Jillian! Even The NY Times Has The Poll Results


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003

Disconnect between Obama's personal ratings and issues. Cognitive dissonance is setting in:

June 18, 2009
Obama Poll Sees Doubt on Budget and Health Care

A substantial majority of Americans say President Obama has not developed a strategy to deal with the budget deficit, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll, which also found that support for his plans to overhaul health care, rescue the auto industry and close the prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, falls well below his job approval ratings.

A distinct gulf exists between Mr. Obama’s overall standing and how some of his key initiatives are viewed, with fewer than half of Americans saying they approve of how he has handled health care and the effort to save General Motors and Chrysler. A majority of people said his policies have had either no effect yet on improving the economy or had made it worse, underscoring how his political strength still rests on faith in his leadership rather than concrete results.

As Mr. Obama finishes his fifth month in office and assumes greater ownership of the problems he inherited, Americans are alarmed by the hundreds of billions of dollars that have been doled out to boost the economy. A majority said the government should instead focus on reducing the federal deficit....
at this point the american public must begin to pay attention to the issues. get over electing the first black president. get over his birth certificate, it is a done deal, time to move on.

many of us, expected obama to really do what he said he would..hit the ground running with a vetted staff in place. that has not happened.

pull out of iraq and afghanistan in what was it 90 days....that has not been done

legal pot...or at least decrimalize it...nope, seems his short term memory has forgotten that....including not raiding state clinics...but that has been done...

his selection of hillary for sec of state....i think was a mistake....the democratic party is still having an infight....clintons want control....heavy is the head that wears the crown...

and everyone get over this he is the messiah or the anti christ...he is nothing but a slick politican ..now let us see if he can hand on for a 2nd term...

but i agree with what bill mahre said....why the fuck isnt he showing some spine...stand up to these people...dont be so damned nampie pampie
as for the ussc nomintion: judges never seem to be the same once they get that life time judgeship, they are free to act on hopefully the constitution. hell do they even know we have one?
Public Wary of Deficit, Economic Intervention - WSJ.com

Nearly seven in 10 survey respondents said they had concerns about federal interventions into the economy
A solid majority -- 58% -- said that the president and Congress should focus on keeping the budget deficit down, even if takes longer for the economy to recover.
Mr. Obama's overall job approval and personal ratings have slipped, particularly among independent voters. His job approval rating now stands at 56%, down from 61% in April

I really like this part.

In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, President Obama acknowledged the toll.

"If you have an argument made frequently enough -- whether it's true or not -- it has some impact," he said Tuesday. "If you want to attack a Democratic president, how are you going to attack him? Well, you're going to talk about how he wants more government and he wants to socialize medicine and he's going to be oppressive towards business. I mean, that's pretty standard fare."

Kind of like how when the president makes an argument over and over again whether it's true or not to push his agendas?

Or this is this old chestnut

"I suppose we could just stand pat and not do anything on either of those fronts...That's been tried for four or five decades. And in both energy and health care, the problems have gotten worse, not better," he said.

Now, not wanting to do what the president is pushing is not the same as wanting to do nothing but that's one of those arguments he makes over and over again even though it's not true.
Polls show a consistant fact, a lot of people like BO, many do NOT like his polices.

If he continues to be ineffective his personal appeal will also slip.

Disconnect between Obama's personal ratings and issues. Cognitive dissonance is setting in:

June 18, 2009
Obama Poll Sees Doubt on Budget and Health Care

A substantial majority of Americans say President Obama has not developed a strategy to deal with the budget deficit, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll, which also found that support for his plans to overhaul health care, rescue the auto industry and close the prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, falls well below his job approval ratings.

A distinct gulf exists between Mr. Obama’s overall standing and how some of his key initiatives are viewed, with fewer than half of Americans saying they approve of how he has handled health care and the effort to save General Motors and Chrysler. A majority of people said his policies have had either no effect yet on improving the economy or had made it worse, underscoring how his political strength still rests on faith in his leadership rather than concrete results.

As Mr. Obama finishes his fifth month in office and assumes greater ownership of the problems he inherited, Americans are alarmed by the hundreds of billions of dollars that have been doled out to boost the economy. A majority said the government should instead focus on reducing the federal deficit....

