Joe the Plumber = pathological liar and concern troll

Red Dawn

Senior Member
Jul 19, 2008
Liberal Socialist Paradise
This guy is hilarious. I love this guy. What a classic "concern" troll!

He pretty much lied about everything he claimed to Obama. He's a registered republican, and proud conservative Rush Limbaugh fan, who's only intent was to concern troll Obama at the rope line - to parrot some rightwing talking point he heard from Sean Hannity.

His name's not Joe.
He's not a plumber.
He whines about taxes, but he owes back taxes.
He had no real plans to buy a company.
The company he worked for was nowhere close to being worth 250k, even though he claimed it was,.

According to Wurzelbacher, he was a plumber who was considering buying his boss’s business, which grossed between $250,000 and $280,000 a year. He was worried that Obama’s plan, which would allow the Bush tax cuts for those earning more than $250,000 to lapse, would kick him into a higher tax bracket.

But according to Ohio records, Wurzelbacher doesn’t even have a plumber’s license. He worked under his boss’s license, but that would still require him to have a journeyman’s or apprentice license under Ohio law.

And it turns out he didn’t have a solid plan to buy the business.

It gets worse. According to Ohio tax records, the business only grossed $100,000. That would mean it would probably pay less taxes under Obama’s plan.,0,3306529.story

HaHa, what a concern troll. Anyone have any idea why so many republicans need to lie about who they are, in order to concern troll some point they're always trying to make? In real life, I don't think I've ever met more than a tiny handful of people who make 250k a year, or who've served three tours of duty in Iraq. Yet, in cyberspace, I'm constantly running across republicans who claim to have served multiple tours in Iraq, or who make over 250k and are "concerned" about Obama's tax plan.
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Blah, blah, f-ing blah ....

Do I NOW need a "Joe the Plumber" forum for you dead horse beaters? Geez. It doesn't hurt you self-important types to post your crap on the end of one of the myriad other Joe the Plummer threads. People will STILL know it's you without your name as the thread starter parroting the same old crap.
Blah, blah, f-ing blah ....

Do I NOW need a "Joe the Plumber" forum for you dead horse beaters? Geez. It doesn't hurt you self-important types to post your crap on the end of one of the myriad other Joe the Plummer threads. People will STILL know it's you without your name as the thread starter parroting the same old crap.

Is that nag dead already?

When does the ACORN dog-and-pony-show get send to the glue factory?

How about that long dead nag: Obama is a secret Moslem?

Let's not forget that most decrepit of all the zombie equis haunting the range: Something Rude about Jews.

I'd say there's a whole herd of Zombie nags running free on the digital plains of US MESSAGE BOARD, cowboy.

Yiihaa! round 'em up.
Blah, blah, f-ing blah ....

Do I NOW need a "Joe the Plumber" forum for you dead horse beaters? Geez. It doesn't hurt you self-important types to post your crap on the end of one of the myriad other Joe the Plummer threads. People will STILL know it's you without your name as the thread starter parroting the same old crap.

Does that mean McCain gets thrown in there too? :lol:

And I agree with Editec above for the most part but Editec failed to mention the Ayers thread.

Though the Ayers thread count has seemed to die down since the debate.
This guy is hilarious. I love this guy. What a classic "concern" troll!

He pretty much lied about everything he claimed to Obama. He's a registered republican, and proud conservative Rush Limbaugh fan, who's only intent was to concern troll Obama at the rope line - to parrot some rightwing talking point he heard from Sean Hannity.

His name's not Joe.
He's not a plumber.
He whines about taxes, but he owes back taxes.
He had no real plans to buy a company.
The company he worked for was nowhere close to being worth 250k, even though he claimed it was,.

HaHa, what a concern troll. Anyone have any idea why so many republicans need to lie about who they are, in order to concern troll some point they're always trying to make? In real life, I don't think I've ever met more than a tiny handful of people who make 250k a year, or who've served three tours of duty in Iraq. Yet, in cyberspace, I'm constantly running across republicans who claim to have served multiple tours in Iraq, or who make over 250k and are "concerned" about Obama's tax plan.

ROFLMNAO... yet another tolerant advocate of compassion for those with differing ideas.

On what principle do you or Hussein have a right to confiscate the product of labor from one person so as to subsidize another?

(Now friends this dumbass will have ABSOLUTELY NO PRINCIPLE to advance which provides a valid moral justification which provides for the confiscation of the product of one person's labor, so they can use that product to subisidize someone else... But that is the nature of communism... they don't operate on principle, they operate on emotion, greed as well as the balance of human frailties, which reason requires need to be discouraged, not raised up as the basis of government policy.)
yet another tolerant advocate of compassion for those with differing ideas.

What the fuck are you blathering about. Read your own posts that you are going to rid the earth of lefties who disagree with you.

