Jobs illegal aliens take from americans.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Americans were cleaning your toilet, cutting your lawn, collecting your garbage, washing your cars, baby sitting your brats, cleaning up after you, doing our dirty laundry, taking care of your lazy old grandmother and wiping her butt before those jobs were taken from them by illegal aliens. And it was not that long ago.

American Chronicle | 97% of Illegal Aliens Take Jobs That ...
Apr 7, 2006 ... 3% of Illegal Aliens Do Low-Paid Stoop Agricultural Labor; the Remaining 97% Take Jobs That Americans Want and Need ...
American Chronicle | 97% of Illegal Aliens Take Jobs That Americans Want and Need - Cached

Impacts of Illegal Immigration: Jobs
That summer I took a job in a Dole Pineapple plant where for 12 hours a day, .... Illegal immigrants compete for jobs normally done by America's poor. ...
Impacts of Illegal Immigration: Jobs - Cached - Similar

Myths and lies of illegal immigration - Articles - THE AMERICAN ...
Jan 4, 2004 ... Illegal aliens are NOT doing work Americans won't do. What jobs won't Americans do? In most states, Americans still clean their own houses, ...
Myths and lies of illegal immigration - Articles - THE AMERICAN RESISTANCE FOUNDATION - Cached - Similar
Illegal Immigrants are almost never high skilled labor. The hurt the poor most of all.

Of course, most agricultural harvesting should be forced to mechanize or find other sources of labor. They whine that they cannot afford it. Of course not, they have nigh slave labor to do the job. This is one place where ethics and employment surely do cross. There are so many laws not being enforced here from Immigration to Labor.

Americans will do hard labor, but not at Central American prices.

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