Or maybe its due to the fact that people vote, in part, based on personality? This isn't a new phenomenon, why is this so surprising to you?
Interestingly, I think it's more a function of the constant and persistent whining from the right wing loonies. The people who didn't vote for him were never going to approve anyway....

and the people on the left are ticked off that he hasn't been ballsy enough on don't ask, don't tell; gitmo; health care and a bunch of other issues. I think it's time for him to stop accommodating the right. How do you like that?

there's your drop... no bigs. *shrug*
Interestingly, I think it's more a function of the constant and persistent whining from the right wing loonies. The people who didn't vote for him were never going to approve anyway....

and the people on the left are ticked off that he hasn't been ballsy enough on don't ask, don't tell; gitmo; health care and a bunch of other issues. I think it's time for him to stop accommodating the right. How do you like that?

there's your drop... no bigs. *shrug*

jillian - Like all politicians Democrats say and do whatever it takes to get elected except Democrats are worse... They change their mind depending on what the public wants. Like was mentioned earlier they don't have a spine to stand for what they believe in... Partially because the American people are still center right leaning... and what Democrats believe in the majority of people don't want... They could legalize pot, pull the troops, let every illegal immigrant in for free, etc... but they know they would also have to deal with the consequences... Obama is finding this out that is why he is afraid to please the far left because he knows he won't get re-elected....

Just the facts....
Interestingly, I think it's more a function of the constant and persistent whining from the right wing loonies. The people who didn't vote for him were never going to approve anyway....

and the people on the left are ticked off that he hasn't been ballsy enough on don't ask, don't tell; gitmo; health care and a bunch of other issues. I think it's time for him to stop accommodating the right. How do you like that?

there's your drop... no bigs. *shrug*

Interesting analysis. So it's the opposition that controls the polls? Who'd have thought? :lol: So influential on everyone that voted your way, why isn't it working on you? Oh but I guess it is, glad to see you too think he should be accountable:
jillian said:
he hasn't been ballsy enough on don't ask, don't tell; gitmo; health care and a bunch of other issues.
So yeah, looks like it is 'bigs'.
Interestingly, I think it's more a function of the constant and persistent whining from the right wing loonies. The people who didn't vote for him were never going to approve anyway....

and the people on the left are ticked off that he hasn't been ballsy enough on don't ask, don't tell; gitmo; health care and a bunch of other issues. I think it's time for him to stop accommodating the right. How do you like that?

there's your drop... no bigs. *shrug*

Just wait for the Minnesota Supreme Court to rule in favor of Franken so we get that 60th seat. Things will really pick up then.

But you are right that the right was never going to say he's doing a good job.

And people on the left tend to attack our own. We'll call Obama out for things like, saying he wants to give the Federal reserve more power??? I am sooo disappointed.

But you are right, the public is being bombarded by the right saying Obama is a socialist, or he's on tv too much, or whatever. Or that he's going to raise taxes, or continue to fund the war.

I'm not 100% happy with him either.

But the one that makes me laugh is when my right wing neo nut buddies say that Obama MUST do something about Iran. :cuckoo:

Such as?

And if he does anything, they'll say he should have stayed out of it.

But to hear my right wing nut job friends say that we should do something about Iran's election, is absolutely laughable. First off, they stole our elections in 2000 and 2004. Should Iran have stepped in? :lol:

And if Obama sides with Amadenijad's opponent, then it'll get Iranians to side with Amadenijad, so we are better to shut up and let it play out.

And I'm not going to listen to right wingers when they complain that Obama is giving the bankers more power. That's what they want too. They want less government and more private corporations running our country, so while I agree giving the bankers more power is bullshit, I don't like the righties using it against Obama when they should be applauding him. If it were bush they would be.
Interestingly, I think it's more a function of the constant and persistent whining from the right wing loonies. The people who didn't vote for him were never going to approve anyway....

and the people on the left are ticked off that he hasn't been ballsy enough on don't ask, don't tell; gitmo; health care and a bunch of other issues. I think it's time for him to stop accommodating the right. How do you like that?

there's your drop... no bigs. *shrug*

Interesting analysis. So it's the opposition that controls the polls? Who'd have thought? :lol: So influential on everyone that voted your way, why isn't it working on you? Oh but I guess it is, glad to see you too think he should be accountable:
jillian said:
he hasn't been ballsy enough on don't ask, don't tell; gitmo; health care and a bunch of other issues.
So yeah, looks like it is 'bigs'.

Its "bigs" in the sense that Obama is losing support...but look at the support of Republicans. They aren't exactly picking up the support Obama is losing.

Only 25% have a favorable view of the Republicans, compared with 45% for Democrats and 60% for Obama.

Maybe you should be looking at the Republican party and figuring out why the American populace hates them so much, as opposed to attempting to take down Obama.
Interestingly, I think it's more a function of the constant and persistent whining from the right wing loonies. The people who didn't vote for him were never going to approve anyway....

and the people on the left are ticked off that he hasn't been ballsy enough on don't ask, don't tell; gitmo; health care and a bunch of other issues. I think it's time for him to stop accommodating the right. How do you like that?

there's your drop... no bigs. *shrug*

Interesting analysis. So it's the opposition that controls the polls? Who'd have thought? :lol: So influential on everyone that voted your way, why isn't it working on you? Oh but I guess it is, glad to see you too think he should be accountable:
jillian said:
he hasn't been ballsy enough on don't ask, don't tell; gitmo; health care and a bunch of other issues.
So yeah, looks like it is 'bigs'.

