Jobless Ann Romney (1 person) vs Jobless Welfare Queens (millions)


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
I now see the left wing's newest hate campaign is against Mitt Romney's wife, because she doesn't have a job, and instead decided to be a stay at home mom. This, supposedly, is evil, immoral, or un-American.....or the left wouldnt target it. So she didn't buy into the feminist movement of working, instead choosing the traditional role of a mother at home. Her husband was successful in the private sector, and their family chose that. Whats the big deal?

AND...if her actions are so wrong........when will the left attack the millions of welfare queens who do nothing but sit at home, collect government benefits, have more kids, and probably blow their extra cash on the lottery (not speculation, stats show the lottery is played far more by those in poverty)?

The left wont attack Occupy Wall Street morons who REFUSE to take a job because they feel it is beneath them or simply because they dont want entry level work. They wont attack a person who is on government benefits, for life, but perfectly capable of working....just too lazy or dumb to work. But they WILL attack the wife of a businessman who earned his money in the private sector, because she....well....chose to stay at home and raise kids.

Liberals....are you gonna be consistent here? If you attack Mrs. Romney for not working......I'll await your attack on OWS'ers and welfare queens for doing the same. Although it's not the "same", as the Romney family has contributed something to society, while many of the millions of OWS'ers and welfare leeches have not.
I hope Ann Romney does what Palin did in 2008, filling stadiums with screaming women loving her to death! then lets see how MSNBC reports it. I just see her sharing the stage with Palin during the Romney Campaign, where lines formed outside arenas (like when Palin was Campainging and thousands of women couldn't get in.)
I now see the left wing's newest hate campaign is against Mitt Romney's wife, because she doesn't have a job, and instead decided to be a stay at home mom. This, supposedly, is evil, immoral, or un-American.....or the left wouldnt target it. So she didn't buy into the feminist movement of working, instead choosing the traditional role of a mother at home. Her husband was successful in the private sector, and their family chose that. Whats the big deal?

AND...if her actions are so wrong........when will the left attack the millions of welfare queens who do nothing but sit at home, collect government benefits, have more kids, and probably blow their extra cash on the lottery (not speculation, stats show the lottery is played far more by those in poverty)?

The left wont attack Occupy Wall Street morons who REFUSE to take a job because they feel it is beneath them or simply because they dont want entry level work. They wont attack a person who is on government benefits, for life, but perfectly capable of working....just too lazy or dumb to work. But they WILL attack the wife of a businessman who earned his money in the private sector, because she....well....chose to stay at home and raise kids.

Liberals....are you gonna be consistent here? If you attack Mrs. Romney for not working......I'll await your attack on OWS'ers and welfare queens for doing the same. Although it's not the "same", as the Romney family has contributed something to society, while many of the millions of OWS'ers and welfare leeches have not.

I would ten times rather see the mother stay at home with the children, provided she can, rather than have kids and then dump them in a daycare everyday. God knows WHAT they are doing to your kids. And look the cases of the abusive nannies/babysitters found with hidden cameras. The Mormons are extremely family oriented. My daughter's long time friend through school was Mormon. The mother never worked, though she did have a 4 year college degree and HAD worked at one point, but with 10 kids, kind of hard. That's her choice, she's picking up the tab, so what? I've enjoyed working, but that's me, and I would never have wanted 5 kids of either gender. But, to each his own.
I now see the left wing's newest hate campaign is against Mitt Romney's wife, because she doesn't have a job, and instead decided to be a stay at home mom. This, supposedly, is evil, immoral, or un-American.....or the left wouldnt target it. So she didn't buy into the feminist movement of working, instead choosing the traditional role of a mother at home. Her husband was successful in the private sector, and their family chose that. Whats the big deal?

AND...if her actions are so wrong........when will the left attack the millions of welfare queens who do nothing but sit at home, collect government benefits, have more kids, and probably blow their extra cash on the lottery (not speculation, stats show the lottery is played far more by those in poverty)?

