Joe McGinnis speaks out


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
Before a final farewell to Sarah, a comment about mainstream media hypocrisy, dishonesty and pretentiousness

MAINSTREAM MEDIA: SMUG, SMUGGER AND SMUGGEST… …while the real stories unfold outside their cloistered havens

There’s a guy named Howie Kurtz who spent a long time at the Washington Post sucking up to people in power.

That eventually got him on TV.

Howie subsequently left the Washington Post and went to the online site, Daily Beast.

But he kept his CNN Sunday morning gig.

On Sunday, Sept. 18, Howie hosted a panel of people who had not read THE ROGUE, but who felt entitled to comment on it anyway.

Most egregious was Steven Roberts, (husband of MSM/NPR doyenne Cokie Roberts,) who used to work for the New York Times, but who now finds himself teaching “journalism and media ethics” at George Washington University. For which fate I pity him.

Roberts felt entitled to say, “I would give Joe McGinniss a failing grade for ethics in my class from that book…I think the McGinniss book is a heap of trash from everything I’ve read about it.”

Question: Steve, what grade would you give yourself for commenting on–indeed trashing–a book you hadn’t read? Do you let your students at GWU turn in critiques of works they haven’t read? Do you grade their papers without reading them?

Michelle Cottle of Newsweek had the good grace and common sense not to denounce a book she hadn’t read yet. Nor to denounce its author. Thank you, Michelle. You behaved as a professional journalist should.

The third panelist, Ramesh Ponnuru, a senior editor at National Review–a magazine that has been gushing over Sarah Palin ever since its editor, Rich Lowry, became infatuated upon meeting her in Juneau in 2007–said, “I think McGinniss is coasting on his reputation.”

Question: Ramesh, what’s your basis for saying that when you haven’t even read The Rogue?

But I should be grateful to Ponnuru.

At least he acknowledged that I have a reputation.

Our friend Howie jumped all over him for giving me even that much credit for the twelve books I’ve published over 42 years.

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he's certaqinly right about that whore howie kurtz.

did you have any kind of point here?

When does your show appear on CNN and what publications do you write for like Kurtz?

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