Joe McCarthy Wasn't Wrong, Just Early

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
400 ^ | April 26, 2019 | Wayne Allyn Root

In a recent column of mine, I commented, "Joe McCarthy wasn't wrong, just early." I was being flippant. I was trying to make light of the Democratic Party's turn toward radical, extreme, Marxist, anti-American rhetoric.

I had no idea how right I really was.

I'm not being flippant anymore. Joe McCarthy would've had a field day with today's Democratic politicians. He'd be a hero for defending America from evil, radical Marxist politicians posing as "Democrats." We'd be giving him ticker-tape parades.

The House Un-American Activities Committee served as a model for McCarthy in the Senate. Let me ask you bluntly: How much more un-American can you get than the ideas espoused by Democrats in the past few days?

First, I'll start with the usual suspect, Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar. I know radical Marxist Democrats want to rewrite history, but Omar's latest claim is ridiculous. She retweeted the claim that Jesus Christ was a Palestinian. Folks, Jesus was a Jew, born into a Jewish family. It doesn't get simpler or more factual than that. Jesus' parents, Mary and Joseph, were Jewish. I know this breaks Democrat Omar's heart, but Jesus wasn't a Muslim. He's the founder of Christianity, not ISIS, Hamas or Hezbollah.

But this is par for the course for Omar. In 2017, she wrote a Twitter post framing American soldiers as the bad guys in the Black Hawk Down incident in Somalia, during which 19 American soldiers died. She clearly hates Jews, Israel, America and U.S. soldiers. Never forget that Nancy Pelosi put Omar on the House Foreign Affairs Committee. How un-American can you get?

Days ago, on Easter morning, Islamic terrorists targeted Christians at churches in Sri Lanka. More than 300 people died. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton tweeted their condolences, but they refused to use the word "Christians" to describe the victims. And neither would use the word "Islamic" to describe the murderers. How un-American can you get?

The Democrat-dominated New York Legislature just passed a law that gives free college tuition to illegals. Days later, the Legislature killed a proposal for tuition assistance for Gold Star families -- the children of U.S. military vets killed while fighting for our freedoms. How un-American can you get?

But I've saved the best for last: Bernie Sanders announced his new plan for allowing murderers and rapists to vote from prison. Democrats are no longer satisfied with ex-felons voting. Now, they want felons to vote while still behind bars. The worst of the worst are qualified to vote, according to Bernie. Mass murderers, rapists, pedophiles, even terrorists. According to Bernie, they all have a God-given right to vote.

According to Bernie's plan, Hitler, Stalin and all of history's worst mass murderers could vote from their prison cells if they were alive today. According to Bernie, the Boston bomber should vote. If they were alive, Bernie would allow Charles Manson, Ted Bundy and the Boston Strangler to vote.

How low can you go? How un-American can you get? Democrats are certainly testing the waters for 2020.

Like I said, McCarthy wasn't wrong, just early.


NO. NOT EARLY. He was a visionary and he saw the truth and it smacked him right in the face. That was the time to nip it in the bud.


McCarthy wanted to pull up the weeds while there were only one or two in the garden. Instead, they were allowed to flourish, and today’s DemonRAT party is the result.
The Democrat-dominated New York Legislature just passed a law that gives free college tuition to illegals. Days later, the Legislature killed a proposal for tuition assistance for Gold Star families -- the children of U.S. military vets killed while fighting for our freedoms.

Here's your answer.

Operation Enduring Freedom...2337 war dead...1997 White...97% Male

Table 10, p.11-12

Wont let me post the link.

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