The left wont attack Occupy Wall Street morons who REFUSE to take a job because they feel it is beneath them or simply because they dont want entry level work. They wont attack a person who is on government benefits, for life, but perfectly capable of working....just too lazy or dumb to work. But they WILL attack the wife of a businessman who earned his money in the private sector, because she....well....chose to stay at home and raise kids.

Liberals....are you gonna be consistent here? If you attack Mrs. Romney for not working......I'll await your attack on OWS'ers and welfare queens for doing the same. Although it's not the "same", as the Romney family has contributed something to society, while many of the millions of OWS'ers and welfare leeches have not.

you mean her husband daddy that whiped his ass in life set him up high sector world of business and gave him millions lol
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I hope Ann Romney does what Palin did in 2008, filling stadiums with screaming women loving her to death! then lets see how MSNBC reports it. I just see her sharing the stage with Palin during the Romney Campaign, where lines formed outside arenas (like when Palin was Campainging and thousands of women couldn't get in.)

I agree with you. I HOPE Romeny does this. You see how well it worked for McCain, right?
I hope Ann Romney does what Palin did in 2008, filling stadiums with screaming women loving her to death! then lets see how MSNBC reports it. I just see her sharing the stage with Palin during the Romney Campaign, where lines formed outside arenas (like when Palin was Campainging and thousands of women couldn't get in.)

Agree!! But correct me if I'm wrong but didn't the Left bitch about Sarah not spending time with her kids and working as governor when she should have been home with them? I swear, there is no pleasing those people!
I now see the left wing's newest hate campaign is against Mitt Romney's wife, because she doesn't have a job, and instead decided to be a stay at home mom. This, supposedly, is evil, immoral, or un-American.....or the left wouldnt target it. So she didn't buy into the feminist movement of working, instead choosing the traditional role of a mother at home. Her husband was successful in the private sector, and their family chose that. Whats the big deal?

AND...if her actions are so wrong........when will the left attack the millions of welfare queens who do nothing but sit at home, collect government benefits, have more kids, and probably blow their extra cash on the lottery (not speculation, stats show the lottery is played far more by those in poverty)?

The left wont attack Occupy Wall Street morons who REFUSE to take a job because they feel it is beneath them or simply because they dont want entry level work. They wont attack a person who is on government benefits, for life, but perfectly capable of working....just too lazy or dumb to work. But they WILL attack the wife of a businessman who earned his money in the private sector, because she....well....chose to stay at home and raise kids.

Liberals....are you gonna be consistent here? If you attack Mrs. Romney for not working......I'll await your attack on OWS'ers and welfare queens for doing the same. Although it's not the "same", as the Romney family has contributed something to society, while many of the millions of OWS'ers and welfare leeches have not.

you mean her husband daddy that whiped his ass in life i set him up high sector world of business and gave him millions lol

If some of the welfare queens' baby-daddies would stick around, work, stay out of jail/off drugs, MAYBE they could set up a pattern of responsible work and an adult life that would set-up THEIR offspring for a more promising future.

You do know...that setting up your child to have a positive future, even a head start, is NOBLE, not a sin, right? Although the left demonizes the idea setting up one's child with a head start, its really an ok thing to do, ya know?

But maybe Mitt's dad should've been a REAL man, and skipped out, done drugs, and left nothing for Mitt's future.........that would've made him a noble, respectable Obama supporter then, right?

It amazes me how you people demonize success and the idea of giving one's child a head start in life.
I now see the left wing's newest hate campaign is against Mitt Romney's wife, because she doesn't have a job, and instead decided to be a stay at home mom. This, supposedly, is evil, immoral, or un-American.....or the left wouldnt target it. So she didn't buy into the feminist movement of working, instead choosing the traditional role of a mother at home. Her husband was successful in the private sector, and their family chose that. Whats the big deal?

