Jimmy Carter Offers To Help Russia In Their Bombing Campaign In Syria


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2012
So. Cal.
What do you all think about this?

“I sent [Putin] a message Thursday and asked him if he wanted a copy of our map so he could bomb accurately in Syria, and then on Friday, the Russian embassy in Atlanta—I mean in Washington, called down and told me they would like very much to have the map,” Carter said at his Sunday school class in Georgia, according to a video of his remarks first aired by NBC News. “So in the future, if Russia doesn’t bomb the right places, you’ll know it’s not Putin’s fault but it’s my fault,” he added as the audience laughed.

Jimmy Carter offers help for Russia’s bombing campaign in Syria
Maybe he's trying to top laying a wreath on Yassir Arafat's tomb.

Carter's family is supported by arabs------both his son-in-law----a mediocre mind which is a
"computer programmer" and his daughter an "executive" ---"WORK"""" in a Arabian
not for profit "institution" -----he is eager to maintain the relationship.
Carter was in SUNDAY SCHOOL? I went to sunday school a few times with
a neighbor playmate-------I colored a cartoon of Jesus holding a lamb.-------Carter
attends sunday school in order to commit treason against the USA?
What do you all think about this?

“I sent [Putin] a message Thursday and asked him if he wanted a copy of our map so he could bomb accurately in Syria, and then on Friday, the Russian embassy in Atlanta—I mean in Washington, called down and told me they would like very much to have the map,” Carter said at his Sunday school class in Georgia, according to a video of his remarks first aired by NBC News. “So in the future, if Russia doesn’t bomb the right places, you’ll know it’s not Putin’s fault but it’s my fault,” he added as the audience laughed.

Jimmy Carter offers help for Russia’s bombing campaign in Syria

Geez go die already will ya. Carter, not you OP. :)
What do you all think about this?

“I sent [Putin] a message Thursday and asked him if he wanted a copy of our map so he could bomb accurately in Syria, and then on Friday, the Russian embassy in Atlanta—I mean in Washington, called down and told me they would like very much to have the map,” Carter said at his Sunday school class in Georgia, according to a video of his remarks first aired by NBC News. “So in the future, if Russia doesn’t bomb the right places, you’ll know it’s not Putin’s fault but it’s my fault,” he added as the audience laughed.

Jimmy Carter offers help for Russia’s bombing campaign in Syria

Geez go die already will ya. Carter, not you OP. :)
You just touched on something significant. Carter has always been bitter about his loss in 1980 and has poked the American people in the eye many times since then. I think he saw this as an opportunity to give his country a farewell "fuck you" on his way out. Fortunately he's not in a position to fire off a nuke somewhere or I'm sure he would.
What do you all think about this?

“I sent [Putin] a message Thursday and asked him if he wanted a copy of our map so he could bomb accurately in Syria, and then on Friday, the Russian embassy in Atlanta—I mean in Washington, called down and told me they would like very much to have the map,” Carter said at his Sunday school class in Georgia, according to a video of his remarks first aired by NBC News. “So in the future, if Russia doesn’t bomb the right places, you’ll know it’s not Putin’s fault but it’s my fault,” he added as the audience laughed.

Jimmy Carter offers help for Russia’s bombing campaign in Syria

Geez go die already will ya. Carter, not you OP. :)
You just touched on something significant. Carter has always been bitter about his loss in 1980 and has poked the American people in the eye many times since then. I think he saw this as an opportunity to give his country a farewell "fuck you" on his way out. Fortunately he's not in a position to fire off a nuke somewhere or I'm sure he would.

I do not mean to be crude------but is that jerk still alive?
Well, I do mean to be crude. You are all one stupid bunch of assholes. President Carter is a better man than any two of you put together.

I do not agree and his AIDING THE ENEMY does not impress me as a "FINE PERSON"-----
His tenure in the white house was a nitemare for the world
Carter is a bitter and pathetic little man who never had any business being in a position of power.
Carter is a bitter and pathetic little man who never had any business being in a position of power.

the "power" thing filled the empty space in his head (should I call it the "power vacuum"?) ----
and it REMAINS there------he cannot move away from the idea that ------no one cares what's
on his putative mind
Carter is a good man who publicly recognized the duplicitous underhanded nature of the Israeli juden. ........ :cool:

Just like the Islamic hero adolf hitler and Ossam bin Laden whose glorious career was galvanized
by Carter
Well, I do mean to be crude. You are all one stupid bunch of assholes. President Carter is a better man than any two of you put together.
He's a really kind man, his work, after Ofc, puts him in rare company.

his work in Ofc puts him at the bottom of the list.

And nothing he has done makes it ok for him to go to russia on his own and offer our secrets to them.

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