Talk about calling the kettle corn.
It's interesting to watch. The McCain-Palin campaign constructs some sort of construct which is used to condemn Obama-Biden. But one by one the constructs crumble and leave MCain-Palin looking really, really stupid.

The only danger for Obama is that the populus may have given him the game already. They still need to get out and vote. But it's for Obama to lose.

In all of this he has kept his demeanour, kept his temper and looked like the president the US needs. His opponents look like an unmitigated rabble.
What the fuck are you blathering about. Read your own posts that you are going to rid the earth of lefties who disagree with you.

Talk about calling the kettle corn.

Pogue, your projection that I have ever taken ANY position that I am tolerant of leftism of any kind is typically absurd. Leftism is a cancer on the ass of humanity and exists for no other purpose than the give the lowest common intellectual denominator a political voice.

The simple fact is that leftism is the most lethal ideology in the history of the species; having, in the last century ALONE murdered 150 million people, whose only crime was they contested leftism... that this oracle of hate and those of which it comprised try to advertise themselves as tolerant and compassionate is simply a certain sign of it being nothing less than the pure embodiment of evil.

Now as to posts where I've stated I was going to rid the world of leftists... I've said that history proves that leftism will result in cultural collapse and that when that inevitably comes to pass, that you idiots will take to the streets to demand that to which you erroneusly believe you are entitled and that when THAT happens, Americans... of which I am one, will impart merciless violence upon you people, as we defend our God given rights from the unjustified threat. And that such will result in the absolute destruction of the ideological leftwithin the Geographic area of the United States, where not one person will so much as admit that they even entertained a leftist notion... and from that will rise a free nation, in which will never again rest the idiocy that a nation can endure when it overtly tolerates those who openly advance ideas which stand antithetical to the principles on which that nation rests.

Now I realize that the above position is vastly more complex than what a pogue such as yourself is able to comprehend, and while that tickles me to no end... I just want you to know that I think you're a dispicable human being, who worships a false ideology and who lacks the cognitive means to find your own ass, given a highlighted map and a flashlight...
Pogue, your projection that I have ever taken ANY position that I am tolerant of leftism of any kind is typically absurd. Leftism is a cancer on the ass of humanity and exists for no other purpose than the give the lowest common intellectual denominator a political voice.

The simple fact is that leftism is the most lethal ideology in the history of the species; having, in the last century ALONE murdered 150 million people, whose only crime was they contested leftism... that this oracle of hate and those of which it comprised try to advertise themselves as tolerant and compassionate is simply a certain sign of it being nothing less than the pure embodiment of evil.

Now as to posts where I've stated I was going to rid the world of leftists... I've said that history proves that leftism will result in cultural collapse and that when that inevitably comes to pass, that you idiots will take to the streets to demand that to which you erroneusly believe you are entitled and that when THAT happens, Americans... of which I am one, will impart merciless violence upon you people, as we defend our God given rights from the unjustified threat. And that such will result in the absolute destruction of the ideological leftwithin the Geographic area of the United States, where not one person will so much as admit that they even entertained a leftist notion... and from that will rise a free nation, in which will never again rest the idiocy that a nation can endure when it overtly tolerates those who openly advance ideas which stand antithetical to the principles on which that nation rests.

Now I realize that the above position is vastly more complex than what a pogue such as yourself is able to comprehend, and while that tickles me to no end... I just want you to know that I think you're a dispicable human being, who worships a false ideology and who lacks the cognitive means to find your own ass, given a highlighted map and a flashlight...

He was commenting on the complete and utter idiocy of you bitching about tolerance for other peoples ideas, considering you are advocating killing liberals.

Oh, and nice touch about a free country where everyone agrees with each other, or else they get killed. How very Orwellian of you.
Does that mean McCain gets thrown in there too? :lol:

And I agree with Editec above for the most part but Editec failed to mention the Ayers thread.

Though the Ayers thread count has seemed to die down since the debate.

Only because it has been acknowledged that the 'run of the mill' voter will not understand the connections by 11/4, not that they aren't there.

All will feel the effects afterwards though, if the polls are spot on.
He was commenting on the complete and utter idiocy of you bitching about tolerance for other peoples ideas, considering you are advocating killing liberals.

Oh, and nice touch about a free country where everyone agrees with each other, or else they get killed. How very Orwellian of you.

Yeah Jackass... I got it and I ran off 300 words kicking the rheotorical shit out of that idiocy. I have absolutely NO TOLERANCE for that which is intolerable.

I understand how you feel... you don't think its fair that people can't think in such a way that they can go about undermining the culture. I imagine if we could ask them, that your average virus probably wouldn't think it very fair that we spend so much time and money preventing it from destroying us... and my response to the virus is my response to you and your comrades:

I don't give a flying red rats ass what you think is fair. I am something well beyond sick of hearing you idiots drone on with your mindless platitudes... Some imbecile of your ilk is running an avatar with a Hussein banner conveying the message: Beliefs you can believe in... or some absurdity to that effect.