AND...if her actions are so wrong........when will the left attack the millions of welfare queens who do nothing but sit at home, collect government benefits, have more kids, and probably blow their extra cash on the lottery (not speculation, stats show the lottery is played far more by those in poverty)?

The left wont attack Occupy Wall Street morons who REFUSE to take a job because they feel it is beneath them or simply because they dont want entry level work. They wont attack a person who is on government benefits, for life, but perfectly capable of working....just too lazy or dumb to work. But they WILL attack the wife of a businessman who earned his money in the private sector, because she....well....chose to stay at home and raise kids.

Liberals....are you gonna be consistent here? If you attack Mrs. Romney for not working......I'll await your attack on OWS'ers and welfare queens for doing the same. Although it's not the "same", as the Romney family has contributed something to society, while many of the millions of OWS'ers and welfare leeches have not.

you mean her husband daddy that whiped his ass in life i set him up high sector world of business and gave him millions lol

If some of the welfare queens' baby-daddies would stick around, work, stay out of jail/off drugs, MAYBE they could set up a pattern of responsible work and an adult life that would set-up THEIR offspring for a more promising future.

You do know...that setting up your child to have a positive future, even a head start, is NOBLE, not a sin, right? Although the left demonizes the idea setting up one's child with a head start, its really an ok thing to do, ya know?

But maybe Mitt's dad should've been a REAL man, and skipped out, done drugs, and left nothing for Mitt's future.........that would've made him a noble, respectable Obama supporter then, right?

It amazes me how you people demonize success and the idea of giving one's child a head start in life.

who is the welfare queen
republicans like white dudes that get millions from daddy, dont do shit and their daddy puts them hooks them up in the business positions . like bush and romney
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republicans like white dudes that get millions from daddy, dont do shit and their daddy puts them high hooks them up in the business positions . like bush and romney

Thats right. A real man would skip out on his kids, get put in jail, disappear, and leave his baby-momma and rugrat to fend for themselves. Screw the idea of giving your kids a better future. Thats for white Republicans, right dude?
I now see the left wing's newest hate campaign is against Mitt Romney's wife, because she doesn't have a job, and instead decided to be a stay at home mom. This, supposedly, is evil, immoral, or un-American.....or the left wouldnt target it. So she didn't buy into the feminist movement of working, instead choosing the traditional role of a mother at home. Her husband was successful in the private sector, and their family chose that. Whats the big deal?

AND...if her actions are so wrong........when will the left attack the millions of welfare queens who do nothing but sit at home, collect government benefits, have more kids, and probably blow their extra cash on the lottery (not speculation, stats show the lottery is played far more by those in poverty)?

The left wont attack Occupy Wall Street morons who REFUSE to take a job because they feel it is beneath them or simply because they dont want entry level work. They wont attack a person who is on government benefits, for life, but perfectly capable of working....just too lazy or dumb to work. But they WILL attack the wife of a businessman who earned his money in the private sector, because she....well....chose to stay at home and raise kids.

Liberals....are you gonna be consistent here? If you attack Mrs. Romney for not working......I'll await your attack on OWS'ers and welfare queens for doing the same. Although it's not the "same", as the Romney family has contributed something to society, while many of the millions of OWS'ers and welfare leeches have not.

Is it known whether or not the Romneys had servants (like maids, cooks, etc), or did Mitt's wife handle it all by herself?
you mean her husband daddy that whiped his ass in life i set him up high sector world of business and gave him millions lol

If some of the welfare queens' baby-daddies would stick around, work, stay out of jail/off drugs, MAYBE they could set up a pattern of responsible work and an adult life that would set-up THEIR offspring for a more promising future.

You do know...that setting up your child to have a positive future, even a head start, is NOBLE, not a sin, right? Although the left demonizes the idea setting up one's child with a head start, its really an ok thing to do, ya know?

But maybe Mitt's dad should've been a REAL man, and skipped out, done drugs, and left nothing for Mitt's future.........that would've made him a noble, respectable Obama supporter then, right?

