

Gold Member
Jun 15, 2004
Hot air ballon
What about obama's laser like focus on jobs? I heard on the radio as i was driving to an appt, a gentlemen mentioned how he lost his job last year and through his factory job he was able to afford a company reduced insurance plan for his entire family. this gentlemen can't understand obama's very unlaser like focus on the economy, because if people had jobs, the could afford health insurance.

perhaphs obama is purposefully slowing the job recovery. he promised a laser like focus his first year in office, yet we have seen little, if any, results. perhaps instead of a nanny system healthcare, why don't we focus on creating jobs and empowering our citizens to afford healthcare?
What about obama's laser like focus on jobs? I heard on the radio as i was driving to an appt, a gentlemen mentioned how he lost his job last year and through his factory job he was able to afford a company reduced insurance plan for his entire family. this gentlemen can't understand obama's very unlaser like focus on the economy, because if people had jobs, the could afford health insurance.

perhaphs obama is purposefully slowing the job recovery. he promised a laser like focus his first year in office, yet we have seen little, if any, results. perhaps instead of a nanny system healthcare, why don't we focus on creating jobs and empowering our citizens to afford healthcare?

That doesn't mesh with his agenda.
What about obama's laser like focus on jobs? I heard on the radio as i was driving to an appt, a gentlemen mentioned how he lost his job last year and through his factory job he was able to afford a company reduced insurance plan for his entire family. this gentlemen can't understand obama's very unlaser like focus on the economy, because if people had jobs, the could afford health insurance.

perhaphs obama is purposefully slowing the job recovery. he promised a laser like focus his first year in office, yet we have seen little, if any, results. perhaps instead of a nanny system healthcare, why don't we focus on creating jobs and empowering our citizens to afford healthcare?

You DID see that a jobs bills passed this week, RIGHT?
What about obama's laser like focus on jobs? I heard on the radio as i was driving to an appt, a gentlemen mentioned how he lost his job last year and through his factory job he was able to afford a company reduced insurance plan for his entire family. this gentlemen can't understand obama's very unlaser like focus on the economy, because if people had jobs, the could afford health insurance.

perhaphs obama is purposefully slowing the job recovery. he promised a laser like focus his first year in office, yet we have seen little, if any, results. perhaps instead of a nanny system healthcare, why don't we focus on creating jobs and empowering our citizens to afford healthcare?

You DID see that a jobs bills passed this week, RIGHT?

DID you not notice how his first year was a failure....this little job bill (second year) is like sand grain compared to what he has with the stimulus....but go ahead and continue apologizing for your dear leader
What about obama's laser like focus on jobs? I heard on the radio as i was driving to an appt, a gentlemen mentioned how he lost his job last year and through his factory job he was able to afford a company reduced insurance plan for his entire family. this gentlemen can't understand obama's very unlaser like focus on the economy, because if people had jobs, the could afford health insurance.

perhaphs obama is purposefully slowing the job recovery. he promised a laser like focus his first year in office, yet we have seen little, if any, results. perhaps instead of a nanny system healthcare, why don't we focus on creating jobs and empowering our citizens to afford healthcare?

You DID see that a jobs bills passed this week, RIGHT?

But they said that the stimuless was creating jobs and only 1/3 of that money has been spent so they passed another jobs bill . . . because the stimuless is creating jobs.
The jobless recovery worked for Bush....

but, but...........boooooooooooooooosh

the tarp has actually been credited for doing a great deal for the economy, next...never ceases to amaze at how weak the dems are in defending obama, it nearly always has to be about bush....i mean, without bush, how would obama have any defenses?
The stock market is at an 18 month high :beer:

Cycle Up
Cycle Down
Cycle Up again.
That is the nature of the market. The Stimulus did not change that little fact. It just increased the debt for which someone will have to pay.
By someone I mean the hard working American citizens, because the politicians never seem to pay.
The jobless recovery worked for Bush....

but, but...........boooooooooooooooosh

the tarp has actually been credited for doing a great deal for the economy, next...never ceases to amaze at how weak the dems are in defending obama, it nearly always has to be about bush....i mean, without bush, how would obama have any defenses?

Without Bush putting us 5 trillion or so in debt?
Without the the finiancial crash?
without the Iraq war?

You need to be more precise.

show where I defend obama.
I just despise bush.
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show where I defend obama.
I just despise bush.
Whereas I don't defend Bush Jr, I just despise Obama's socialist policies.
Bush ran up against the treachery of Clinton and Gore who wanted Al Quaeda to hijack a few planes so they could old Bush for ransom. Not in their wildest dreams did they envision the WTC, rather something like the Iran Hostage situation which they hoped would damage Bush's credibility. After 911 there were no good options. Personally, I would have supported wiping Mecca and Medina off the face of the planet (give advance warning so the cities could be evacuated but level them) - Bush chose a different option, but it cost a lot. Iraq was a strategic mistake - anyone able to count rifles knew it would stretch our forces thin.

