Joe Biden’s Religion: Catholicism or Leftism


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

Joe Biden’s Religion: Catholicism or Leftism

October 19, 2012
By Dennis Prager

Only when Catholicism agrees with leftism is Joe Biden prepared to impose it. When his Catholicism does not agree with leftism, it is reduced to being a matter of personal matter of faith, no more binding on non-Catholics than receiving the Eucharist.

And in this regard he is no different from many Jews and Protestant Christians. Their religious expression may be Judaism or Christianity, but their religion, like Biden’s, is leftism. Which is why liberal Jews and liberal Christians have much more in common than liberal Jews have with conservative Jews or liberal Christians have with conservative Christians. They share what they deem truly important — leftism.

Joe Biden’s Religion: Catholicism or Leftism?

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