It amazes me how you people demonize success and the idea of giving one's child a head start in life.

who is the welfare queen

The one's cheering about getting some "Obama money", from his "stash". Or that say they wont have to pay bills anymore because he'll take care of them. Or........just visit any gas station at 3pm, in a poor neighborhood, and see the woman buying a shitload of groceries on her food stamp card, then whip out the cash to pay for beer, cigarettes and lottery tickets.
New Hate campaign? Because a DNC advisor wasn't specific enough when she criticized Ann for pretending to be in touch with people who have to work for a living?

Of's a new Faux Hate campaign. All all the righties are outraged......again.
If some of the welfare queens' baby-daddies would stick around, work, stay out of jail/off drugs, MAYBE they could set up a pattern of responsible work and an adult life that would set-up THEIR offspring for a more promising future.

You do know...that setting up your child to have a positive future, even a head start, is NOBLE, not a sin, right? Although the left demonizes the idea setting up one's child with a head start, its really an ok thing to do, ya know?

But maybe Mitt's dad should've been a REAL man, and skipped out, done drugs, and left nothing for Mitt's future.........that would've made him a noble, respectable Obama supporter then, right?

It amazes me how you people demonize success and the idea of giving one's child a head start in life.

who is the welfare queen

The one's cheering about getting some "Obama money", from his "stash". Or that say they wont have to pay bills anymore because he'll take care of them. Or........just visit any gas station at 3pm, in a poor neighborhood, and see the woman buying a shitload of groceries on her food stamp card, then whip out the cash to pay for beer, cigarettes and lottery tickets.

you mean you are talking about white poor southern people right, since white people are on welfare the most.
New Hate campaign? Because a DNC advisor wasn't specific enough when she criticized Ann for pretending to be in touch with people who have to work for a living?

Of's a new Faux Hate campaign. All all the righties are outraged......again.

im still trying to figure out where did she have work experience in work force
I now see the left wing's newest hate campaign is against Mitt Romney's wife, because she doesn't have a job, and instead decided to be a stay at home mom. This, supposedly, is evil, immoral, or un-American.....or the left wouldnt target it. So she didn't buy into the feminist movement of working, instead choosing the traditional role of a mother at home. Her husband was successful in the private sector, and their family chose that. Whats the big deal?

AND...if her actions are so wrong........when will the left attack the millions of welfare queens who do nothing but sit at home, collect government benefits, have more kids, and probably blow their extra cash on the lottery (not speculation, stats show the lottery is played far more by those in poverty)?

The left wont attack Occupy Wall Street morons who REFUSE to take a job because they feel it is beneath them or simply because they dont want entry level work. They wont attack a person who is on government benefits, for life, but perfectly capable of working....just too lazy or dumb to work. But they WILL attack the wife of a businessman who earned his money in the private sector, because she....well....chose to stay at home and raise kids.

Liberals....are you gonna be consistent here? If you attack Mrs. Romney for not working......I'll await your attack on OWS'ers and welfare queens for doing the same. Although it's not the "same", as the Romney family has contributed something to society, while many of the millions of OWS'ers and welfare leeches have not.

You see...If you are a stay at home mom, that usually means you are married.

Thats the problem right there. Democrats have waged war on families for decades.

Democrats invented the marraige penalty, they are the ones that championed the single parent household. Now half of all births in the US are to single parents. An entire generation now more then likely unbalanced.
I hope Ann Romney does what Palin did in 2008, filling stadiums with screaming women loving her to death! then lets see how MSNBC reports it. I just see her sharing the stage with Palin during the Romney Campaign, where lines formed outside arenas (like when Palin was Campainging and thousands of women couldn't get in.)

I agree with you. I HOPE Romeny does this. You see how well it worked for McCain, right?

It did work for McCain. It could not overcome McCain himself, mostly because he had a reputation for being soft on illegal immigration, but he wouldn't have done as well as he did had it not been for Sarah Palin. Since that unfortunate campaign, Palin can STILL fill a stadium, McCain can't.