Now however Obama is not just spending on "heritage" issues, he is spending more than ever before, siphoning money off to his cronies and ignoring the debt. It is almost as if he hopes the nation will completely collapse so he can declare martial law and set himself up as Barack I, King of the Greater United States and all their Imperial Possessions.
The jobless recovery worked for Bush....

but, but...........boooooooooooooooosh

the tarp has actually been credited for doing a great deal for the economy, next...never ceases to amaze at how weak the dems are in defending obama, it nearly always has to be about bush....i mean, without bush, how would obama have any defenses?

Without Bush putting us 5 trillion or so in debt?
Without the the finiancial crash?
without the Iraq war?

You need to be more precise.

show where I defend obama.
I just despise bush.

when someone repeatedly blames bush while giving obama a pass.....obvious is obvious to the thread topic:

obama and jobs...i wonder if you can drop your bush obsession and actually talk about obama, you "claim" you don't defend him, then show us, stop talking about bush, and focus on obama, if you can

your little games may fool some, but they don't fool most of us brought up the stock market, care to answer my question about i posed a few posts up?
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What about obama's laser like focus on jobs? I heard on the radio as i was driving to an appt, a gentlemen mentioned how he lost his job last year and through his factory job he was able to afford a company reduced insurance plan for his entire family. this gentlemen can't understand obama's very unlaser like focus on the economy, because if people had jobs, the could afford health insurance.

perhaphs obama is purposefully slowing the job recovery. he promised a laser like focus his first year in office, yet we have seen little, if any, results. perhaps instead of a nanny system healthcare, why don't we focus on creating jobs and empowering our citizens to afford healthcare?

You DID see that a jobs bills passed this week, RIGHT?

DID you not notice how his first year was a failure....this little job bill (second year) is like sand grain compared to what he has with the stimulus....but go ahead and continue apologizing for your dear leader

A failure, huh. I"m not sure if I'd call passing the stimulus bill a failure. Neither would I call getting different healthcare bills through the senate and house a failure. YOu have to remember, your side lost the election. So, things you think are important may not be at the top of his agenda.
What about obama's laser like focus on jobs? I heard on the radio as i was driving to an appt, a gentlemen mentioned how he lost his job last year and through his factory job he was able to afford a company reduced insurance plan for his entire family. this gentlemen can't understand obama's very unlaser like focus on the economy, because if people had jobs, the could afford health insurance.

perhaphs obama is purposefully slowing the job recovery. he promised a laser like focus his first year in office, yet we have seen little, if any, results. perhaps instead of a nanny system healthcare, why don't we focus on creating jobs and empowering our citizens to afford healthcare?

You DID see that a jobs bills passed this week, RIGHT?

You ARE aware of the unearned income tax raise in the HRC arent you?
You DID see that a jobs bills passed this week, RIGHT?

DID you not notice how his first year was a failure....this little job bill (second year) is like sand grain compared to what he has with the stimulus....but go ahead and continue apologizing for your dear leader

A failure, huh. I"m not sure if I'd call passing the stimulus bill a failure. Neither would I call getting different healthcare bills through the senate and house a failure. YOu have to remember, your side lost the election. So, things you think are important may not be at the top of his agenda.

are you really this stupid? jobs are not on the top of obama's agenda :lol:

there you have it folks, according to beowolf, obama lied about focusing on jobs his first year
You DID see that a jobs bills passed this week, RIGHT?

DID you not notice how his first year was a failure....this little job bill (second year) is like sand grain compared to what he has with the stimulus....but go ahead and continue apologizing for your dear leader

A failure, huh. I"m not sure if I'd call passing the stimulus bill a failure. Neither would I call getting different healthcare bills through the senate and house a failure. YOu have to remember, your side lost the election. So, things you think are important may not be at the top of his agenda.

So you are pleased that the stimulus bill allowed unemployment hitting a high that was over 25% above what Obama said would be the result of the stimulus?

You are pleased that a democratic president got a bill through a democratic fillibuster proof congress but could not get it passed?

So if those two things are not important to you....what exactly is?
What about obama's laser like focus on jobs? I heard on the radio as i was driving to an appt, a gentlemen mentioned how he lost his job last year and through his factory job he was able to afford a company reduced insurance plan for his entire family. this gentlemen can't understand obama's very unlaser like focus on the economy, because if people had jobs, the could afford health insurance.

perhaphs obama is purposefully slowing the job recovery. he promised a laser like focus his first year in office, yet we have seen little, if any, results. perhaps instead of a nanny system healthcare, why don't we focus on creating jobs and empowering our citizens to afford healthcare?

You DID see that a jobs bills passed this week, RIGHT?

You ARE aware of the unearned income tax raise in the HRC arent you?

And this tidbit of info has WHAT to do with the JOBS bill?
You DID see that a jobs bills passed this week, RIGHT?

You ARE aware of the unearned income tax raise in the HRC arent you?

And this tidbit of info has WHAT to do with the JOBS bill?

Everything to do with it.

It is an offset.

Are you aware of what unearned income is? Are you aware of who is the majority of those with unearned income is?

If you were, you would not have asked the question of what one has to do with another.

So lets call it even and move forward on something else.

Plans for the weekend?

70 and sunny to the beach.

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