Its "bigs" in the sense that Obama is losing support...but look at the support of Republicans. They aren't exactly picking up the support Obama is losing.

Only 25% have a favorable view of the Republicans, compared with 45% for Democrats and 60% for Obama.

Maybe you should be looking at the Republican party and figuring out why the American populace hates them so much, as opposed to attempting to take down Obama.

Why should I? They are the same as the Dems.
Interesting analysis. So it's the opposition that controls the polls? Who'd have thought? :lol: So influential on everyone that voted your way, why isn't it working on you? Oh but I guess it is, glad to see you too think he should be accountable: So yeah, looks like it is 'bigs'.

Its "bigs" in the sense that Obama is losing support...but look at the support of Republicans. They aren't exactly picking up the support Obama is losing.

Only 25% have a favorable view of the Republicans, compared with 45% for Democrats and 60% for Obama.

Maybe you should be looking at the Republican party and figuring out why the American populace hates them so much, as opposed to attempting to take down Obama.

Why should I? They are the same as the Dems.

The Republican party is the same as the Dems? Really? Is this why Republicans have significantly lower approval ratings than Dems? :lol:
Its "bigs" in the sense that Obama is losing support...but look at the support of Republicans. They aren't exactly picking up the support Obama is losing.

Only 25% have a favorable view of the Republicans, compared with 45% for Democrats and 60% for Obama.

Maybe you should be looking at the Republican party and figuring out why the American populace hates them so much, as opposed to attempting to take down Obama.

Why should I? They are the same as the Dems.

The Republican party is the same as the Dems? Really? Is this why Republicans have significantly lower approval ratings than Dems? :lol:
Nope, they're currently out of power. However it's the same policies, which is why there's little difference between Bush and Obama, other than the spending has gone from gargantuan to something I'm missing an adjective for. Still, it's a matter of degrees.
Why should I? They are the same as the Dems.

The Republican party is the same as the Dems? Really? Is this why Republicans have significantly lower approval ratings than Dems? :lol:
Nope, they're currently out of power. However it's the same policies, which is why there's little difference between Bush and Obama, other than the spending has gone from gargantuan to something I'm missing an adjective for. Still, it's a matter of degrees.

HMMM let's see

Dimocrats when in power increase the size scope and cost of government
Repudlicans when in power increase the size scope and cost of government

Yup sound the same to me.
It took the wingnut republicans 30 years to pretty much screw up the work of FDR, Truman, Eisenhower, and Nixon. Even Carter gets credit here. Reagan began the slide to third world nation status. But of course Americans are tired of the problems caused by voodoo economics, people are people, what can you do. Americans are used to TV shows that solve all the problems of the world in an hour. I am telling and hoping Obama gets even more radical with single payer, gay marriage, and regulation. People forget once the train is righted or should that be lefted.
The Republican party is the same as the Dems? Really? Is this why Republicans have significantly lower approval ratings than Dems? :lol:
Nope, they're currently out of power. However it's the same policies, which is why there's little difference between Bush and Obama, other than the spending has gone from gargantuan to something I'm missing an adjective for. Still, it's a matter of degrees.

HMMM let's see

Dimocrats when in power increase the size scope and cost of government
Repudlicans when in power increase the size scope and cost of government

Yup sound the same to me.

Hmm, Republicans increase it by spying on Americans and spending huge amounts on wars and the military.

Democrats increase it by giving more rights and giving more government benefits.

Sounds really, really fucking different to me.
Why should I? They are the same as the Dems.

The Republican party is the same as the Dems? Really? Is this why Republicans have significantly lower approval ratings than Dems? :lol:
Nope, they're currently out of power. However it's the same policies, which is why there's little difference between Bush and Obama, other than the spending has gone from gargantuan to something I'm missing an adjective for. Still, it's a matter of degrees.

Little difference? :lol:
Only 25% have a favorable view of the Republicans, compared with 45% for Democrats and 60% for Obama.

Maybe you should be looking at the Republican party and figuring out why the American populace hates them so much, as opposed to attempting to take down Obama.
Twenty percent of US is Liberal and 40 percent is conservative. The problem with the Republican Party was that it didn't live up to it's so called "conservative standards" and conservatives are just independent minded enough to reject a party that doesn't live up to their standards. Liberals aren't so independent minded. This will have ramifications in the near future; about mid-term election time.

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