Jobs Saved or Created Update

i've asked this a bunch of times, but no one has ever been able to answer it

just HOW does one quantify a "saved job"?

Well, Dive... it's quite simple; this calculation rests in the principle of Excremente Bovinitus...

Thus one simply projects through the ethereal jobs saved algorithm that which is directly proportionate to the value of belief... this is compounded exponentially by the multiplier relative to the common gullibility factor and divided by the perception of reality, relative to that given value.

Ergo; where a job exist in a declining value of market reality; the gullibility of the perceiver is proportionate to the desire to believe, relative to the force of the projection; thus the existence of a job, is equal to ‘Job Saved.’
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Job Creation comes from job market creation. Without new business, technologies, and industries there will be no job creation. Additionally, taking jobs from one industry and shoving them over to another does not count either.

Obama pledges to take $65 billion from the domestic petroleum industry in his quest to "move away from a carbon based economy". This money will be diverted to creating "green" jobs.

Give it time to work, folks.

WOW! So he's taking 65 WHOLE BILLION to create Green Jobs... ?

MAN! Considering the bureaucratic liability heaped upon the system by the Eco-Cranks and the Left at large... That's like 5000 JOBS! WOO HOO


Oh wait... if one considers the effect of Tort liability... against the certainty of the Unintended Consequences that come with such idiocy... we're really only talking about topping off the tank of those who already have a job... So, we're back to no jobs.

BUT! Clinton got credit for the 20 million pretend jobs that were created by the tech-bubble of Y2K... so...

WE'RE SAVED!... if perception actually is reality.

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