That message is absolutely devoid of reasoning... it is an utter non sequitur and a candidate for President of the US, allowed his name to be put on it. Now either that candidate is as stupefyingly ignorant as the member which placed it as an avatar or he understands what it is and set it out for the consumption of those he KNOWS WILL BUY INTO IT... BECAUSE HE KNOWS THAT THEY ARE IMBECILES.

You people are a damn menace. You're complete fucking idiots. Which would be bad enough, but at least tolerable if you did not have the means to cast a vote, or become established in a position of power...

We will destroy you... but we will do so as we defend ourselves from you. And that you're not able to recognize that as being a salient point; a point which defines the distinction between murder and killing in the defense of murder... says far more about you than anything else, while PROVING MY POINT!
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According to Wurzelbacher, he was a plumber who was considering buying his boss’s business, which grossed between $250,000 and $280,000 a year. He was worried that Obama’s plan, which would allow the Bush tax cuts for those earning more than $250,000 to lapse, would kick him into a higher tax bracket.

But according to Ohio records, Wurzelbacher doesn’t even have a plumber’s license. He worked under his boss’s license, but that would still require him to have a journeyman’s or apprentice license under Ohio law.

And it turns out he didn’t have a solid plan to buy the business.

Since a business is taxed on net not gross it is a good thing he had no solid plan to buy it. What an idiot...
It's interesting to watch. The McCain-Palin campaign constructs some sort of construct which is used to condemn Obama-Biden. But one by one the constructs crumble and leave MCain-Palin looking really, really stupid.

The only danger for Obama is that the populus may have given him the game already. They still need to get out and vote. But it's for Obama to lose.

In all of this he has kept his demeanour, kept his temper and looked like the president the US needs. His opponents look like an unmitigated rabble.

Did you read what you wrote? Obama LOOKS presidential that does not make a President. He has no experience at much of nothing to run a country and we are in big trouble and we do not have time for on the job training.
We need a tuff experienced leader who can take the reins and pull us out of this mess. And McCain is not to old. How old you 20? I have freinds who are attending college that are considered seniors.

That is a myth as you age you get dumber or are no longer useful. Careful how you chartizice older people or Obama might think it is a good idea to put them down like he wants to to do to infants who survive a abortion.
Since a business is taxed on net not gross it is a good thing he had no solid plan to buy it. What an idiot...

You're assuming that Hussein will continue to endorse the idea that a business should only be taxed on its profits... Secondly, you're judging this guy at arms length and focusing on everything but the principle.

Perhaps you can tell us what right you or Hussein Obama has to confiscate the product of one man's labor and using that product to subsidize another...

(You'll pardon me if I don't hold my breath...)
I don't understand why Joe (aka, Sam) couldn't have just asked his question without lying about who he was or about his income and background.

Oh wait. I guess Joe (aka Sam) was just there to concern troll Obama, and he didn't want to admit to Obama's face that as a working unliscensed day laborer he would benefit more from Obama's tax plan.
You're assuming that Hussein will continue to endorse the idea that a business should only be taxed on its profits... Secondly, you're judging this guy at arms length and focusing on everything but the principle. Perhaps you can tell us what right you or Hussein Obama has to confiscate the product of one man's labor and using that product to subsidize another...

First, I can only respond to what he has proposed. Since his discussion with Joe was with respect to income tax and Obamas proposal the same thats where I will limit my comments. Second, the principle? Government has the right to confiscate because we gave it too them. As for how that confiscation is distributed anything other then the common good should be stopped. So tell me, is it for the common good for one individual to have his quality of life diminished by taxation while another doesn't?
First, I can only respond to what he has proposed. Since his discussion with Joe was with respect to income tax and Obamas proposal the same thats where I will limit my comments. Second, the principle? Government has the right to confiscate because we gave it too them. As for how that confiscation is distributed anything other then the common good should be stopped. So tell me, is it for the common good for one individual to have his quality of life diminished by taxation while another doesn't?

I believe that was the question to you? If you take 45% of my income and give someone else a check from the government, when they pay no taxes, whose life is being diminished? Perhaps you think it 'fair', but there is no doubt who is on the dirty side of the stick.

I believe that was the question to you? If you take 45% of my income and give someone else a check from the government, when they pay no taxes, whose life is being diminished? Perhaps you think it 'fair', but there is no doubt who is on the dirty side of the stick.

Not yours. We are talking about a progressive income tax that taxes only a portion of new discretionary income and in the case of the upper tax bracket starting at about 8 times over CoLA. You cannot argue that your life is being diminished when you have more money in your pocket to advance quality of life at the end then the beginning.
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