've already seen this bad kabuki theater hundreds of times, and the idiot Democrats and lying media just keep falling for it, over and over and over.
Do we have a quote from Bolton?

Nothing that I know of. Just the New York Times citing "sources familiar with Bolton's writing", reported that Bolton claims in his book that Trump sought to tie up aid to Ukraine.
Do we have a quote from Bolton?

Nothing that I know of. Just the New York Times citing "sources familiar with Bolton's writing", reported that Bolton claims in his book that Trump sought to tie up aid to Ukraine.
So we know nothing .. democrats are funny

Pretty much nothing. Apparently a draft of his book was sent to the National Security Council for review and the NSC leaked parts of it to the NYT. The NSC is still full of deep-state Trump-haters from the Intel community, so you can see why they leaked it.

Now the NSC has determined that the Bolton manuscript contains classified and top-secret information, and may not be published until that information is removed. The House Democrats are in an uproar because they can’t verify or dispute what the manuscript actually says, if they're not allowed to read the un-redacted version. Same as with the transcript of Trump's phone call to Zelinsky.
It also doesn't mean a crime was committed - unless you also agree that by all appearances Biden also committed a crime.
The first-hand fellow--and probably even on the call--has been noted in the trial proceedings. That can surface week after week--tarnishing, tarnishing, tarnishing, (advertising, advertising, advertising): Historical, Historical, Historical!

Impeachments are said by both sides to be political. The Bidens did not hire Bolton. The Ukraine Gas Company probably hired a visible symbol of World Stature. In fact, Senator Biden on Foreign Affairs is both reputable, and widely known about.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(Then there's this crap, Deut 23: 19-20! Many even regard it source one of Holocaust--tarnishing, tarnishing, tarnishing, (advertising--not so much, advertising--not so much, advertising, not so much): Historical, Historical, Historical.
Regardless of the White House moves to quash anything connected with John Bolton from the Trial: Trump's lawyers are being forced to respond--in so many ways--to the weekend disclosures! The questions are coming in up in The 18 Hour phase of what history will call, "An Impeachment Trial!"

Trump impeachment trial: Live updates and latest news - CNNPolitics

House Manager Schiff noted another missing part of the evidence. There are other means even for the United States to pursue a corruption investigation of US Nationals in Ukraine. There is Treaty

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(And nobody investigates this: Deut 23: 19-20, subjugation is commandment one of religion!)

So you are saying the case wasn't water tight Jerry Nadler claimed ?

Good to know.
The Republicans seem to be on the road to witnesses, so Good to Know(?).

Taking a wrong road won't be helping.

"Crow, James Crow; Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Wandering aimlessly 40 years--from Sinai to a few miles away(?): Deut 23: 19-20 of Holocaust would take 2000 and more years, comparing- - -year after year, decade after decade, century after century, millennium .after millennium. . . .)
I'm thinking it would be in the best interest of the repub senate to allow witnesses, specifically Bolton.

They have nothing to lose. Unless they have knowledge that the leak from Bolton's book is a fabrication. If it isnt, then whatever he has to say will be known anyway when his book comes out. It would be best for senate repubs to call his so they can cross examine him about his statements.

However, I have a feeling bolton may not want to actually testify. If he gets put in front of the senate, and the repubs can discredit him and his supposed statements in his book, the value of his book goes down, and it could hurt him.

If the senate does call him, I have a feeling he will start backpedaling to try and get out if it.

I find it a bit curious that the leak from his book has caused a big uproar, yet not a peep from bolton. Youd figure if the cat was out of the bag, he would be booked on every talk show to expound on it, but so far there is nothing.

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