If Palin made a few appearances with Ann Romney, that is all it will take. They are both heroic women. In case the men haven't gotten the message, any woman that survives breast cancer is heroic. It's is why millions and millions of them march every year and what made the Konen Foundation such a success (at least until it was discovered they bankrolled planned parenthood).
You see...If you are a stay at home mom, that usually means you are married.

Thats the problem right there. Democrats have waged war on families for decades.

Democrats invented the marraige penalty, they are the ones that championed the single parent household. Now half of all births in the US are to single parents. An entire generation now more then likely unbalanced.

Oh, crap, OF COURSE!! It was right in front of me. So.....

- If you are a female, married (not gay married, just regular married), not-employed, staying home to raise kids, and have a husband who makes the money, you are BAD.

- If you are a female, unmarried (or gay married), not-employed, staying at home to raise kids, and have no baby-daddy in the picture and rely on gov't for money, you are GOOD.

Now I get it.
I now see the left wing's newest hate campaign is against Mitt Romney's wife, because she doesn't have a job, and instead decided to be a stay at home mom. This, supposedly, is evil, immoral, or un-American.....or the left wouldnt target it. So she didn't buy into the feminist movement of working, instead choosing the traditional role of a mother at home. Her husband was successful in the private sector, and their family chose that. Whats the big deal?

AND...if her actions are so wrong........when will the left attack the millions of welfare queens who do nothing but sit at home, collect government benefits, have more kids, and probably blow their extra cash on the lottery (not speculation, stats show the lottery is played far more by those in poverty)?

The left wont attack Occupy Wall Street morons who REFUSE to take a job because they feel it is beneath them or simply because they dont want entry level work. They wont attack a person who is on government benefits, for life, but perfectly capable of working....just too lazy or dumb to work. But they WILL attack the wife of a businessman who earned his money in the private sector, because she....well....chose to stay at home and raise kids.

Liberals....are you gonna be consistent here? If you attack Mrs. Romney for not working......I'll await your attack on OWS'ers and welfare queens for doing the same. Although it's not the "same", as the Romney family has contributed something to society, while many of the millions of OWS'ers and welfare leeches have not.

you mean her husband daddy that whiped his ass in life set him up high sector world of business and gave him millions lol jealous? so what atleast he's not as hypocritcal and changes his story nearly as often as you liberals. First Palin was mean to leave her kids at home, Now Romeny's wife has to? hmmmmmm
I now see the left wing's newest hate campaign is against Mitt Romney's wife, because she doesn't have a job, and instead decided to be a stay at home mom. This, supposedly, is evil, immoral, or un-American.....or the left wouldnt target it. So she didn't buy into the feminist movement of working, instead choosing the traditional role of a mother at home. Her husband was successful in the private sector, and their family chose that. Whats the big deal?

AND...if her actions are so wrong........when will the left attack the millions of welfare queens who do nothing but sit at home, collect government benefits, have more kids, and probably blow their extra cash on the lottery (not speculation, stats show the lottery is played far more by those in poverty)?

The left wont attack Occupy Wall Street morons who REFUSE to take a job because they feel it is beneath them or simply because they dont want entry level work. They wont attack a person who is on government benefits, for life, but perfectly capable of working....just too lazy or dumb to work. But they WILL attack the wife of a businessman who earned his money in the private sector, because she....well....chose to stay at home and raise kids.

Liberals....are you gonna be consistent here? If you attack Mrs. Romney for not working......I'll await your attack on OWS'ers and welfare queens for doing the same. Although it's not the "same", as the Romney family has contributed something to society, while many of the millions of OWS'ers and welfare leeches have not.

Is it known whether or not the Romneys had servants (like maids, cooks, etc), or did Mitt's wife handle it all by herself?

Or a nanny. You know, like Barry had when he was little.

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